Greece: A Valuable Struggle


It’s not the Greek debt crisis which has shaken the finances of the Eurozone. The main cause is the international crisis of wild speculation started by the profits crisis. Putting to one side the technical facts of the crisis itself, which we deal with elsewhere, what we are left with is the state of collapse that parasitic capitalism has reached in the final phase of its crisis.

Don’t Vote - Prepare the Resistance


Our first struggles will be against the austerity policies of our elected leaders. Join us in the fight. We have a world to win. · What the Politicians are Not Saying · Politicians will usually say anything to get elected. The difference in this election is that that they are saying nothing to get elected.

Capitalist Global Crisis - Let’s Organise to Resist!


(ICT May Day 2010 Statement) · An Insoluble Crisis · It’s about three years since the sub-prime bubble burst shattering neo-liberal illusions that unlimited economic growth was possible on the basis of speculative financial games. Like a tsunami the mountains of speculative paper drowned out the real economy on which it was originally based, unleashing one of the worst crises in capitalist...

Greece: The Shape of Things to Come


The Cuts · Although hardly reported in our media Greek workers are resisting the austerity which the Greek and European ruling class has planned for them. This is the same ruling class which hid from the world the fact that the Greek budget deficit has been 4 times higher than publicly admitted. Greece’s public debt stands at almost twice that of the UK’s as a % of GDP.

Kyrgyzstan - at the Heart of Russian-US Rivalry


A few hours before the signing of the farcical “nuclear disarmament” agreement between Medvedev and Obama a violent revolt against the pro-American government of Bakiyev broke out. Almost a hundred dead and thousand wounded were left on the streets of the capital, Bishkek. The government fell and was immediately replaced by a “regency” in the person of Roza Otumbayeva, an ex-minister in the same...



Introduction · We are publishing again the “Theses on Parliamentarism”. We first published these in 1976 in Revolutionary Perspectives 3 [old series] which has for many years been out of print. We consider it timely to republish these theses for two principal reasons. The first is that the use of democracy as a weapon against the working class and in particular against independent class politics...

Dubai: Mirage of the Land of Plenty


Dubai is interesting, both because this tiny emirate, with hardly any natural resources, demonstrates all the arrogance of the world bourgeoisie, and because it was very recently hit by the financial bubble, which was already affecting the precarious balance of the global economy. We’ll take a brief look at the economic history of the Emirate, to explain the causes of the bubble, then try to...

Obama regime targets education for massive cuts


March 4th marked the start of renewed protests against education reform took place in California and across the US. The same day in Milwaukee, protesters were pepper sprayed and 15 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee students were arrested at a protest sponsored by new “Students for a Democratic Society”.

Centralised Party, Yes - Centralism over the Party, No!


(A Document by Onorato Damen) · CWO Introduction · We are presenting here an extract from the book Bordiga, validita e limiti d’una esperienza nella storia della “sinistra italiana” (Bordiga, Strengths and Weaknesses of an Experience in the History of the Italian Left) a collection of writings by Onorato Damen one of the principal architects of the Internationalist Communist Party which was...

The situation in Chile after the earthquake


Self-organization of the proletarians against the disaster, the lumpen-capitalists and state failure · (By an anonymous comrade) · It would be great, having this means of dissemination, if you could take into account what is happening in Concepción and its surrounding areas and other areas affected by the earthquake.

March 1st: for the unity in struggle of all the exploited


The attack on immigrant workers is an attack on the entire working class. The response must be solid without ethnic divisions! · (Leaflet given out on the occasion of the “Day Without Immigrants: 24 Hours Without Us”) · The Rosarno Revolt in Calabria briefly brought into the media spotlight the inhuman working and living conditions of the great majority of immigrant workers.

Capitalism’s Global Attacks Demand an International Response

Is the Worst of the Crisis Over? · Two years on and it is difficult to understate the depth of the debt crisis which has followed in the wake of the bursting of the financialisation bubble. As Martin Wolf reported in the Financial Times on January 27 2010; · “According to the IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report of April 2009, total support for the financial system from the governments and...


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