Recent publications


Party, Class and Soviets in the October Revolution (Second Edition, November 2007)

In this short history we cannot do full justice to the vitality of the Russian proletariat of 1917. What we have tried to show is that in its historically-discovered form of government, the soviets, it gave a lasting gain for the working class everywhere and how, despite its inevitable subjective errors (much magnified by our class enemy), the Bolshevik Party became a genuinely revolutionary instrument of the Russian proletariat.

Revolutionary Perspectives #34

Winter 2005 (Series 3)

US Election – Four More Years of the Same
Iraq: War, Elections and Class Struggle
Middle East: New Palestinian President, Old Problems Remain
China: Growing Economy, Growing Tensions
Ukraine: A Case of Imperialist Confrontation
"A Majestic Prologue" – The Russian Revolution of 1905
Gruppe Internationaler SozialistInnen Berlin Meeting
Correspondence: Communist Consciousness and Democracy
Tsunami: The Disaster is Capitalism

Revolutionary Perspectives #33

Autumn 2004 (Series 3)

European Social Forum – How do we Fight Capitalism?
Sudan: Genocide Today, Oil Tomorrow
Iraq: US Strategy in Tatters
Saudi Arabia About to Explode
Beslan: Another Episode of the Great Game
Class Struggle
Towards a German Section of the IBRP
A Built-in Failure: Capitalism and the Housing Question
The Matteotti Murder and Oil
Review: Fahrenheit 9/11

Revolutionary Perspectives #32

Summer 2004 (Series 3)

Class Struggle in Britain
IBRP Statement: Terrorism is a Weapon of Imperialist War
Terrorism, Imperialism and the Working Class
The USA and Islamic Terrorism
Quagmire in Iraq
Iranian Elections: The Hopelessness of Reform and the Capitalist Nature of the Islamic Republic
Israel: Sharon Rips Up the Road Map
No Solution to the Crisis in 2004
The Conecept of Decadence
EU Imperialism
