Left Communism in Turkey

English translation of text of recent leaflet on Turkish troops being sent to Lebanon by Internationalists in Turkey:

Soldiers being sent to Lebanon and Class Struggle

The country has been shaken by the heroic civil service workers who are struggling for their own needs. Civil servants are fighting against a system which doesn’t even allow them to go on strike for their own needs. The state is offering them a wage rise of 4%, considering that inflation is about 8%, this rise is actually a decrease of 4%. Civil servants did not accept this, and they conducted a true class struggle against the state.

Of course, other events were happening while civil servants were struggling. The PKK bombs which made one think that the timing couldn’t have been better for the Turkish state and of course the intense situation in Lebanon. Finally, the Turkish state decided to send troops to Lebanon.

Soldiers sent to Lebanon will participate in an imperialist war, and of course this will be in the interests of the Turkish state. As nationalism is against the working class and class struggle by its nature, the state will attempt to destroy the class struggle for “national interests” by showing the children of workers whom it sent to Lebanon. This is why workers in Turkey should not only keep struggling, but also give the strongest reaction against sending troops to Lebanon.

For Internationalism and Workers Struggle!

Enternasyonalist Komünist Sol/Internationalist Communist Left


I tried to put some longer stuff here, but it rejected the texts as too long. This leaflet was short so I put it up.


Welcome, Devrim!

A length limit is set because we want to avoid this forum becoming a board for long articles... and monologues. A forum is for discussions, after all. We're sorry about it but we hope you can understand.

Anyway, we're glad to receive your contributions. If you have more documents and long leaflets, please consider contacting the PCInt through its main email address, or even the CWO for english texts.

  • [[batcom@ibrp.org]]
  • [[cwo@ibrp.org]]

We'll evaluate them for publishing as contributed material.

Long live the class struggle in Turkey! Keep informing us.