IBRP on Libcom

From a post somebody made on Libcom. I thought you might like to respond there:

First off I saw the other discussion on the IBRP and the ICC, but there was so much arguing and barely any concrete information. I have a comrade whom I asked for an opinion of the IBRP from and he responded with 6 main reasons why he would think twice about working closely with them...






Thanks for that Devrim. BlackHawk had already replied and give a very interesting account of our history (which only proves we need to provide a document on this). I just added some further bits to try to clarify it. It is funny that these libcom people love discussing an organisation that none of them would ever consider writing to directly!

I read a document about your history that J sent us. I found it quite informative. Maybe you should publish that on the internet.



The document you refer to has been seen by most comrades who would like to see it published but as it was just a response to an enquiry from someone in the USA it has to be checked, and then made into a more substantial document. This is being done.