From Spain Revolutionary Salutations

Excuse my poor English. I'd like to be in contact with your current. I have define me as LUXEMBURGUIST but that is not an absolute definition: I think that the theorics aportations of diferent "Link-Kommunist" are very valuable. The item of special value I find in Luxemburg is the Humanist wiev, that in another currents, maybe, its no so important.

I expect for you to participate in Internationalist Luxemburguist Forum (sorry, I'm does'nt record the link at this moment, look for at google, or I edit it in another message.

P.D. A question ¿What's your difference with "orthodox bordiguist" and his "organic centralism?. They support the represion of Kronstadt (¿And you?). I knew a crew of this people and they look like a little "people of another planet". And they supported that "dictatorship of proletarian" its equal to "dictatorship of party" and "Worker Councils" were only "chains of transmision" of the CP.



Hey petrichencko,

There are important differences between us and the bordigists, first the dictatorship of the proletariat is not the same of dictatorship of the party.

While the first explains that the PROLETARIAN CLASS has taken the power and is going to organize herself trough the power they got with the help of the revolutionary party and their own organizational power, that the class have acuired consciusness or is on the best way get it , the second explains only an other kind of anti class dictatorship of one element above the hole class. That is cause the bordigists see themself as the thinking head of the class while the proletariat, like in the capitalist system, would only finish to be the arms that just work and don't think, also if "Lorsignori" are comunists... or better say a new type of intellectual stalinists.

And if we speak about chains of transmission, in their particular view, they recognise as revolutionary, chains of transimission, that transmit actual existent borgeois logics that well work for the dominant class.

Their organic centralism let them say that all the theory they find in their own left comunist library is to reputate valid in any times, likely to say that marxist action don't suppose that capitalism develop on his economic bases, so theory never need checks, also if the reason of a revolutonary check is to give the revolutonary equation between theory and action, between revolutonary consciusness and dominant thinking, the conflict of interests, that is the marxist reason of the class fight against the borgoisie.

In our organization we use democratic centralism, every decision is voted by the comunity of the militants, and every persons get responsabilities in the name of the future organized proletariat, in our vision like in marxist vision, can be excanged in case the delegate person wants to take personal power trough the decisions of the revolution.

In the next post, if other comrades don't anticipate me, we will explain better how different democratic centralism is different from organic centralism.



Organic v democratic centralism

I agree with everything Rivolunzio said. Just to add a comment on the difference between organic centralism and democratic centralism. Organic centralism is based on the idea that the programme is the main arbiter of any dispute and that the programme does not change and has not changed since 1848 (i.e the Communist Manifesto is the last word for the working class). We have two objections to this. The first is that the notion of the programme dominating debate still needs someone to interpret the programme for today. Who is this? Obviously, the most experienced members of the party. Thus there is no need to debate, vote or have a real life as a revolutionary organisation. Just listen to the elders! But in any organisation if the elders cannot convince the younger members to vote (under democratic centralist rules) for a policy then what kind of organisation is it?

This of course leads to the second issue. If the programme is "invariant" and has not changed since Marx's time what has the proletariat learned from the Paris Commune, the Russian Revoution, the Spanish Civil War and the collapse of Stalinism? In short organic centralism is a sterile notion which stifles any real political life inside the working class. This is one of the reasons why present-day Bordigism (we could say degenerated Bordigim but Bordiga is also responsible for this degeneration since he split with our tendency back in 1951) is sclerotic.

Thank you, its absolutly clear...

And I happy for that, I think better of your positions. The bordiguist who talk with me, told me about "masacres"(murders in masse) to be necessary to develop the socialism. Acten of course, they thougt "The dictactorship of proletarian will that be the party one".

Salud e internacionalismo!

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