Neither Ahmadinejad nor Mosavi Long live class struggle

Neither Ahmadinejad nor Mosavi

Long live class struggle

After the election circus, Ahmadinejad was presented as winner and this resulted in political confrontation and crisis between bourgeois gangs. The leader of one rival, Mosavi would not accept the result and mobilize protestors throughout the entire country which resulted in some demonstrators got wounded or killed. The fact is that in our epoch, in the epoch of decadent capitalism, parliament and elections are not than a mystification and the main task of parliament is, legislate wage slavery.

Mosavi, with his green flag, presented himself as a reformist. What does it means to be reformist? It was during Mosavi’s time as a Prime Minster that hundreds of striking worker jailed or were beaten to death. Thousands of political prisoners were executed when Mosavi was Prime Minster. Mass grave of political prisoners (Khavaran) was created when Mosavi was Prime Minster. This list can be very long. Mosavi is not less guilty than Ahmadinejad when it comes to workers right or other human right issues.

The green movement does not belong to workers and it belongs to a rival of bourgeois. We must avoid acting as canon fodder for any of the struggling bourgeois gangs. Instead of green flag, we must raise our flag, the flag of proletariat and the red flag.

Capitalism is the origin of all misery and adversity in the world. Capitalism means, a real hell, not only for working class but also for all humanity. We must never forget that capitalist democracy and capitalist dictatorship are two sides of the same coin. Where the Goddess of Freedom stands, thousands of workers are unemployed and homeless. In the paradise of capitalism, where the social democratic governments have been in place for more than hundred years, unemployment has been a nightmare for working class.

The future of our movement only depends on our struggle. We must expand our struggle, independent of all bourgeois gangs, against capitalism. Our slogan must be against wage slavery, exploitation, unemployment, inflation and we must spread our struggle from streets to workplaces in all sectors and if it is possible to other countries as well. Internationalist positions are very weak in Iran and its militants very isolated. We must try to break down this isolation and establish connection and collaboration with other internationalists throughout the world.

The working class is the only social class that can put an end to capitalist barbarism and misery. This alternative that communists had proposed in the past is more valid today than ever:

_“Communist revolution or the destruction of humanity!”
19 June 2009





Thanks for this. As you see we already posted the text (with a few corrections to the English) on the main site. What did you think our statement which we published just ahead of your text?

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