Internationalist Voice

Visit the site of Internationalist Voice. Internationalist voice is a very modest voice but internationalist. Strengthening this modest voice is going to strengthen the internationalist positions. Any critique, advice and feedback would be appreciated.

Web site:


Communist Revolution or the destruction of humanity!




Sorry for the delay in responding but we have been busy producing RP and did notice this post until an Italian comrade pointed it out. Thanks for informing us of your website and for informing us of your basic positons which are those of the communist left. In this case we have much in common. Do you want to discuss these here or would you prefer direct email contact? We have some clarifications to make on your last point on the role of revolutionaries and are happy to discuss them onthe forum but we will wait to see what you think before posting anything here. You can if you wish reply to our email.

Revolutionary Organisations and Class Consciousness (Part 1) published by Internationalist Voice, to read the article visit the site of Internationalist Voice.

Web site:


*Communist Revolution or the destruction of humanity!*

Revolutionary Organisations and Class Consciousness (Part 2) published by Internationalist Voice, to read the article visit the site of Internationalist Voice.

Web site:


*Communist Revolution or the destruction of humanity!*

Left Communism or the Left of Capital!

Published on the Debate page of the site.

To read it, visit the site of Internationalist Voice.

Web site:


*Communist Revolution or the destruction of humanity!*

Revolutionary Organisations and Class Consciousness (Part 3) published by Internationalist Voice, to read the article visit the site of Internationalist Voice.

Web site:


*Communist Revolution or the destruction of humanity!*

Long live workers' heroic resistance of Tekel!

*Long live workers' heroic resistance of Tekel!*

Published by Internationalist Voice, to read the statement visit the site of Internationalist Voice.

Web site:


*Communist Revolution or the destruction of humanity!*

Two movements, Two perspectives, Intensifying of the class strug

*Two movements, Two perspectives, Intensifying of the class struggle is the only alternative*

Published by Internationalist Voice, to read the article (English or Persian) visit the site of Internationalist Voice.

Web site:


*Communist Revolution or the destruction of humanity!*

Communiqué to our readers!

Communiqué to our readers!

To read it (English or Persian), please visit the site of Internationalist Voice.

Web site:


Revolutionary Organisations and Class Consciousness (Part 5)

Revolutionary Organisations and Class Consciousness (Part 5)

Revolutionary Organisations and Class Consciousness (Part 5) published by Internationalist Voice, to read the article, visit the site of Internationalist Voice.

Web site:


Communist Revolution or the destruction of humanity!

Long live the Communist Revolution!

  • Labour Day (May 1st), has been captured by the bourgeoisie, Long live the Communist Revolution!

Published by Internationalist Voice, to read the article (English or Persian), visit the site of Internationalist Voice.

Web site:


Communist Revolution or the destruction of humanity!

Stop discrediting of the left communist! Published by Internationalist Voice, to read the article, please visit the site of Internationalist Voice.

Web site:


Communist Revolution or the destruction of humanity!

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