Two Texts from the Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty

Instead of posting after the article I am posting this example of the lengths the DWP (and its hired goons) are going to to disqualify people from benefits. It comes from the Teesdale Mercury (owned by Lord Barnard so not yer radical rag - but the said article printed on January 4 has disappeared from their website!). I hope other people will post up further examples here too.

Gearge Hallimond "has had both legs amputated, three heart attacks, five stents fitted to his arteries and he takes 20 tablets a day to get him through the pain." But he will have to undergo an assessment to see if he is fit for work!

He has been refused prosthetic legs by the NHS (they say it would put too great a strain on his heart) and said "if they give me my legs I will go to work", The 54 year old said that the benefits work test was just the latest in long line of obstacles put in his way after he was badly injured in an accident at work (a tractor fell on him in 1999). MR hallimond was originally summoned to Billingham (about 30 miles away) for his assessment but when his GP wrote saying he could not make that journey (adding that he couldn't work either) the DWP (or their agents) then graciously said they would come to his house to carry out the assessment.

We know of comrades who have had their benefits cut altogether after firms acting for the DWP have claimed that they did not recieve forms and when they did get another one have delayed acting on the claim. Any more examples?


The system often dresses it real motive, cost cutting, behind a veil of compassion.

In the name of equality and inclusion, special provision for the needy is removed.

I hear on Radio4 that the special needs funding in Ireland has gone.

The barbarism can only grow, I set my mind on the beauty of the revolutionary party that will flower on this heap of shit.

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