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Type Titlesort ascending User Replies Date
News 15mila metri cubi di petrolio nel Lambro mic (editor) Tue, 2010-02-23 16:49
Article 150 Years On: The Split in the First International Dyjbas (editor) Fri, 2022-09-02 13:27
Article 150 anni dall’unità nazionale mic (editor) Tue, 2010-05-18 16:19
Faq 15. What is the financialization of economy? mic (editor) Mon, 2010-01-18 17:56
Faq 15. In cosa consiste la finanziarizzazione dell’economia? webmaster Sat, 2009-03-21 10:31
Faq 15. Czym jest finansjeryzacja ekonomii? webmaster Mon, 2014-04-21 15:07
Article 15 ottobre: la loro crisi e la nostra Karim (not verified) 1 Fri, 2011-10-14 09:50
Article 140 ans de la Commune. La commune n’est pas morte! webmaster Thu, 2012-02-09 17:42
Advert 14/3 - Parma - Frantumazione sociale webmaster Wed, 2007-03-14 13:00
Faq 14. Why does capitalism generate periodical crisis? How does it try to overcome them? mic (editor) Mon, 2010-01-18 17:55
Faq 14. Perché il capitalismo genera periodicamente crisi? Come cerca di superarle? webmaster Sat, 2009-03-21 10:30
Faq 14. Dlaczego kapitalizm generuje kryzysy okresowe? Jak próbuje z nich wyjść? webmaster Mon, 2014-04-21 15:05
Article 14 октября 2018 года исполнится 39 лет со дня кончины Онорато Дамена Cleishbotham (editor) Tue, 2018-10-09 10:50
Faq 13. What is the exploitation of the work force? mic (editor) Mon, 2010-01-18 17:50
Faq 13. In cosa consiste lo sfruttamento della forza lavoro? webmaster Sat, 2009-03-21 10:26
Faq 13. Czym jest wyzysk siły roboczej? webmaster Mon, 2014-04-21 15:04
Faq 12. Esistono ancora le classi sociali? webmaster Sat, 2009-03-21 10:18
Faq 12. Do social classes still exist? mic (editor) Mon, 2010-01-18 17:48
Faq 12. Czy klasy społeczne wciąż istnieją? webmaster Mon, 2014-04-21 15:03
Forum topic 12 dicembre raes 2 Tue, 2008-12-02 20:18
Faq 11. God, country, family. Aren’t they values to be defended? mic (editor) Mon, 2010-01-18 17:45
Faq 11. Dio, patria e famiglia. Non sono valori da difendere? webmaster Sat, 2009-03-21 10:14
Faq 11. Bóg, ojczyzna, rodzina. Czy nie są to wartości, których należy bronić? webmaster Mon, 2014-04-21 15:02
Forum topic 11-3-'77 bologna: un pò di filmati d'epoca Smirnov (editor) 2 Fri, 2008-03-14 15:14
News 102,289 jobs will be lost at 131 councils across Britain stevein7 Mon, 2011-01-10 13:00
