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Girlfriend shares murdered surfer's last voicemail

BBC News - Americas - Thu, 2024-05-09 16:29
Callum Robinson, his brother and a US friend were murdered in an apparent robbery attempt.
Categories: World news

Barron Trump to play role in Republican convention

BBC News - Americas - Thu, 2024-05-09 16:26
He will be among those who nominate his father, Donald Trump, as a candidate for November's election.
Categories: World news

Morto uno dei fondatori dello studio legato ai Panama Papers

Ansa - Mondo - Thu, 2024-05-09 16:23
Ramón Fonseca era implicato in un processo attualmente in corso
Categories: Notizie dal mondo

Usa 2024: Rfk, in passato un verme mi scavò un buco nel cervello

Ansa - Mondo - Thu, 2024-05-09 15:29
'Ma anche se ne mangiassi cinque vincerei e batterei Trump'
Categories: Notizie dal mondo

Israeli police raid studio linked to Al Jazeera

BBC News - Middle East - Thu, 2024-05-09 15:09
The incident comes after Israel targeted another of the broadcaster's offices in Jerusalem on Sunday.
Categories: World news

Israeli police raid studio linked to Al Jazeera

BBC News - Middle East - Thu, 2024-05-09 15:09
The incident comes after Israel targeted another of the broadcaster's offices in Jerusalem on Sunday.
Categories: World news

Stormy Daniels clashes with Trump lawyer over sex claim and cash

BBC News - Americas - Thu, 2024-05-09 14:55
The adult-film star's cross-examination continues after a very heated testimony on Tuesday.
Categories: World news

Alluvione a Rio Grande do Sul, bilancio sale a 107 morti

Ansa - Mondo - Thu, 2024-05-09 14:49
Oltre 232mila persone costrette a lasciare le proprie case
Categories: Notizie dal mondo

Alluvioni nel sud del Brasile, cavallo bloccato sopra un tetto

Ansa - Mondo - Thu, 2024-05-09 14:39
La moglie di Lula mobilita l'Esercito per salvare l'animale
Categories: Notizie dal mondo

Gallant 'ai nostri nemici e amici: Israele resisterà'

Ansa - Mondo - Thu, 2024-05-09 14:36
'Raggiungeremo i nostri obiettivi a sud e a nord'
Categories: Notizie dal mondo

Netanyahu ribadisce, 'Israele contro Hamas anche da solo'

Ansa - Mondo - Thu, 2024-05-09 14:35
'Ai leader del mondo dico: nessuna pressione'
Categories: Notizie dal mondo

Man detained for attempting to enter Drake's home

BBC News - Americas - Thu, 2024-05-09 14:32
It was the second incident to occur at Drake's Toronto home in just as many days.
Categories: World news

Man detained for attempting to enter Drake's home

BBC News - Americas - Thu, 2024-05-09 14:32
It was the second incident to occur at Drake's Toronto home in just as many days.
Categories: World news


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