A World on Fire

(Editorial for Revolutionary Perspectives 25 ( (Series 4).) · As the troubled year of 2024 drew to a close, Pope Francis threw open the holy doors of Rome’s four basilicas on Christmas Eve, and declared 2025 would be a year where “hope does not disappoint”, a “year of jubilee”. Yet it is difficult to see what most people have to be jubilant about, especially for those in the world’s multiple war...

Russian Imperialism After Assad: More Guns and Bullets are Heading to Africa


The Kremlin losing their main base for deploying forces into Africa and the Middle East has been a set back for Russian Imperialism and thus China and Iran despite them being primarily united by US & Western sanctions and by future sanctions against them. This is partially why Russia and Iran accepted the humiliation of withdrawing from Syria.

Right Populism Returns and the Threat of War Looms Large


In 2016, a New York City billionaire ran an unusual campaign for the Republicans. Fox News, a reliable mouthpiece of the Republican Party, initially fought against his rise, but when it became clear that there was no stopping this movement, the network and the American right drifted from distaste to tepid support, and quickly growing into fanatical devotion.

1905 in Poland: Documenting the Revolution

"That is why — we greet you, 22 January, as a day of remembrance of the great past — and a day of hope for the great future!" (SDKPiL, 1907) · To commemorate the 120th anniversary of the outbreak of the 1905 revolution we publish here some translations of contemporary flyers released by the Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania (SDKPiL) during the course of that revolution.

War, the Economy, the Proletariat: Notes on the War Economy


Introduction · "The contrast shown in these figures give us a picture of the characteristics of a war economy which today takes the form of a real war on wages.(1)" · The above quote is taken from a USB (Unione Sindacale di Base, a rank and file union) document, written for the state employees’ demonstration on 1 June 2024.

"A Majestic Prologue" - The Russian Revolution of 1905 (Part I)

(January 2025 marks 120 years since the 1905 revolution broke out across the Russian Empire. For this occasion, we publish here an article which originally appeared in 2005 in Revolutionary Perspectives 34 (Series 3) but had been previously unavailable on our site in text form.) · Bloody Sunday: “A Momentous Lesson in Civil War”(1) · It is exactly 100 years since the 1905 revolution in Russia...

Class Struggle in Sweden: Anger and Dissatisfaction with Trade Unions - And Then What?


It is now over fifty years since the return of the economic crisis, which marked the end of the reconstruction phase after the end of the Second World War. It triggered a wave of class struggle that culminated in the class struggles in Poland and the militant miners' strike in England. The defeats of these class struggles influenced the will and ability of the working class to develop its...

Communism: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?


"Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle. The modern industrial proletariat does not belong to the category of such classes." (Lenin, 1910) · The world stands at a crossroads. Economic crisis, the drive to war, ecological disasters, and societal collapse signpost a future full of suffering and destruction which is already...

It's Not Over


It has been over a month since the workers of Canada Post began their strike in defence against the crown corporations plans to attack wages; a paltry 11% increase after years of inflation! This is in addition to schemes to Uber-ize weekend work to further drive down wages in the long term and to increase precarity.

Myanmar: Where Instability, Perennial Wars and the Tatmadaw's Rule are Guaranteed


The Myanmar civil war is further destabilizing an already horrid social situation where wars have been constant since the country achieved national independence. Over the course of the conflict there's been peculiar Imperialist maneuvers by China, the national military’s (Tatmadaw) implacable ally.

Imperialism: What it Is, What it Isn't and How it Ends


(On Monday 18 November, the CWO held a public meeting in Manchester on the topic of imperialism. We publish here the presentation followed by notes from the discussion.) · The Presentation · ‘Imperialism’, in Marxist terms, has a specific definition. It is an economic definition that explains how capitalism came to dominate the world and how it continues to survive.

Anti-Fascism Against the Working Class


(On Saturday 9 November, the CWO held a public meeting in London on the topic of anti-fascism. We publish here the presentation followed by notes from the discussion.) · The Presentation · We are now in early November and today is the 106th anniversary of the start of the German Revolution.(1) Class struggle, started by the German sailors, put an end to the first imperialist world war.


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