In Memory of Olivier

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our comrade Olivier, which took place on July 3rd. · Only mortal illness was able to crush the generosity, passion and tenacity of a true revolutionary militant, who for more than fifty years fought to radically change this world, the inhuman world of the bourgeoisie, a world which has long outlived its usefulness.

France: At the Elections, Capitalism Always Wins!


(The New Popular Front, a coalition of centre-left and left-wing parties, has won the largest number of seats in the French National Assembly. But, as this article published by our comrades in France in the run up to the election shows, there is nothing to celebrate.) · Since President Macron launched his “grenade” following the defeat of his majority at the European elections, the media are...

The Healthcare Strike in Sweden: Unions NEVER Fight for Real!


The strike by the Vårdförbundet (Swedish Association of Health Professionals) is over. However, the nurses, biomedical analysts and midwives have no reason to celebrate. · The conflict has been going on since April and has escalated in several stages: first a blockade of new hires and overtime (not insignificant for occupational groups with a lot of overtime), then a strike, and finally additional...

Popular Front in France: A Deception in 1936, A Deception in 2024


We can't counter capitalism's attacks by voting for parties that claim to manage it! We counter them through class struggle and internationalism! · The French government’s rout at the last elections has brought the political impasse of the bourgeoisie to light. Since the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly, electoral manoeuvring is in full swing.

Voting Changes Nothing, Not Voting is Not Enough: For the Resumption of the Class Struggle!


It’s election fever! Following on from South Africa, India, and the EU, this year will also see the parliamentary pantomime play out in France, Iran, the UK and the USA. With the wars in Ukraine and Gaza and a refugee crisis in the background, it is issues of “national security” which will dominate the headlines.

Revolutionary Defeatism Today: Some Questions Answered


(In preparation for a public debate they are organising, the Péntek esti kísértetjárás ( collective in Hungary has sent us a set of question about revolutionary defeatism. We share our answers here, as they are a concise elaboration of our perspectives for today.) · 1. According to you, what is the relevance of revolutionary defeatism today? · The war in Ukraine, and now the war in Gaza, has...

Marx's Newly Unearthed Letter Reaffirms the Necessity of Internationalism and the Party


A letter in French by Karl Marx to Jules Guesde was recently unearthed, which we translate here: · "10th of May 1879 41 Maitland Park Road London NW · Dear Citizen Guesde, · No French refugee who has any relation to me would have any doubt about the deep sympathy I feel for you or of the great interest I have in your work.

The Housing Crisis in Canada


The housing crisis has been at the forefront of the media and the minds of almost every worker in Canada, the lack of affordable homes and a homeless crisis are discussed and the social ills behind them are analyzed by “experts”. The discussions usually revolve around how this crisis emerged, everything from placing the blame on drugs, foreign investors, immigrants, and even irresponsibility on...

Rwanda Plan: Capitalism Offers No Asylum


On 23 April the ‘Safety of Rwanda’ bill was passed in the House of Lords giving the go ahead for the British state to deport any and all asylum seekers who come to the UK to Rwanda for claims processing. When asked on BBC Question Time about what would happen to Congolese refugees fleeing the war with Rwanda, the Tory crime and policing minister said people from Rwanda would not be sent back,...

Unions Don’t Give You the Time of Day!


A vital and necessary point around which the class struggle has been fought throughout the history of capitalism is the reduction of the working day. May 1st, International Workers’ Day itself was established as part of the workers’ movement’s push for an 8 hour working day. This demand has by no means diminished over time.

Revolutionary Communist Party: Out With the Old, In With the Old


The International Marxist Tendency (IMT) is in the process of rebranding as the Revolutionary Communist International, with many of its national sections now taking the name of the Revolutionary Communist Party. According to the IMT, the time to launch a new International is now, since in the last decade there has been a “major shift in consciousness” – following the failure of the social...

To the Internationalists Attending the Prague Week of Action


Capitalism is past its sell by date and is dragging the planet and humanity towards an existential crisis. The system has been lurching from one expedient to the next to avert the consequences of the crisis that emerged with the end of the post-war boom in the early 1970s. But each expedient, whether it be de-localisation of production to low wage areas, the concomitant globalisation of trade...


Recent posts

Type Title User Replies Datesort ascending
Article L'acqua calda della borghesia Smirnov (editor) Fri, 2024-07-26 16:56
Article In Gedenken an unseren Genossen Olivier ikt (editor) Thu, 2024-07-25 11:45
Article CONCENTRAZIONI FINANZIARIE E BANCARIE Smirnov (editor) Sun, 2024-07-21 15:04
Article Till minne av Olivier Dyjbas (editor) Fri, 2024-07-19 14:45
Article Autonomismen: "Många blommor lite frukt" Dyjbas (editor) Fri, 2024-07-19 14:42
Publication Revolutionary Perspectives #24 Dyjbas (editor) Thu, 2024-07-18 14:26
Article In Memory of Olivier Dyjbas (editor) Wed, 2024-07-17 12:06
Article En mémoire de notre camarade Olivier Smirnov (editor) Tue, 2024-07-16 07:18
Article Il nostro compagno Olivier Smirnov (editor) Mon, 2024-07-15 14:22
Advert London Public Meeting Dyjbas (editor) Thu, 2024-07-11 12:08

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