September 2024
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The Internationalist Communist Tendency consists of (unsurprisingly!) not-for-profit organisations. We have no so-called “professional revolutionaries”, nor paid officials. Our sole funding comes from the subscriptions and donations of members and supporters. Anyone wishing to donate can now do so safely using the Paypal buttons below.
ICT publications are not copyrighted and we only ask that those who reproduce them acknowledge the original source (author and website Purchasing any of the publications listed (see catalogue) can be done in two ways:
- By emailing us at, or and asking for our banking details
- By donating the cost of the publications required via Paypal using the “Donate” buttons
The CWO also offers subscriptions to Revolutionary Perspectives (3 issues) and Aurora (at least 4 issues):
- UK £15 (€18)
- Europe £20 (€24)
- World £25 (€30, $30)
Take out a supporter’s sub by adding £10 (€12) to each sum. This will give you priority mailings of Aurora and other free pamphlets as they are produced.
ICT sections
Peterborough Bookfair
The CWO will have a stall at the Peterborough Radical Bookfair.
When: Saturday, 19 October 2024
Where: The George Alcock Centre, Whittlesey Rd, Stanground, Peterborough PE2 8QS
IWG Meetings
The IWG will be holding regular in-person meetings where sympathizers are encouraged to come and get in contact.
New York: Last Saturdays of the month 3:30pm at Peculier Pub (145 Beecker St)
Philadelphia: Last Saturdays of the month 11am at B2 cafe (1500 E Passyunk Ave)
Lambertville, New Jersey: Tuesdays 8/13, 8/20, and 8/27 at 7 PM in the Lambertville Library (6 Lilly Street, Lambertville, NJ), for discussions on the Russian Revolution and Counter-Revolution.
Columbus: Last Sunday of every month, from 8PM-10PM, at Kafe Kerouac (2250 N High St, Columbus, OH).
Los Angeles: Please contact to get in touch.
Means of contact:
Instagram: @iwg.official
Facebook: @iwgusa
Twitter: @IWGOfficial
Recent publications
Out now!
An “Age of Chaos” or of Deepening Capitalist Crisis?
In Memory of Olivier
Internationalist Initiatives Against War and Capitalism
To the Internationalist Attending the Prague Week of Action
Revolutionary Defeatism Today: Some Questions Answered
Capitalism’s Economic Foundations (Part V)
The Murder of Giacomo Matteotti: 100 Years On
Anton Pannekoek as a Revolutionary Marxist
Journal of the Communist Workers’ Organisation -- Why not subscribe to get the articles whilst they are still current and help the struggle for a society free from exploitation, war and misery? Joint subscriptions to Revolutionary Perspectives (3 issues) and Aurora (our agitational bulletin - 4 issues) are £15 in the UK, €24 in Europe and $30 in the rest of the World.
Pamphlet by comrades of the Internationalist Communist Tendency for distribution at the Prague Week of Action (20-26 May 2024).
May 2024
Aurora is the broadsheet of the ICT for the interventions amongst the working class. It is published and distributed in several countries and languages. So far it has been distributed in UK, France, Italy, Canada, USA, Colombia.
November 1943 saw the birth of the Internationalist Communist Party (PCInt) whilst in December 1983 the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party (IBRP), the forerunner of our Internationalist Communist Tendency (ICT), was founded. To acknowledge these anniversaries we have updated this introduction to our history. Much of it is based on the two volume collection of documents of the PCint, Settant'anni contro venti e maree (Seventy Years Against Winds and Tides) first published ten years ago. We have added in some paragraphs from other brief histories as well as links to documents already on our website in English. This is intended as an easy chronological reference point for those wanting to understand how our tendency has developed within the working class movement over more than a century.
Written by Jock Dominie. £12, 276pp.
The Russian Revolution remains a landmark event in history. For the bourgeois historians, the October Revolution is thought to be a tragedy that set back the achievements of the “democratic” February Revolution, and allowed the Bolsheviks to wreak havoc on their citizens and the world. For the Stalinists, the events of 1917 paved the way for the birth of the USSR, which they point to as a prototypical example of “socialism in one country”. In reality, the February and October Revolutions were both part of the same proletarian revolution.
The book can be ordered by emailing us at and asking for our banking details, or by donating the cost of the publications required via Paypal using the “Donate” button. Postage charges should be added. If in the UK, and paying direct to our bank account, first class postage is free. If via Paypal add £2. For Europe cost of a copy with postage is €20 (EUR), for Australia it is $42 (AUD) and for the USA and anywhere else in the world it is $27 (USD).
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