Health and social assistance

Date Publications Title
2024-07-07 Documents The Healthcare Strike in Sweden: Unions NEVER Fight for Real!
2023-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The State We Are In
2023-04-23 Documents The Invisible Slaughter: Study on Work-Related Deaths in France
2023-01-24 Documents Our Lives Are Not Safe in Their Hands
2022-07-02 1919 Malignant Ulcers of Capitalism: The Proletarian Struggle for Reproductive Freedom (Part 3)
2022-06-25 Documents SCOTUS Attacks Working Class Women: Only a Struggle by our Class can Secure Reproductive Freedom for Women!
2021-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives How the Pandemic Revealed the Real Health of Nations
2021-08-19 Aurora (en) "Let the Bodies Pile Up in their Thousands"
2020-12-31 1919 New Year, Same Crisis
2020-12-12 1919 Malignant Ulcers of Capitalism: The Proletarian Struggle for Reproductive Freedom (Part 2)
2020-11-20 Documents Denmark's Mink Farms Demonstrate that Covid-19 is the Child of Capitalism
2020-11-17 1919 Malignant Ulcers of Capitalism: The Proletarian Struggle for Reproductive Freedom (Part 1)
2020-06-12 Documents The Virus is Capitalism, the Revolutionary Proletariat is the Cure
2020-05-08 Documents Austerity for the Essential: The Struggle of Personal Support Workers
2020-05-06 Documents Reflections on the Coronavirus and Economic Crises
2020-05-05 Aurora (en) "All in this Together"? A Sick Joke
2020-04-29 Aurora (en) May Day 2020: Against the Virus that is Capitalism
2020-04-28 Documents Scrubs: The Story from the Bottom Up
2020-04-21 Documents The Pandemic and the Crisis
2020-04-17 Documents The Pandemic and the Worsening Crisis: Some Reflections on the Consequences and Perspectives
2020-04-16 Documents "All in it Together" or Class against Class
2020-04-10 Documents Reflections on Coronavirus and the Economic Crisis
2020-04-07 Documents The Virus is Capitalism
2020-04-01 Documents Coronavirus is Not the Same for All
2020-03-29 Documents Capitalism Grappling with Coronavirus
2020-03-24 Documents Humanity's Health or Capitalism's Profit?
2020-03-23 Documents Class Struggle in the Time of Coronavirus: An Incomplete Chronicle of Events (16-21 March)
2020-03-14 Documents Italy: "We're not Lambs to the Slaughter!" Class Struggle in the Time of Coronavirus
2020-03-09 Battaglia Comunista Initial Thoughts on Coronavirus and its Fallout
2019-11-25 Documents France: Following the SNCF Mechanics' Struggle, The Fight in the Hospitals Shows the Way
2019-03-29 Aurora (en) The Crisis in Care For the Elderly
2018-01-03 Documents Trump’s Tax “Reform” – The Robbery of the Century
2017-11-06 Documents Universal Credit – Universal Torment – Once More an Attack on the Conditions of the Whole Working Class
2017-03-13 Aurora (en) NHS: On The Critical List
2016-03-10 Aurora (en) Junior Hospital Doctors Take Up the Class Struggle
2015-09-10 Documents Is it the DWP or Capitalism that Kills?
2015-03-19 Documents Universal Credit – the Universal Disaster Coming Our Way?
2015-03-07 Documents Benefit Sanctions – A Cudgel to Beat the Sick and Powerless
2015-02-24 Aurora (en) Social Care in “Calamitous Decline”: There is no solution under capitalism
2014-01-28 Documents The Scandal of Sanctions against Claimants is all Part of the “Plan for Recovery”
2011-07-20 Documents The Aged, Mentally Impaired, and Children: Who Cares?
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives NHS ‘Overhaul’: Front Line in the Firing Line
2011-03-26 Aurora (en) Britain’s New Poor Law 2011
2008-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Death at Work: Capitalism is Bad for Your Health
1996-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Job Seekers Allowance: Turning the Screws on the Unemployed... and Employed
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