Elections and polls

Date Publications Title
2025-02-09 Documents Trump and "the New Golden Age"
2025-01-22 Internationalist Notes Right Populism Returns and the Threat of War Looms Large
2024-09-03 Internationalist Notes Two Parties, One Rotten System
2024-09-01 Documents Bolivarian 'Socialism’s' Bluff
2024-08-19 Aurora (en) Labour Wins But It's No Victory for the Working Class
2024-07-08 Documents France: At the Elections, Capitalism Always Wins!
2024-06-23 Documents Popular Front in France: A Deception in 1936, A Deception in 2024
2024-06-21 Documents Voting Changes Nothing, Not Voting is Not Enough: For the Resumption of the Class Struggle!
2024-04-27 Aurora (en) The Problem is the System, Not Who Runs It!
2024-04-06 Documents Local Elections in Turkey: No Change for the Working Class
2024-01-08 Documents Let’s Refuse the Masquerade of Elections, an Obstacle to the Renewal of Workers’ Combativity
2023-05-14 Documents Turkish Elections: The Crisis of Capitalism will not be Resolved at the Ballot Box
2023-03-24 Documents NSW Elections: No Matter Which Party Gets in Power, It's Capital Who Wins
2022-11-25 Documents On the Brazilian Elections
2022-10-06 Documents Italian Elections Bring Far Right to Power
2022-07-26 Documents New Prime Minister? Or New System?
2022-06-11 Documents Portugal: The "Socialists" Got a Majority but the Capitalists Won the Elections!
2022-01-20 Documents On the Chilean Elections
2021-10-26 Documents After the German Elections
2021-07-01 Documents Elections in the Time of Covid: Peru and the "Marxist Road to Socialism"
2021-05-18 Documents Iran: The Working Class and the Election
2021-01-29 Documents The Trump Era is Over, Now it's Time for Biden
2021-01-11 Documents Storming of the Capitol: The Working Class Has its Own Battles to Fight
2020-12-04 Aurora (en) The US Election is Over: The Capitalist Nightmare Continues!
2020-11-12 Documents The Election is Over: The Capitalist Class has Won
2020-10-02 Documents Their Democracy and Ours
2020-08-11 Documents Winds of Change in Belarus: Neither Dictatorship Nor Democracy Offer Anything for the Working Class
2020-07-16 Documents Poland: Populism Strikes Back
2020-05-18 Documents We Are Against All Institutional Parties
2020-02-20 Aurora (en) Brexit or Remain: Workers Pay Either Way
2020-01-27 Revolutionary Perspectives Communism not Corbynism
2020-01-12 Battaglia Comunista Italy: On the Sardines Movement
2019-12-17 Documents Fear and Loathing: Electoral Politics in a Capitalist Crisis
2019-12-04 Aurora (en) Brexit: Ruling Class Crisis
2019-11-27 Aurora (en) Don't Play the Capitalist Game! Don't Vote!
2019-10-13 Documents Once More on the Brexit Diversion
2019-09-06 Internationalist Notes Abstention: A Class Response to Capitalist Elections
2019-08-20 Documents British Bosses' Political Crisis
2019-05-27 Documents Brexit or Remain: A Choice of Tripe at the End of May
2019-05-22 Documents ANC: The Chosen Party for South African Capitalism
2019-02-19 Documents Socialism is not Statism
2019-01-10 Documents Peoples Assembly Election Carnival: Leftist "Yellow Vests" show their true colours
2018-10-09 Documents Bolsonaro and the Crisis in Brazil
2018-07-07 Documents AMLO or the "anti-imperialism" of the Mexican bourgeoisie
2018-03-15 Documents Italian Elections: there’s nothing more depressing in a desert of ideas and perspectives
2017-12-24 Documents Catalonian Election: Another Example of a Capitalist Impasse
2017-10-07 Documents Catalonia: Competing Nationalisms against the Working Class
2017-10-01 Documents Against the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) — but Not Just Against Them!
2017-09-21 Documents Germany: The 2017 Election Spectacle: Nationalism and False Alternatives
2017-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Corbynism – Leftists Illusions about Labour
2017-06-07 Documents Anarcho-Corbynism and Support for Labour
2017-06-02 Aurora (en) Don’t Vote - Prepare the Resistance
2017-05-13 Documents The General Election – More Ruling Class Mystification
2016-12-07 Documents Is the Working Class Right Wing?
2016-11-28 Internationalist Notes US Elections – Never Gamble on the Sanity of the Ruling Class
2016-10-11 Documents Yes - We need Socialism! No - Corbynism Isn't It
2016-08-04 Revolutionary Perspectives Brexit Vote Only Highlights Global Capitalism’s Impasse
2016-07-29 Revolutionary Perspectives Sanders’ Electoral Campaign in the US
2016-07-04 Revolutionary Perspectives Corbyn and the Left: ‘New Politics’ part of the problem not the solution.
2016-06-27 Documents Brexit Vote – Another Sign of Global Capitalism’s Deepening Crisis
2016-03-11 Internationalist Notes Sanders, Trump & the US Election
2015-11-16 Documents European Union Referendum – More Capitalist Choices to Reject
2015-10-31 Documents Elections in Poland: Don't Mourn, Organise!
2015-10-23 Aurora (en) New Leader – Same Labour
2015-10-15 Documents USA: Fixing the Electoral Machine
2015-10-08 Documents Greece: For the 20 September Election
2015-09-14 Documents Labour's Left Face - Don't Get Fooled Again!
2015-08-04 Documents Poster - Get rid of capitalism, not just the tories
2015-07-27 Revolutionary Perspectives Greece and the World: Austerity and Capitalist Crisis Go On
2015-07-21 Documents Greece - Notes Following the July 5 Referendum
2015-07-10 Documents Greece - Solidarity with the Workers not the Capitalist Government!
2015-07-05 Documents On the Greek Referendum
2015-05-01 Documents Don't Vote!
2015-04-28 Aurora (en) Every Vote Is a Yes For Capitalism
2015-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Bologna 1919: A Page from History
2015-01-05 Battaglia Comunista Will SYRIZA save us from the clutches of “European” capitalism?
2014-10-13 Revolutionary Perspectives You Can’t Build the Party Playing with Paradoxes
2014-08-18 Documents The Scottish Independence Referendum: The Great Diversion
2014-06-02 Documents In the wake of the Eu Elections …
2014-04-30 Internationalist Notes The Arcane World of Capitalist Electoral Politics in the U.S.
2013-12-14 Documents Iran: The Ruling Class Unites Around Rouhani’s Nuclear Diplomacy
2013-09-16 Sozialismus oder Barbarei Germany’s Election Spectacle 2013: We have no choice but the class struggle!
2013-03-03 Battaglia Comunista New Government, Same Bosses
2013-02-06 Battaglia Comunista The Vote is only a Trick
2012-08-08 Documents The Libyan Elections
2012-05-20 Documents Presidential Election in France
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives The Alternative Vote Referendum: Whatever the vote, the same class wins
2011-03-08 Documents Reflections on the Irish Election
2010-04-20 Aurora (en) Don’t Vote - Prepare the Resistance
2009-09-15 Documents Elections in Afghanistan
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives On the Iranian Election - The Working Class Must Fight for its Own Agenda
2009-06-26 Documents Iran at the crossroads - workers cannot support any faction of the ruling class
2009-06-23 Documents The 10th Iranian Presidential Elections 2009
2009-06-20 Documents Neither Ahmadinejad nor Moussavi - Long Live Class Struggle!
2009-06-18 Documents Iran at the Crossroads
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes Barack Obama: Bourgeois Savior, Middle Class Messiah
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes Repression from the Convention to the Election... and Beyond
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes October 14th Canadian Elections Not a single vote for capitalism!
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