British Isles

Channel Islands, Guernsey, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Date Publications Title
2024-11-23 Aurora (en) The Real Scandal is Capitalism
2024-11-21 Documents Blast From the Past: Revolutionary Perspectives on Strikes in Scotland
2024-11-01 Documents Thames Water, Macquarie, and the False Choice of Nationalisation
2024-08-19 Aurora (en) Labour Wins But It's No Victory for the Working Class
2024-08-11 Aurora (en) UK Riots: Racist Right in the Service of Capitalism
2024-06-21 Documents Voting Changes Nothing, Not Voting is Not Enough: For the Resumption of the Class Struggle!
2024-05-10 Documents Rwanda Plan: Capitalism Offers No Asylum
2024-04-27 Aurora (en) The Problem is the System, Not Who Runs It!
2024-04-25 Aurora (en) Looking Back at Class War in the 1970s: Fifty Years Since the Strike at Imperial Typewriters
2024-03-18 Documents CWO Public Meetings on Internationalism: A Balance Sheet
2024-03-12 Documents Forty Years Since the Outbreak of the UK Miners' Strike: A Defining Moment in the Capitalist Assault on the Working Class
2024-02-05 Aurora (en) We Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore
2023-11-19 Aurora (en) Lessons from the Strike Wave
2023-11-18 Aurora (en) Cost of Living Crisis = Capitalist Crisis
2023-08-28 Aurora (en) The Real Fight is Yet to Come
2023-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The State We Are In
2023-05-19 Documents The Present Wave of Strikes and the Way Forward for the Working Class
2023-05-08 Documents Education: Funding Crisis or Structural Crisis?
2023-04-14 Documents The Death of Sheila Seleoane: Another Capitalist Housing Scandal
2023-04-06 Documents Two Comments on Recent Bus Strikes in the UK
2023-03-12 Aurora (en) Capitalism Cannot Be Made Fair
2023-03-03 Aurora (en) Unite the Strikes
2023-02-10 Documents Inequality is a Symptom - Capitalism is the Disease - Revolution is the Cure
2023-02-05 Revolutionary Perspectives Cost-of-Living: The Other War on Workers
2023-01-24 Documents Our Lives Are Not Safe in Their Hands
2023-01-18 Documents The Migration Crisis Stems From the Crisis of Capitalism
2023-01-11 Documents Notes on the UK Strike Wave
2022-11-17 Aurora (en) Capitalist Crisis: Survival of the Richest
2022-08-31 Documents North Sea Oil and Gas Fields: The Struggle Continues!
2022-08-29 Aurora (en) Workers Respond to the Bosses' Class War
2022-08-21 Aurora (en) Cost of Living Goes Through the Roof
2022-08-15 Documents Wildcat Strikes in the UK: Getting Ready for a Hot Autumn
2022-07-26 Documents New Prime Minister? Or New System?
2022-06-07 Aurora (en) The Cost-of-Living Crisis - They Party, We Pay!
2022-05-02 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Liverpool
2022-02-11 Aurora (en) Against Conspiracy Theories, For a Working Class Response to the Pandemic!
2022-02-04 Aurora (en) "Year of the Squeeze": The Working Class Pays for the Crisis
2021-08-26 Aurora (en) Police Powers Bill: Preparing for Class War
2021-08-19 Aurora (en) "Let the Bodies Pile Up in their Thousands"
2021-08-17 Aurora (en) End of Lockdown, No End to Workers Paying for It
2021-07-12 Documents Let's Get Political!
2021-06-25 Documents Sparks' Power in Tyne & Wear: Wildcat Action Wins Back Jobs
2021-05-14 Aurora (en) The Working Class Response
2021-04-23 Documents Solidarity and Self-Organisation are the Weapons of the Working Class
2021-04-22 Documents Brexit: The Ruling Class Shoots Itself in the Foot
2021-04-19 Documents Class Struggle and Gender Trouble
2021-04-10 Documents Kill the Bill? Change the System!
2021-04-07 Documents UK Asylum Policy: No Sanctuary from Capitalism
2021-03-12 Aurora (en) The Nationalist Poison Behind Brexit
2021-02-05 Documents A Sign of Things to Come
2020-11-30 Aurora (en) Coronavirus - Axe Falls on the Working Class
2020-09-24 Documents On the Forty-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the CWO
2020-08-10 Revolutionary Perspectives The Murder of George Floyd: The End of Racism Starts with the Death of Capitalism
2020-08-04 Aurora (en) Pandemic Politics in the UK
2020-05-25 Documents 50 Years of Equal Exploitation?
2020-05-16 Documents Domestic Violence: The Hidden Pandemic
2020-05-10 Aurora (en) State Control is not Socialism
2020-05-05 Aurora (en) "All in this Together"? A Sick Joke
2020-04-28 Documents Scrubs: The Story from the Bottom Up
2020-04-25 Documents International Workers' Memorial Day: We Don't Want To Die For Your Profits!
2020-03-31 Documents Poll Tax Riots: 30 Years On
2020-03-24 Documents Humanity's Health or Capitalism's Profit?
2020-02-20 Aurora (en) Brexit or Remain: Workers Pay Either Way
2020-01-27 Revolutionary Perspectives Communism not Corbynism
2019-12-17 Documents Fear and Loathing: Electoral Politics in a Capitalist Crisis
2019-12-13 Aurora (en) Workers are Paying for the Bosses' Crisis
2019-12-04 Aurora (en) Brexit: Ruling Class Crisis
2019-12-02 Documents The Self-Organised Struggle of Liverpool Couriers Highlights the Difficulties of Organising in the 'Gig Economy'
2019-11-29 Documents Every Vote for Labour is a Vote for Capitalism
2019-11-27 Aurora (en) Don't Play the Capitalist Game! Don't Vote!
2019-11-18 Documents Sorry We Missed You: Wage Slavery in the Spotlight
2019-10-25 Documents Losing Momentum: Corbynism in the Rear-View Mirror
2019-10-13 Documents Once More on the Brexit Diversion
2019-08-31 Documents Capitalism's New Economy: The Working Class
2019-08-20 Documents British Bosses' Political Crisis
2019-08-07 Documents Capitalism's New Economy: The Illusion of a Productive Economy
2019-08-02 Documents Reflections on the Student Movement in the UK
2019-06-06 Documents Teesside Construction Workers Challenge the State
2019-05-27 Documents Brexit or Remain: A Choice of Tripe at the End of May
2019-05-15 Aurora (en) Twenty Years of the National Minimum Wage
2019-05-08 Documents Workers' Conditions in UK Warehouses
2019-03-29 Aurora (en) The Crisis in Care For the Elderly
2019-03-22 Aurora (en) Brexit or Not: Workers Have Their Own Battles to Fight
2019-03-04 Documents Honda, General Motors: Global Crisis and the Car Industry
2019-01-30 Revolutionary Perspectives Alliance for Workers' Liberty: Part of Capitalism's Left Wing
2019-01-10 Documents Peoples Assembly Election Carnival: Leftist "Yellow Vests" show their true colours
2018-12-15 Documents Bosses' Political Faction Fights – Not Our Problem!
2018-11-27 Documents Inequality and poverty – the latest UN report on UK poverty illustrates the need for the end of class society
2018-10-24 Documents Legal Aid Cuts: One Law for the Rich and an Increasingly Worse One for Everyone Else
2018-10-15 Documents Ireland and Brexit – Workers Need a Hard Border Against Bosses' Politics!
2018-07-11 Documents Brexit – Ruling Class Strategic Chaos Unleashes Parliamentary Pantomime
2018-05-09 Documents Windrush Scandal Reveals the Inherent Brutality of Capitalism
2018-04-01 Documents Education Strikes from West Virginia and Kenya to the UK
2018-03-29 Documents Why is Gibraltar a focus of European Conflict?
2018-03-19 Documents The working class doesn’t need borders in Ireland – or anywhere else
2018-02-05 Revolutionary Perspectives Brexit 2018: The Ruling Class Nightmare Continues
2018-02-02 Documents Carillion’s Failure and the Private Finance Initiative
2017-11-09 Documents The Imperialist Hypocrisy Behind 11/11
2017-11-06 Documents Universal Credit – Universal Torment – Once More an Attack on the Conditions of the Whole Working Class
2017-10-31 Documents Durham Teaching Assistants – Not Finished Yet?
2017-10-20 Documents Durham Teaching Assistants – Conned by the Labour Movement
2017-09-25 Aurora (en) Ten Years Since the Financial Crash: What Price Education?
2017-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Corbynism – Leftists Illusions about Labour
2017-07-28 Documents Durham Teaching Assistants Fight On – Against Labour and their Unions
2017-06-21 Documents Grenfell Tower: A Tragedy Foretold
2017-06-07 Documents Anarcho-Corbynism and Support for Labour
2017-06-02 Aurora (en) Don’t Vote - Prepare the Resistance
2017-05-23 Documents Manchester Arena Atrocity: An Initial Response
2017-05-22 Aurora (en) Fight for an End to Capitalism - The Only Way to a Better Life
2017-05-13 Documents The General Election – More Ruling Class Mystification
2017-03-22 Documents By the bullet or by the ballot – McGuinness's nationalism part of the capitalist order
2017-03-13 Aurora (en) NHS: On The Critical List
2017-02-08 Revolutionary Perspectives The Labour Party: No use to British Capitalism: Never any use to the Working Class
2016-11-13 Documents Lest We Forget, 1916 And All That: What has it got to do with us?
2016-10-25 Aurora (en) After Brexit: Nation or Class?
2016-10-21 Aurora (en) The Gig Economy: Capitalism’s New Normal
2016-10-11 Documents Yes - We need Socialism! No - Corbynism Isn't It
2016-09-26 Documents Against All Nationalisms
2016-08-13 Documents Hinkley Point – Ruling Class in Disarray after Brexit Vote
2016-08-09 Revolutionary Perspectives The Labour Party Crisis is a Crisis of the Capitalist Class
2016-08-04 Revolutionary Perspectives Brexit Vote Only Highlights Global Capitalism’s Impasse
2016-07-04 Revolutionary Perspectives Corbyn and the Left: ‘New Politics’ part of the problem not the solution.
2016-06-27 Documents Brexit Vote – Another Sign of Global Capitalism’s Deepening Crisis
2016-04-29 Aurora (en) The Minimum Wage Con-Trick
2016-04-19 Documents UK Capital – New Steps, New Drama, New Pain for the Working Class
2016-03-23 Documents Ireland: The 1916 Easter Rising 100 Years On
2016-03-16 Aurora (en) The Housing and Planning Bill: Showing Tenants the Door
2016-01-29 Documents The Housing Bill: Slamming the Door on Tenants
2016-01-03 Documents UK Floods: Another Predictable Capitalist Disaster
2015-12-15 Documents In Memory of “Rowntree”
2015-11-20 Documents Democratisation – a Game They Say We Can All Play!
2015-11-16 Documents European Union Referendum – More Capitalist Choices to Reject
2015-10-23 Aurora (en) New Leader – Same Labour
2015-10-17 Aurora (en) Anti-strike Bill: The War Against the Working Class Intensifies
2015-10-11 Documents JC – Labour’s Second Coming?
2015-10-11 Documents UK Housing: A System That's Rabidly Insane
2015-09-14 Documents Labour's Left Face - Don't Get Fooled Again!
2015-09-10 Documents Is it the DWP or Capitalism that Kills?
2015-07-10 Revolutionary Perspectives Osborne’s Smoke and Mirrors Budget
2015-07-10 Documents The Great Myth of Magna Carta
2015-06-28 Aurora (en) Class War on the Homes Front
2015-06-19 Aurora (en) Get Rid of Capitalism Not Just the Tories
2015-04-28 Aurora (en) Every Vote Is a Yes For Capitalism
2015-03-19 Documents Universal Credit – the Universal Disaster Coming Our Way?
2015-03-07 Documents Benefit Sanctions – A Cudgel to Beat the Sick and Powerless
2015-02-28 Documents The Problem is Bigger than PEGIDA: The Real Issue is Capitalism
2015-02-24 Aurora (en) Social Care in “Calamitous Decline”: There is no solution under capitalism
2015-02-03 Aurora (en) The Housing Crisis is Part of Capitalism's Crisis
2015-02-03 Aurora (en) Class War on the Homes Front: The Glasgow Rent Strikes of 1915
2015-01-28 Documents Austerity in Sheffield - Labour Council rips into Council Housing
2015-01-19 Documents Housing Crisis UK – the Death of the “Property-owning Democracy”
2015-01-06 Documents City Link: A Story of Our Time
2014-10-15 Aurora (en) We’ve done one day strikes and token demonstrations What Now?
2014-10-02 Revolutionary Perspectives Social Democracy, the First World War and the Working Class in Britain
2014-08-18 Documents The Scottish Independence Referendum: The Great Diversion
2014-07-10 Aurora (en) Public Sector Workers Strike: Time to Go Beyond Rituals
2014-05-05 Aurora (en) More Austerity? It’s Capitalism, Stupid!
2014-02-26 Documents 30 Years On: The Miners' Last Great Strike Today
2014-02-23 Aurora (en) Bashing the Poor
2014-02-16 Aurora (en) Their "Plan for our Recovery": Over Our Dead Bodies
2014-02-13 Revolutionary Perspectives Housing is a Basic Need Not a Commodity
2014-01-28 Documents The Scandal of Sanctions against Claimants is all Part of the “Plan for Recovery”
2013-11-02 Documents Grangemouth: A Chronicle of our Time
2013-10-26 Aurora (en) No Justice for Workers
2013-10-25 Aurora (en) Good News For Capital - For the Working Class: The Mixture As Before
2013-10-16 Documents Saving Stocksbridge Leisure Centre – The Limits of Local Action
2013-08-18 Documents Immigration Clampdown – Don’t Let Them Divide Us
2013-08-06 Revolutionary Perspectives An Exchange with Supporters of the Occupy Movement
2013-04-30 Aurora (en) Here in Britain
2013-04-17 Documents Thatcher is Dead but the System that Spawned Her Has to be Buried
2013-02-23 Aurora (en) Is the Worm Turning?
2013-01-26 Aurora (en) Bedroom Tax: Another Vicious Attack on the Working Class
2013-01-13 Documents The Belfast Flag Riots: Nation or Class?
2012-11-03 Documents The Class War Behind the Blacklist
2012-10-29 Aurora (en) Unions and the Labour Movement: The Enemy Within
2012-10-29 Aurora (en) A Future that Works is One Without Capitalism
2012-10-11 Documents No to Cuts= The Political Struggle for Socialism
2012-09-20 Documents Hillsborough: 23 Years Fighting the Bosses’ Lie Machine
2012-09-13 Documents Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
2012-09-07 Revolutionary Perspectives Under Capitalism the Housing Problem Never Goes Away
2012-09-02 Revolutionary Perspectives Fighting Workfare
2012-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Austerity Britain: Capitalism's New Normal
2012-08-29 Revolutionary Perspectives Olympic Circus Comes to Town
2012-06-11 Revolutionary Perspectives Report on the Manchester Meeting of the CWO
2012-06-11 Revolutionary Perspectives One Law for the Rich...
2012-05-20 Revolutionary Perspectives Workfare: A Scroungers Charter
2011-12-11 Documents Unilever Workers Isolated by Unions
2011-12-11 Documents Eurozone Deal and the Isolation of the British Bourgeoisie is No Affair of the Working Class
2011-11-21 Aurora (en) November 30: Unions Follow the Rules while the Bosses and Government Tear up the Rule Book
2011-11-21 Aurora (en) And for those without a job ... The Work Programme
2011-11-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Housing Question: An Eternal Riddle for Capitalism
2011-08-23 Documents The Great Unrest 1910-1914: When the Working Class Shook Britain’s Capitalist Foundations
2011-08-09 Documents Riots in Britain - The Fruit of Forty Years of Capitalist Crisis
2011-07-23 Documents News International and the Lie of a “Free Press”
2011-07-20 Documents The Aged, Mentally Impaired, and Children: Who Cares?
2011-06-30 Aurora (en) There is an Alternative - It is Anti-Capitalist
2011-05-01 Aurora (en) ... Meanwhile in the UK
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Fighting the Cuts Means Fighting Capitalism
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives NHS ‘Overhaul’: Front Line in the Firing Line
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives The Alternative Vote Referendum: Whatever the vote, the same class wins
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives What’s Wrong with the SPGB?
2011-03-26 Aurora (en) Britain’s New Poor Law 2011
2011-03-24 Documents Only the beginning of their offensive
2011-03-08 Documents Reflections on the Irish Election
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Student Protests: Capitalism has Nothing to Offer
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Unite Cans Heinz struggle
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The Crisis in Ireland: A Warning to the World’s Workers
2010-10-23 Aurora (en) Osborne’s Axe Shows Capitalism Offers No Future
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Austerity in Britain - The Working Class Face the Biggest Attacks Yet
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives A Global Crisis Will Have to be Fought Globally
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives A Real Class Fight not The Unions’ Phoney War
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives English Defence League: Cultural Campaigners or Racist Thugs?
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Another Futile Capitalist Education ‘Reform’
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives In Austerity Britain
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives Class War at BA: Solidarity not Legality
2010-04-20 Aurora (en) Don’t Vote - Prepare the Resistance
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Reply of The Commune to the ICT
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Comment on The Commune’s Reply to RP 50
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives CWO Public Meeting in Manchester
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Communication Workers’ Union Sabotages Postal Workers’ Struggle
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Nationalism against the Working Class
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives The Power of Yes, by David Hare
2009-10-14 Documents The Class War at Royal Mail
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives British Capitalism and the Miners Strike of 1984-5
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Working Class are Paying for the Capitalist Crisis
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives MPs’ Expenses Scandal
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Midlands Discussion Forum Meeting
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Commune - A Radical New Grouping or Old Left in a New Form?
2009-05-16 Documents Fascism and the British National Party
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Time to Turn "the Spectre" into Reality
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Unite - or Divide? The Aftermath of the Lindsey Oil Refinery Strike
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The List that Did Exist
2009-03-26 Documents G20 Meltdown Protest - A Demonstration or a Diversion?
2009-03-11 Documents The Collapse of Sterling
2009-02-03 Documents Energy Construction Workers’ Strikes in Britain - A First Response to the Economic Crisis
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives PCS Strike - Death by a Thousand Delays
2008-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Public Sector Workers' Strikes
2008-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Economic Crisis = Social Crisis - Family and Poverty in the UK
2008-06-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Beyond Pay, Beyond the Classroom, the Educational Crisis is the Capitalist Crisis
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives Public Sector Workers Have the Strength if They Unite to Fight
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives The Rotten State We’re In
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives Britain’s Poorest Towns: Inequality and Division are the Realities of Capitalism
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives Britain, France and Germany - Same Fight, Same Problems
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives Letters - The NHS is like a battlefield...
2007-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives The Postal Workers are Struggling for More Than a Living Wage
2007-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives Brown Premiership: New Leader, Same Agenda
2007-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives Housing: A Never-ending Crisis under Capitalism
2007-06-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Civil Service Workers: the Attacks Continue
2007-02-16 Revolutionary Perspectives BA and Civil Service Fight
2007-02-16 Revolutionary Perspectives University Top-up Fees


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