
Date Publications Title
2024-10-23 Documents Unending Barbarism: The Causes that Led to the Middle East Crisis
2024-10-22 Documents Peace Calls are Part of the War Game
2024-10-16 Documents The March Towards Generalized War: Presentation from the IWG’s Annual General Meeting
2024-10-07 Documents Zionism: A Prime Example of National Liberation as a Dead End
2024-08-21 Aurora (en) Can Global War Be Prevented?
2024-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives Internationalist Initiatives Against War and Capitalism
2024-08-10 Revolutionary Perspectives An "Age of Chaos" or of Deepening Capitalist Crisis?
2024-06-13 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Defeatism Today: Some Questions Answered
2024-05-01 Revolutionary Perspectives To the Internationalists Attending the Prague Week of Action
2024-04-30 Documents May Day 2024: Down with Nationalism and War - Workers Have No Country!
2024-04-03 Documents Workers Have No Country: Fight War with Class Unity and Class Struggle!
2024-03-27 Documents The Houthi Dynasty, like Hamas, is in the Hands of Imperialism
2024-03-18 Documents CWO Public Meetings on Internationalism: A Balance Sheet
2024-03-10 Mutiny / Mutinerie Against Pacifism, For Revolutionary Defeatism!
2024-03-04 Pamphlets Imperialist Barbarism in Palestine: Publications on the War in Palestine, 2023-2024, by the Internationalist Communist Tendency
2024-02-29 Documents Yes, Fight and Strike Against War: But Against All Capitalist Factions!
2024-01-30 Aurora (en) Only the Working Class Can Prevent World War Three
2024-01-27 Revolutionary Perspectives Gaza and Beyond: The Bitter Fruits of Capitalism, Nationalism and Imperialism Threaten All Humanity
2024-01-24 Documents A Brief Critique of "Part-Time Internationalism"
2024-01-05 Documents Afterlives of the Anti-Fascist War in the Senescence of a Decadent Social Order
2023-11-13 Aurora (en) Workers Have No Country: No to Nationalism, Yes to Class Unity!
2023-11-09 Internationalist Notes USA: Renewal of Workers' Initiative is Real
2023-10-30 Documents Imperialist Hypocrisy in the East and West
2023-10-23 Documents The Tasks of Revolutionaries in the Face of Capitalism's Drive to War
2023-10-21 Documents Falsification of History and the Warsaw Ghetto
2023-10-18 Documents There Is No State Solution: Only Class War
2023-10-12 Documents The Descent from Fantasy to Reality in the "Arab-Israeli Conflict"
2023-10-11 Documents The Latest Butchery in the Middle East is Part of the March to Generalised War
2023-08-30 Aurora (en) The Drive to World War
2023-07-10 Revolutionary Perspectives The Wagner Group Revolt and Future Course of the War
2023-07-05 Revolutionary Perspectives The No War but the Class War Initiative
2023-05-24 Documents Appeal for the Creation of a NWBCW Committee in San Francisco, USA
2023-05-22 Aurora (en) Imperialist War or Class War
2023-04-30 Documents May Day 2023: There is no "Right Side" in an Imperialist War, No War but the Class War!
2023-04-04 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Chicago
2023-03-27 Mutiny / Mutinerie Trenches of the Tundra
2023-03-17 Aurora (en) Ukraine War: No to Imperialist War, Yes to Class War!
2023-03-14 Internationalist Notes US Ramps Up Anti-Chinese Aggression Amidst Maneuvers Over Ukraine
2023-03-06 Documents Iranian Workers Need an Internationalist Class Programme
2023-02-24 Documents One Year Since the Invasion of Ukraine: On the Road to World War Three?
2023-02-13 Revolutionary Perspectives The War in Ukraine, the Working Class and the Future International
2023-02-02 Documents Report on NWBCW Paris
2023-01-01 Documents Notes on the Political Situation in Germany
2022-12-22 Documents Iran: Workers Respond to the Executions
2022-12-07 Documents Report on NWBCW Montreal
2022-12-06 Documents Iran: Towards a General Strike?
2022-11-28 Documents Protests in China: Not Just About Covid
2022-11-26 Documents On the 2 December Strike in Italy: Especially In Times of War "Normal" Strikes Are Not Enough
2022-11-24 Aurora (en) War in Ukraine: The Other Attack on the Working Class
2022-11-22 Aurora (en) Workers in Iran Show the Way
2022-11-10 Documents Oil Workers in Iran Continue to Resist Despite Repressions
2022-10-29 Mutiny / Mutinerie Business as per Emergency Bill: Strike at Achema Plant in Lithuania
2022-10-28 Mutiny / Mutinerie Tighten Your Belts and Forward March!
2022-10-27 Documents As Protests Continue, Workers Strike in Iran
2022-10-22 Documents Russia's Annexations in Ukraine are Another Step Towards Global Imperialist War
2022-10-19 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Montreal
2022-10-08 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Toronto
2022-09-29 Documents Workers' Voices on the Protests in Iran
2022-09-28 Documents Demonstrations Against the Mobilisation - Great! Getting Rid of Capitalism that Demands our Blood - Even Better!
2022-09-27 Internationalist Notes War in Ukraine: No War but the Class War!
2022-09-10 Documents A Report on Socio-Economic Unrest in Ukraine
2022-09-09 Documents Sweden and Finland Entering NATO
2022-09-06 Aurora (en) The Ukraine War is a War Against Workers Everywhere
2022-08-19 Revolutionary Perspectives The War in Ukraine Opens the Way to Global Imperialist Conflict
2022-08-12 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Rome
2022-07-22 Documents NWBCW and the "Real International Bureau" of 1915
2022-07-07 1919 Uncle Sam's "Socialists" and the War in Ukraine
2022-06-13 Documents About "Anarchists" who Forget the Principles
2022-06-10 Documents The Ambivalence in Russian-Chinese "Friendship"
2022-06-08 Aurora (en) Ukraine War - A Pivot to World War
2022-06-07 Aurora (en) The Cost-of-Living Crisis - They Party, We Pay!
2022-05-24 Documents No War but the Class War Meeting in Glasgow
2022-05-15 Documents Ukraine/Russia: War and Sanctions are Hitting Hard, But Not the Oligarchs (On Either Side)
2022-05-03 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Turkey
2022-05-02 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Liverpool
2022-04-29 Documents May Day 2022: Three Deadly Crises, One Cause - Destroy Capitalism!
2022-04-28 Documents Russia Cuts the Gas Supply to Poland and Bulgaria: Another Step Towards Generalised War
2022-04-23 Documents Internationalism and the War in Ukraine
2022-04-17 Documents The New World Disorder, Wars And Pacifism
2022-04-14 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from Internationalist Communist Perspective (South Korea)
2022-04-06 Documents No War but the Class War - A Call for Action
2022-04-03 Documents No to Capitalism's Wars
2022-03-24 Mutiny / Mutinerie The Bosses Want a "Return to Normalcy"!
2022-03-21 Documents Some Considerations on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
2022-03-17 Documents War in Ukraine: The Internationalist Position
2022-03-08 Documents International Working Women's Day Led the Fight Against Russia's War 105 Years Ago
2022-03-05 Documents No War but the Class War: Statements from the Haft Tappeh Workers (Iran)
2022-02-27 Documents War in Ukraine: Imperialist Rivalry in a Global Economic Crisis
2022-02-25 Documents Ukraine: Neither NATO nor Putin! No War but the Class War!
2022-02-19 Revolutionary Perspectives Vaccines, Lockdowns and Covid Passes: The Pandemic Goes On But So Does the Class Struggle
2022-02-16 Documents Trudeau and the "Freedom Convoy" Wrestle over the Means of Incompetence
2022-02-11 Aurora (en) Against Conspiracy Theories, For a Working Class Response to the Pandemic!
2022-02-06 Revolutionary Perspectives Ukraine and Taiwan: Flashpoints in an Uncertain Imperialist World
2022-02-04 Aurora (en) "Year of the Squeeze": The Working Class Pays for the Crisis
2021-11-16 Documents Letter From a Striking Oil Worker in Iran
2021-10-31 Documents The Struggle of the Iranian Oil Workers Goes On
2021-10-25 1919 Covid Capitalism is Still Killing Workers Across the World
2021-10-22 1919 Agricultural Migrant Workers During Pandemic Capitalism
2021-10-18 Documents On the Events in Rome on 9 October
2021-10-08 Documents Anti-Lockdown Protests and Working-Class Activity in Australia
2021-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives How the Pandemic Revealed the Real Health of Nations
2021-09-10 Documents Iran: Oil Workers Reject Trade Unions
2021-08-19 Aurora (en) "Let the Bodies Pile Up in their Thousands"
2021-08-18 Documents Iran: On Oil and Troubled Water
2021-08-17 Aurora (en) End of Lockdown, No End to Workers Paying for It
2021-08-10 Documents Iranian Oil Workers Strike Update
2021-07-28 Documents Iranian Oil and Petrochemical Workers' Strikes Go On
2021-07-12 Documents Let's Get Political!
2021-07-01 Documents Elections in the Time of Covid: Peru and the "Marxist Road to Socialism"
2021-05-12 Aurora (en) The Capitalist Offensive
2021-04-29 Aurora (en) May Day 2021: The Only Future for Humanity is Communist Revolution
2021-04-12 1919 Reopen or Close Schools: A Lose-Lose Situation for the Working Class
2021-04-02 1919 Vaccine Nationalism
2021-03-10 Aurora (en) There isn't a Vaccine against Capitalism
2021-02-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Mythology About the Middle Class and the Class Struggle
2021-02-08 Revolutionary Perspectives Communist Work in a Covid Crisis: A Framework
2021-02-05 Documents A Sign of Things to Come
2021-01-27 Documents No Future Without a Fight
2021-01-25 Documents Paltry Returns on Capital and an Enormous Debt Pile Are Bringing the World Economy to its Knees
2021-01-13 Documents Wealth Tax: Expropriation of the Rich or Capitalist Smokescreen?
2020-12-31 1919 New Year, Same Crisis
2020-12-07 Documents The Illusion of State Intervention in the Economy: The Eternal Anti-Working Class Weapon of Reformism
2020-11-30 Aurora (en) Coronavirus - Axe Falls on the Working Class
2020-11-24 Documents A Quick Glimpse at the Current State of the Pandemic in Oceania
2020-11-20 Documents Denmark's Mink Farms Demonstrate that Covid-19 is the Child of Capitalism
2020-10-28 Documents Capitalism and its States against the Working Class, once again on the Front Line just as in the World Wars
2020-10-23 Documents France isn't a Special Case in the General Crisis of Capitalism
2020-09-15 Documents A Class Compass in the Covid Crisis
2020-08-14 Revolutionary Perspectives Covid Crisis or Capitalist Crisis
2020-08-06 Aurora (en) Why the Working Class is Key
2020-08-05 Aurora (en) Unrest in the USA: A Perfect Storm
2020-08-04 Aurora (en) Pandemic Politics in the UK
2020-08-03 Aurora (en) A Crisis of Capitalist "Civilisation"
2020-06-14 Documents The Global Pandemic and Imperialist Competition
2020-06-12 Documents The Virus is Capitalism, the Revolutionary Proletariat is the Cure
2020-05-16 Documents Domestic Violence: The Hidden Pandemic
2020-05-10 Aurora (en) State Control is not Socialism
2020-05-08 Documents Austerity for the Essential: The Struggle of Personal Support Workers
2020-05-06 Documents Reflections on the Coronavirus and Economic Crises
2020-05-05 Aurora (en) "All in this Together"? A Sick Joke
2020-05-03 Documents Capitalism and Covid: Paycheques and Rents
2020-04-30 Documents Covid-19 Exposes the Irrationality of Capitalism
2020-04-29 Aurora (en) May Day 2020: Against the Virus that is Capitalism
2020-04-28 Documents Scrubs: The Story from the Bottom Up
2020-04-25 Documents International Workers' Memorial Day: We Don't Want To Die For Your Profits!
2020-04-21 Documents The Pandemic and the Crisis
2020-04-17 Documents The Pandemic and the Worsening Crisis: Some Reflections on the Consequences and Perspectives
2020-04-16 Documents "All in it Together" or Class against Class
2020-04-10 Documents Reflections on Coronavirus and the Economic Crisis
2020-04-07 Documents The Virus is Capitalism
2020-04-01 Documents Coronavirus is Not the Same for All
2020-03-29 Documents Capitalism Grappling with Coronavirus
2020-03-24 Documents Humanity's Health or Capitalism's Profit?
2020-03-23 Documents Class Struggle in the Time of Coronavirus: An Incomplete Chronicle of Events (16-21 March)
2020-03-21 Documents The Four Horsemen of Capitalist Decay
2020-03-14 Documents Italy: "We're not Lambs to the Slaughter!" Class Struggle in the Time of Coronavirus
2020-03-09 Battaglia Comunista Initial Thoughts on Coronavirus and its Fallout
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