The CWO will have a stall at the Peterborough Radical Bookfair.
When: Saturday, 19 October 2024
Where: The George Alcock Centre, Whittlesey Rd, Stanground, Peterborough PE2 8QS
The CWO will have a stall at the Peterborough Radical Bookfair.
When: Saturday, 19 October 2024
Where: The George Alcock Centre, Whittlesey Rd, Stanground, Peterborough PE2 8QS
The IWG will be holding regular in-person meetings where sympathizers are encouraged to come and get in contact.
New York: Last Saturdays of the month 3:30pm at Peculier Pub (145 Beecker St)
Philadelphia: Last Saturdays of the month 11am at B2 cafe (1500 E Passyunk Ave)
Lambertville, New Jersey: Tuesdays 8/13, 8/20, and 8/27 at 7 PM in the Lambertville Library (6 Lilly Street, Lambertville, NJ), for discussions on the Russian Revolution and Counter-Revolution.
When: Sunday, July 7th 2024, at 16:00
Where: 3516 Av Park
Contact for more info.
The CWO will have a stall at the Newcastle Ewan Brown Anarchist Bookfair.
When: Saturday, 1 June 2024
Where: Star and Shadow Cinema, Warwick St, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1BB
When: Saturday, May 25th.
Where: CEDA 2515 Rue Delisle, Montréal, QC H3J 1K8, table outside the anarchist bookfair.
Discussion on women's liberation and the modern role women have played in the class struggle. Open to all!
When: Sunday, May 19th at 3:30 PM.
Where: 876 Riverside Dr. & 160th St. New York, NY.
Link to register:
IWG online meeting on state capitalism in the USSR.
April 22nd, 7 PM EST
IG: @iwg.official | Twitter: @IWGOfficial | FB: @iwgusa | Email:
The CWO will have a meeting and a stall at the Sheffield Radical Bookfair.
When: Saturday, 9 March 2024
Where: Sheffield Trades & Labour Club, 200 Duke St, Sheffield S2 5QQ
Between the months of January and March 2024, CWO comrades held three public meetings (in Manchester, London and Birmingham) and gave presentations at two other events (an NWBCW Liverpool public meeting and the Sheffield Radical Bookfair). In recognition of the seriousness of the world situation, the topic of discussion at each of these meetings was centred around the drive to war, the meaning of internationalism, and the tasks of revolutionaries.
Leaflet distributed by the PCInt, in Italian and English, during the recent protests and strikes about the situation in Palestine.
Everyday we receive the confirmation of what we wrote in issue 22 of Bilan et Perspectives: the renewal of workers’ struggles.(1) In the past few years, the long retreat of over five decades, seems to be approaching its end. This is evident from:
Leaflet distributed by Klasbatalo during the croupiers' strike in Montreal.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is now approaching the two month mark. Like other imperialist conflicts in the past, it has put the internationalist convictions of revolutionaries to the test.
Leaflet given out by comrades of the Internationalist Communist Party (Battaglia Comunista) at a demonstration in Florence on 26 March.
Leaflet distributed by the PCInt during the "No Draghi Day" protests in Italy.
Leaflet distributed by the IWG during the Kellogg's strike in Lancaster, PA.
Striking Kellogg's Workers: Don't settle for crumbs! Demand the abolition of the 2-tier system & more!
It has been four months since the two day walk out of the SAQ workers at the end of April of 2024. Since then the strike has been effectively stalled as the union indefinitely ‘negotiates’. Despite a fifteen day strike mandate overwhelmingly approved by the workers, the union seems entirely disinterested in pursuing any real militant action, leaving the workers themselves in a state of limbo. But in the face of a cost of living crisis, perhaps represented best by 70% of SAQ workers having part time status, it’s clear that what is required is militant working class action.
The strike by the Vårdförbundet (Swedish Association of Health Professionals) is over. However, the nurses, biomedical analysts and midwives have no reason to celebrate.
The conflict has been going on since April and has escalated in several stages: first a blockade of new hires and overtime (not insignificant for occupational groups with a lot of overtime), then a strike, and finally additional groups, and increased numbers, on strike.
As the crisis of capitalism deepens and the world drifts towards another war, more dangerous and brutal working conditions are making massacres of workers in the workplace commonplace.
At least 70,000 workers from 45 factories—including tens of thousands of auto parts and assembly workers at companies that supply GM, Ford and Fiat-Chrysler—have launched a wildcat strike in the US-Mexico border town of Matamoros.
The strike is a rebellion against both the “maquiladora” manufacturing corporations and the pro-company trade unions. Over 1 million workers endure low wages and sweatshop conditions at the 3,000 “maquiladora” factories that line the Mexican side of the border and account for 65 percent of Mexican exports. It looks like it has the potential to escalate.
China has detained student organisers and factory workers in at least three cities as a crackdown against labour protests spreads across the country. Security forces stormed student and worker dormitories in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen on Friday night, according to student activists, taking away five university students, three workers in Guangdong province, as well as several employees at a Shenzhen-based labour rights organisation.
For more from the Financial Times article see:
It has now spread to other cities.
Thousands of teachers on strike in both states following the strike in West Virginia
In Kentucky its the pensions issue again but in Oklahoma the continual cuts in the state budget due to tax cuts has forced schools to shut an extra day a week and some schools find they cannot buy textbooks despite sacking teaching assistants and teachers en masse.
More than 200 workers at the flagship rail construction project have downed tools today in solidarity with more colleagues who have been sacked and locked out.
The Internationalist Communist Tendency consists of (unsurprisingly!) not-for-profit organisations. We have no so-called “professional revolutionaries”, nor paid officials. Our sole funding comes from the subscriptions and donations of members and supporters. Anyone wishing to donate can now do so safely using the Paypal buttons below.
ICT publications are not copyrighted and we only ask that those who reproduce them acknowledge the original source (author and website Purchasing any of the publications listed (see catalogue) can be done in two ways:
The CWO also offers subscriptions to Revolutionary Perspectives (3 issues) and Aurora (at least 4 issues):
Take out a supporter’s sub by adding £10 (€12) to each sum. This will give you priority mailings of Aurora and other free pamphlets as they are produced.
September 2024
Mutiny is the bulletin of Klasbatalo. Mutinerie est le bulletin de Klasbatalo.
August 2024
Aurora is the broadsheet of the ICT for the interventions amongst the working class. It is published and distributed in several countries and languages. So far it has been distributed in UK, France, Italy, Canada, USA, Colombia.
Out now!
An “Age of Chaos” or of Deepening Capitalist Crisis?
In Memory of Olivier
Internationalist Initiatives Against War and Capitalism
To the Internationalist Attending the Prague Week of Action
Revolutionary Defeatism Today: Some Questions Answered
Capitalism’s Economic Foundations (Part V)
The Murder of Giacomo Matteotti: 100 Years On
Anton Pannekoek as a Revolutionary Marxist
Journal of the Communist Workers’ Organisation -- Why not subscribe to get the articles whilst they are still current and help the struggle for a society free from exploitation, war and misery? Joint subscriptions to Revolutionary Perspectives (3 issues) and Aurora (our agitational bulletin - 4 issues) are £15 in the UK, €24 in Europe and $30 in the rest of the World.
Written by Jock Dominie. £12, 276pp.
The Russian Revolution remains a landmark event in history. For the bourgeois historians, the October Revolution is thought to be a tragedy that set back the achievements of the “democratic” February Revolution, and allowed the Bolsheviks to wreak havoc on their citizens and the world. For the Stalinists, the events of 1917 paved the way for the birth of the USSR, which they point to as a prototypical example of “socialism in one country”. In reality, the February and October Revolutions were both part of the same proletarian revolution.
The book can be ordered by emailing us at and asking for our banking details, or by donating the cost of the publications required via Paypal using the “Donate” button. Postage charges should be added. If in the UK, and paying direct to our bank account, first class postage is free. If via Paypal add £2. For Europe cost of a copy with postage is €20 (EUR), for Australia it is $42 (AUD) and for the USA and anywhere else in the world it is $27 (USD).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.