
Date Publications Title
2023-09-08 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism's Economic Foundations (Part III)
2023-02-28 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism's Economic Foundations (Part II)
2022-09-02 Revolutionary Perspectives 150 Years On: The Split in the First International
2022-08-31 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism's Economic Foundations (Part I)
2022-03-29 Documents Nationalism and Internationalism
2020-11-28 Documents 200 Years On: Engels and his Revolutionary Contribution
2020-09-24 Documents On the Forty-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the CWO
2020-05-09 Documents Marxism and Sexuality
2020-04-22 Documents What Does the Communist Left Do?
2019-12-09 Aurora (en) The Working Class needs its own Political Organisation
2019-08-22 Revolutionary Perspectives Review of Money and Totality by Fred Moseley
2019-08-09 Revolutionary Perspectives Gramsci: Between Marxism and Idealism
2019-02-28 Documents Founding of the Comintern - Then and Now
2018-05-04 Aurora (en) 200 Years On: Marx Still Haunts Capitalism
2017-09-02 Revolutionary Perspectives Autonomism – Cutting the Ground from under Marxism
2017-02-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Behind the Crisis: Marx’s Dialectic of Value and Knowledge, Guglielmo Carchedi
2015-08-07 Revolutionary Perspectives Piketty, Marx and Capitalism’s Dynamics
2013-11-09 Documents Marxism and Anarchism
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Marxism or Idealism - Our Differences with the ICC
2008-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Re-Reading Marx in the Light of the Sub-Prime Crisis
2007-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives The Accumulation of Contradictions or The Economic Consequences of Rosa Luxemburg
2006-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Human Future: Capitalism or Communism?
2005-11-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Communist Manifesto of 1875 - The Critique of the Gotha Programme
2005-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Marx is Back
2005-06-01 Internationalist Communist World Revolution and True Marxism - A Letter from Norway
2002-03-01 Internationalist Notes Friend or Foe? Marxism and the Police
2000-01-01 Internationalist Communist ICC - Idealism or Marxism
1999-03-01 Internationalist Communist The Lost Marxism of Critical Trotskyists
1996-03-01 Documents Is the Communist Manifesto Still Relevant Today?
1996-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Socialist Labour Party - Then and Now
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