Middle East

Bahrain, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, Yemen

Date Publications Title
2025-01-31 Documents Russian Imperialism After Assad: More Guns and Bullets are Heading to Africa
2024-12-08 Documents Syria: Imperialist Barbarism Flares Up Again
2024-11-30 Documents The Ceasefire Between Hezbollah And Israel
2024-11-25 Documents The Middle East Crisis: An Update
2024-11-07 Documents War in Lebanon: Another Massacre of the Working Class
2024-10-07 Documents Zionism: A Prime Example of National Liberation as a Dead End
2024-03-27 Documents The Houthi Dynasty, like Hamas, is in the Hands of Imperialism
2024-01-27 Revolutionary Perspectives Gaza and Beyond: The Bitter Fruits of Capitalism, Nationalism and Imperialism Threaten All Humanity
2024-01-05 Documents Afterlives of the Anti-Fascist War in the Senescence of a Decadent Social Order
2023-10-21 Documents Falsification of History and the Warsaw Ghetto
2023-10-18 Documents There Is No State Solution: Only Class War
2023-10-12 Documents The Descent from Fantasy to Reality in the "Arab-Israeli Conflict"
2023-10-11 Documents The Latest Butchery in the Middle East is Part of the March to Generalised War
2023-03-06 Documents Iranian Workers Need an Internationalist Class Programme
2023-02-19 Documents There is No Such Thing as a "Natural" Disaster in a Capitalist World
2023-01-16 Documents "Qatargate": After the World Cup, the Scandal of a Decadent Spectacle Goes On
2022-12-22 Documents Iran: Workers Respond to the Executions
2022-12-06 Documents Iran: Towards a General Strike?
2022-11-22 Aurora (en) Workers in Iran Show the Way
2022-11-10 Documents Oil Workers in Iran Continue to Resist Despite Repressions
2022-11-02 Documents Iran: Imperialist Rivalries and the Protest Movement of "Woman, Life, Freedom"
2022-10-27 Documents As Protests Continue, Workers Strike in Iran
2022-10-12 Documents Rojava: The Myths and the Reality
2022-10-11 Documents Iran: On the Hijab as Labour Discipline, and the Slogan of "Woman, Life, Freedom"
2022-09-29 Documents Workers' Voices on the Protests in Iran
2022-03-05 Documents No War but the Class War: Statements from the Haft Tappeh Workers (Iran)
2021-11-16 Documents Letter From a Striking Oil Worker in Iran
2021-10-31 Documents The Struggle of the Iranian Oil Workers Goes On
2021-09-10 Documents Iran: Oil Workers Reject Trade Unions
2021-08-18 Documents Iran: On Oil and Troubled Water
2021-08-10 Documents Iranian Oil Workers Strike Update
2021-07-28 Documents Iranian Oil and Petrochemical Workers' Strikes Go On
2021-05-20 Documents Neither Israel, Nor Palestine: No War but the Class War
2021-05-18 Documents Iran: The Working Class and the Election
2020-08-20 Documents The Lebanon Disaster: A Metaphor for Modern Capitalism
2020-08-17 Documents Workers' Strikes in Iran: A New Wave of Struggle
2020-02-27 Aurora (en) US/Iran Rivalry: What No War But the Class War Really Means
2020-01-04 Documents The US Attack on Baghdad
2019-10-12 Documents The Turkish Invasion of Syria
2019-07-29 Documents OPEC, Iran, and the Libyan Civil War
2019-07-23 Revolutionary Perspectives The Drums of War in the Gulf
2019-06-17 Battaglia Comunista The Attack on Two Oil Tankers in the Gulf of Oman
2019-05-30 Documents Iran and the USA on the Warpath?
2018-12-29 Documents Workers' Strikes in Iran: This Time it is Different
2018-11-30 Documents Iran: Workers' Strikes and Protests Continue
2018-11-19 Documents The Crisis and the Rise of Workers’ Militancy in Iran
2018-10-21 Documents The Imperialist Manoeuvring Behind the Khashoggi Affair
2018-08-30 Documents Trotskyism and the War in Syria
2018-08-02 Documents Yemen’s “Forgotten War” Re-Ignited
2018-06-24 Documents Palestinian Workers Continue to Die for a Capitalist State
2018-05-10 Documents Iran: Class War against Imperialist Pretensions
2018-04-16 Documents Syria: The Real Significance of the US Bombardment
2018-02-16 Documents Syria: The Long War that Never Ends
2017-12-16 Documents Trump and Jerusalem
2017-08-19 Documents Syria – The Final Chapter?
2017-06-30 Revolutionary Perspectives The USA, Qatar and ‘New’ Imperialist Alignments
2017-04-08 Documents It’s War
2017-01-06 Documents Imperialist Hypocrisy over Aleppo
2016-07-02 Documents The Istanbul and Dhaka Attacks
2016-03-29 Documents The Class Composition of the Islamic State
2016-02-12 Revolutionary Perspectives Imperialist Interests and Ideology in the Struggle for the Middle East
2015-11-27 Documents Turkey Downs a Russian Warplane
2015-10-13 Documents Putin’s Latest Move in Syria
2015-05-18 Documents Saudi Arabia, Religion in the Service of Imperialism
2015-04-04 Documents Yemen’s Proxy War: From Failing State to a Failing System
2015-02-03 Battaglia Comunista MARGINAL NOTES ON THE PARIS EVENTS
2014-10-31 Documents The Bloodbath in Syria: Class War or Ethnic War?
2014-10-30 Documents IS – Imperialist Barbarism Continues
2014-10-30 Documents In Rojava: People’s War is not Class War
2014-10-15 Prometeo Iraq, The New Caliphate, IS and the Wider Imperialist Manoeuvres
2014-08-10 Documents Iraq and the New Caliphate of the Islamic State (ISIS)
2014-08-08 Documents In Palestine and Israel: The Only War Worth Fighting is the Class War
2014-07-14 Documents The Ongoing Barbarism of Two Nationalisms: Hamas and Israel exploit their mutual weaknesses to revive their national agendas within the increasingly critical Middle East region
2013-09-12 Documents Syria: Another Unending Imperialist Agony
2013-08-31 Prometeo The Continuing Crisis in Egypt, More Power Games While the Masses Are Dying Of Hunger And Poverty
2013-05-27 Prometeo Syria: The Story of A Civil War Foretold
2012-11-24 Documents Another Crisis in the Middle East
2012-05-26 Revolutionary Perspectives Syria: Caught in the Vice of Imperialism
2012-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Murder and Manoeuvre in the Middle East
2011-08-18 Documents Crisis in the Iranian Ruling Class
2011-06-13 Documents Syria: So Many Deaths, So Many Illusions to be Shattered
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Austerity in Iran - The Working Class Face the Biggest Attacks Yet
2010-06-25 Documents Gaza: Why so Much Violence?
2010-03-30 Documents Dubai: Mirage of the Land of Plenty
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism and Revisionism
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives On the Iranian Election - The Working Class Must Fight for its Own Agenda
2009-06-26 Documents Iran at the crossroads - workers cannot support any faction of the ruling class
2009-06-23 Documents The 10th Iranian Presidential Elections 2009
2009-06-20 Documents Neither Ahmadinejad nor Moussavi - Long Live Class Struggle!
2009-06-18 Documents Iran at the Crossroads
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Thirty Years of Islamic Iran - A Warning from History
2009-01-22 Documents The Imperialist Massacre in Gaza
2009-01-03 Documents Gaza - The Imperialist Massacre Goes on
2008-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Iran’s Imperialist Brinkmanship Can’t Hide More Misery for the Working Class
2008-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Tensions Against Iran are Growing
2008-03-01 Aurora (en) Only the World Working Class Can Halt Imperialist War
2008-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives US Imperialism’s Hundred Years War?
2007-12-01 Aurora (en) Bush and Ahmedinejad are Both our Enemies
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives Turkey, Pakistan and Iran: Squaring the Circle of US Imperialism
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives Iraq - US Imperialism in Disarray
2007-06-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Iran: Imperialist Aspirations Mask Economic Decline
2007-02-16 Revolutionary Perspectives Lebanon: The Next War Won’t Be Just a Civil War
2007-02-16 Revolutionary Perspectives Palestine: More Imperialist Misery
2007-02-16 Revolutionary Perspectives Iraq: The Debacle of US Imperialism
2006-10-01 Internationalist Notes The Two Levels of the Lebanese Crisis
2006-10-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Widening Conflict in the Middle East
2006-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Palestine: No End to Barbarism in Sight
2006-03-01 Aurora (en) Iraqi Occupation - Neither Islam nor the West Have Anything to Offer
2006-03-01 Aurora (en) Islamic Repression in Iran - Tehran Bus Workers' Gaoled
2006-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Hamas Victory - The Reasons for Victory and the Perspective for Palestinians
2006-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Hamas victory in Palestine - Setback for US Imperialism - No Gain for Palestinian Workers
2006-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalist Repression in the Islamic Republic - Tehran Transport Workers Gaoled
2003-02-01 Aurora (en) This War is a Class War!
2003-02-01 Aurora (en) Iraq Oil, Blood and Class
2003-02-01 Aurora (en) Palestine-Israel - Neither One State nor Two but Workers’ Internationalism
2003-02-01 Aurora (en) Our Basic Positions
2003-02-01 Aurora (en) How to Fight for Peace
2002-11-01 Internationalist Notes Against Israel, Against Palestine - For Class Struggle
2002-10-01 Documents Iraq Oil, Blood and Class
2002-05-01 Aurora (en) Palestine, Israel
2000-10-01 Internationalist Communist Peyke Anternasionalisti - Communists, the Working Class and the Election Issue
2000-10-01 Internationalist Notes Abdullah Öcalan - The Life Work of a “Liberator”...
1996-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Real Issue about Arms for Iraq
1995-12-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Islamic Fundamentalism - A Capitalist Ideology
1995-12-01 Revolutionary Perspectives After Rabin: Imperialism Still Dictates the "Peace Process"
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