United States of America

United States of America

Date Publications Title
2025-01-22 Internationalist Notes Right Populism Returns and the Threat of War Looms Large
2024-11-19 Documents Recent ILA Port Strike Exemplifies Union as a Tool of the Ruling Class
2024-09-26 Documents Don’t Wait on Aramark, Strike While the Iron is Hot!
2024-09-03 Internationalist Notes Two Parties, One Rotten System
2024-05-03 Internationalist Notes Unions Don’t Give You the Time of Day!
2024-03-12 Documents The Big Three and the False Union Perspective
2023-11-09 Internationalist Notes USA: Renewal of Workers' Initiative is Real
2023-09-21 Documents To Throw a Wrench in the Bosses' Plans, We Need to Take Control of the Struggle!
2023-08-19 Documents Balloting on Tentative Agreement at UPS: Workers' Mobilizations in the USA are Subordinated to the Exigencies of Crisis and Rearmament
2023-07-31 Documents UPS Struggle: Strike While the Iron is Hot!
2023-07-11 Documents In Remembrance of Comrade Martin
2023-04-21 Internationalist Notes East Palestine Chemical Disaster: Capitalism Goes Off the Rails
2023-04-08 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Miami
2023-04-04 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Chicago
2022-12-23 Documents Statement on the US Rail Workers' Struggle
2022-11-06 Internationalist Notes Inflation Cuts Workers' Real Wages With No End in Sight
2022-11-05 Documents Weyerhaeuser Workers: Not Finished Yet!
2022-08-11 Documents Striking Starbucks Workers: When Our Conditions Are Under Attack, Stand Up & Fight Back!
2022-07-07 1919 Uncle Sam's "Socialists" and the War in Ukraine
2022-07-03 1919 The Impossible Aspirations of Reformism During Capitalism's Decadence
2022-06-25 Documents SCOTUS Attacks Working Class Women: Only a Struggle by our Class can Secure Reproductive Freedom for Women!
2022-02-01 Documents USA: Two Years of Strikes
2021-12-30 Documents Happy Holidays from the Capitalists: Economic Misery and Disease in our Stockings
2021-12-20 Documents Capitalist Negligence Killed 14 Workers in Midwestern Tornado
2021-12-05 Documents Striking Kellogg's Workers: Don't Settle for Crumbs!
2021-11-25 Documents USA: "Striketober", An Unprecedented Wave of Strikes
2021-11-10 Documents Report from the Kellogg's Workers Strike
2021-10-13 Documents Striking Kellogg's Workers: Take Control of the Struggle!
2021-09-24 Documents Solidarity with Haitian Migrant Workers facing State Repression at the Southern Border!
2021-09-13 Documents The End of Bretton Woods: A Contemporary Analysis
2021-05-21 Documents Prisons and Police Brutality: Last Line in the Defence of Exploitation and Oppression (Part II)
2021-04-12 1919 Reopen or Close Schools: A Lose-Lose Situation for the Working Class
2021-04-09 1919 Left Nationalism and Support for Imperialist War in the United States
2021-04-02 1919 Vaccine Nationalism
2021-02-03 Documents NYC Produce Workers' Strike: Capitalism's Treatment of its "Essential Workers"
2021-01-29 Documents The Trump Era is Over, Now it's Time for Biden
2021-01-11 Documents Storming of the Capitol: The Working Class Has its Own Battles to Fight
2020-12-04 Aurora (en) The US Election is Over: The Capitalist Nightmare Continues!
2020-11-12 Documents The Election is Over: The Capitalist Class has Won
2020-09-01 1919 Against Police Reform - For the Abolition of Capitalism
2020-08-10 Revolutionary Perspectives The Murder of George Floyd: The End of Racism Starts with the Death of Capitalism
2020-08-05 Aurora (en) Unrest in the USA: A Perfect Storm
2020-06-14 Documents The Global Pandemic and Imperialist Competition
2020-05-30 Documents On Minneapolis: Police Brutality & Class Struggle
2020-04-21 Documents The Pandemic and the Crisis
2020-01-29 Documents American Dream meets the Chinese Dream: A Nightmare on Fuyao Avenue
2020-01-11 Revolutionary Perspectives USA: Overview of Auto Workers' Strike
2019-09-06 Internationalist Notes Abstention: A Class Response to Capitalist Elections
2019-04-10 Documents Bloody Capitalism: Mean Wages Constantly Cut in Iowa's Meatpacking Industry
2019-03-04 Documents Honda, General Motors: Global Crisis and the Car Industry
2018-12-06 Documents Caravan Migrants Trapped on the Frontiers of Capitalism
2018-10-26 Documents Workers of all Identities, Unite!
2018-09-10 Documents John McCain – War Hero or Racist War Monger?
2018-09-03 Documents New US Prison Strike Takes us to the Dark Heart of Capitalism
2018-06-01 Internationalist Notes USA: The Role of the Union in the Teachers Strikes
2018-04-01 Documents Education Strikes from West Virginia and Kenya to the UK
2018-03-11 Internationalist Notes West Virginia School Employees Strike Sold Out?
2018-01-03 Documents Trump’s Tax “Reform” – The Robbery of the Century
2017-08-28 Internationalist Notes Setup in Charlottesville
2017-08-08 Internationalist Notes Russo-phobic Propaganda and US War Aims: the Bourgeois Left Takes Sides
2017-04-06 Documents USA: Unions Welcome the New Boss
2017-03-10 Aurora (en) Trump: The Problem is Still Capitalism
2017-02-22 Documents Trump: I have a dream, more pollution and poverty for all (or nearly all)
2016-12-16 Internationalist Notes The Black Snake – Still in the Pipeline
2016-11-28 Internationalist Notes US Elections – Never Gamble on the Sanity of the Ruling Class
2016-07-29 Revolutionary Perspectives Sanders’ Electoral Campaign in the US
2016-07-23 Documents United States: On the Events of Dallas and Baton Rouge
2016-07-08 Internationalist Notes USA: Prison Struggles Spread Nationwide
2016-03-11 Internationalist Notes Sanders, Trump & the US Election
2016-02-14 Documents Detroit Teachers Sickout
2015-10-15 Documents USA: Fixing the Electoral Machine
2015-08-10 Internationalist Notes United Auto Workers in Concessions Talks with the Big Three
2015-02-23 Internationalist Notes University of Wisconsin-Madison Cuts: We're not all in this together!
2014-08-24 Internationalist Notes Cop-ocalypse in Ferguson
2014-04-30 Internationalist Notes The Arcane World of Capitalist Electoral Politics in the U.S.
2014-02-03 Documents USA - How a Republic Enforces its Order
2013-07-13 Internationalist Notes Small Arms and Big Capital
2013-04-01 Internationalist Notes USA: A PR Campaign for Austerity—A More “Flexible” System of Layoffs in the Offing for Workers
2013-02-19 Internationalist Notes Christopher Dorner – A Capitalist Tragedy
2013-01-20 Internationalist Notes Michigan Protests: A Defeat Led by the Unions
2012-12-16 Internationalist Notes Los Angeles and Long Beach Port Clerical Workers Strike
2012-09-30 Internationalist Notes One Year Since the Wisconsin Protests
2012-09-28 Internationalist Notes The Grand Spectacle: Capitalist Elections and the Permanent War
2012-05-21 Internationalist Notes Update on Wisconsin: Elections and Austerity
2012-01-20 Documents Occupy Atlanta: An Insight into the Occupy Movement
2011-11-18 Documents The Oakland General Strike
2011-08-14 Documents The US Budget Crisis—Workers Get Downgraded
2011-06-14 Documents Tornado Terror and Capitalist Calamity
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Wisconsin: Workers Protests Get Stuck in the Electoral Swamp
2011-03-31 Documents Capital must be seized by the horns
2011-03-14 Documents Georgia: Something is Rotten in the Peach State
2011-03-11 Documents An update on events in Wisconsin
2011-02-23 Documents The Obama Budget: No Workers Left Uncut
2011-02-21 Documents State Workers Protests Continue in Wisconsin
2011-02-14 Documents Wisconsin - War Declared on State Sector Workers
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Prisoners of Capital Fight Back
2010-11-20 Documents GM, Unions and Bosses Face Workers Resistance
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Los Angeles Teachers’ Struggle
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives BP’s Deepwater Horizon: Capitalism is the Disaster
2010-03-29 Documents Obama regime targets education for massive cuts
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Bankruptcy of General Motors = the Bankruptcy of Capitalism
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Obama Speech: New Words, Old Policies
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes Barack Obama: Bourgeois Savior, Middle Class Messiah
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes Repression from the Convention to the Election... and Beyond
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes Origins of the “Progressives”
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes Janesville GM: The End of a Long Decline
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes While Union Leaders and Democrats Make Speeches
2008-11-01 Documents Lessons from Wall Street
2007-11-01 Internationalist Notes Housing and Market Turmoil in the US
2007-11-01 Internationalist Notes Patch and Pray - Minnesota I-35 Bridge Disaster
2007-04-20 Internationalist Notes The Legacy of US Reaction
2006-10-01 Internationalist Notes The Bourgeois Left on Hurricane Katrina One Year On
2006-10-01 Internationalist Notes Immigration Movement in the US
2006-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Shipwreck of US Ambitions
2006-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Immigration and Global Capitalism
2005-09-06 Documents Hurricane Katrina Breaches Capitalism's Levées
2002-01-01 Documents Relationship of LAWV with the IBRP
2001-09-20 Documents The War in Preparation is an Imperialist War
2001-09-11 Documents USA coalition declares war on the world
2000-10-01 Internationalist Communist US Boom: Triumph of the Paper Economy
2000-01-01 Internationalist Communist The WTO is a Symptom, the Disease is Capitalism
1999-11-27 Documents The WTO is a Symptom, the Disease is Capitalism
1995-12-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Pax Americana: The Global Domination of the USA
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