Asbestos, money and death - The politics of cancer


:Health vs capitalism 1 · A Montreal Symposium held last December studying the impact of asbestos on workers’ health concluded something that should already be well known by now in contemporary society: asbestos kills. However, the meeting, held in a context of local slacking off the limits on the use of the lethal fibrous mineral as well as the Quebec and Canadian governments ongoing worldwide...

Rouyn-Noranda - Beryllium alert!


Health vs capitalism 2 · The population of Rouyn-Noranda, a metallurgic production centre in North Western Quebec is under the menace of severe and diverse kinds of industrial pollution. Out of the general population of just over 27,000 people, the workers of the Horne smelter and the largely working class neighbourhood of Notre-Dame directly to the south of the plant are the most exposed, mainly...

Kirkland Lake - Garbage madness continues


Health vs capitalism 3 · After a decade long struggle, the people of the Kirkland Lake area, a working class community in North Eastern Ontario, have finally defeated an extremely dangerous major waste disposal project. The idea was to convey millions of tons of Toronto garbage and dump it in a lake 600 kilometres north of that city.

Science and the limitations imposed on it by capitalism


Capital imposes on science the task of revolutionizing capitalist production. Freed from this science would be able to pursue the development of socially necessary technologies. Compare the "Son of Star Wars" plan for Nuclear Missile Defense with proposals for solar energy generators in space, the capitalist class would choose to develop further its destructive military technology.

The agonizing death of Little Steel


Hardly noticeable amidst the noise of the latest war drive of the US bourgeoisie is the tragic collapse of an entire industry taking its toll in the lives of tens, even hundreds of thousands of workers. As world capitalism sinks miserably in its own inherent contradictions the ruling class has only one course of action, to force austerity on the workers and jam one imperialist war after another...

A Lesson from Argentina


Either the Revolutionary Party and Socialism or Generalised Poverty and War · Argentina, pummelled by an economic, financial and political crisis which has no precedent in this post second world war period, has been torn apart and the vast majority of its population reduced to hunger. When the media and the institutions that govern the world economy, like the World Bank and the International...

Relationship of LAWV with the IBRP


Given the fact that until recently the IBRP has considered the group in Los Angeles, formerly know as Los Angeles Workers’ Voice, as an organisation politically sympathetic and working towards closer relations and eventual integration with the Bureau as a whole, it is important to clarify that this is no longer the situation.

No War but Class War!


Originally published by the Communist Workers Organisation, British section of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party (IBRP). · The attack on the World Trade Centre was also an attack on the workers who made up the majority of those who died. Scores of them will not even be recorded in death since they were the very illegal immigrants who are stigmatised daily by the capitalist state...

Internationalist Notes and the war


Opening shots · This special edition of Internationalist Notes is entirely devoted to the state of war and the imperialist tensions going on across the world. Napoleon Bonaparte once commented that: · "Blood-letting is part of the combinations of political medicine." · Later, the Prussian general Karl Von Clausewitz wrote that: · "War is the simple continuation of politics, but by other means.

The new "Great Game"


It is absolutely central to the re-establishment of working class political independence that the present conflict is understood as imperialist on both sides. The fact that the Taleban are overwhelmingly outgunned by their Western enemies cannot blind us to the fact that they are not "anti-imperialist".

Palestine 2001


(From the Pages of the IBRP Press - This article first appeared in Italian, in the pages of Battaglia Comunista, last May. Our comrades of the Partito comunista internazionalista, Italian section of the IBRP, publish this newspaper monthly. I.N. - Canada). · The tragedy of the Palestinian proletariat is destined never to end, so long as it remains the prisoner of ruling class strategies.

USA coalition declares war on the world


After the attack to the Usa sept. 2001 · The devastating suicide attacks on key symbols of US capitalism's financial and military might may have shaken the complacency of the most powerful state in the world but in no sense is it a victory for the exploited working class. Not only are ordinary wage workers amongst the thousands killed, but the assaults are being used to legitimise heightened state...


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