
Date Publications Title
2024-02-07 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism's Economic Foundations (Part IV)
2023-09-08 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism's Economic Foundations (Part III)
2023-02-28 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism's Economic Foundations (Part II)
2022-08-31 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism's Economic Foundations (Part I)
2020-08-28 Revolutionary Perspectives The Disappointed of 1968: Seeking Refuge in Utopia
2020-08-03 Aurora (en) A Crisis of Capitalist "Civilisation"
2020-04-30 Documents Covid-19 Exposes the Irrationality of Capitalism
2020-04-17 Documents The Pandemic and the Worsening Crisis: Some Reflections on the Consequences and Perspectives
2020-04-16 Documents "All in it Together" or Class against Class
2020-03-29 Documents Capitalism Grappling with Coronavirus
2020-03-21 Documents The Four Horsemen of Capitalist Decay
2019-09-14 Documents On the Establishment of the Group “Emancipación”
2019-08-26 Documents Imperialism and the Amazon
2018-09-17 Revolutionary Perspectives US Power and the New Course Towards War
2018-09-06 Revolutionary Perspectives Are We Going Back to the 1930s?
2018-08-27 Aurora (en) Out of this capitalist impasse: A New World Has to Take Shape
2018-07-07 Documents AMLO or the "anti-imperialism" of the Mexican bourgeoisie
2018-05-30 Documents Against Imperialist Massacres: No War but the Class War!
2018-05-15 Documents The Horror, the Horror of World Imperialism
2018-05-10 Documents Iran: Class War against Imperialist Pretensions
2018-04-25 Documents Against Nationalism and War!
2018-04-14 Documents Universal Basic Income
2017-01-06 Documents Imperialist Hypocrisy over Aleppo
2016-10-04 Prometeo The Turkish Imperialist U-turn in Syria
2016-04-25 Aurora (en) The Panama Papers: The Real Scandal is Capitalism
2014-11-18 L'Internationale Marx, Stalin and Katniss Everdeen
2014-10-22 Aurora (en) “The Only War Worth Fighting is the Class War”
2014-09-17 Documents 75 Years Since the Soviet Invasion of Poland: The Nightmare of Imperialist History
2014-07-16 Aurora (en) Their First World War Commemorations and Ours
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism Has Outlived its Usefulness
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Is Capitalism Finished? Report on a CWO Open Meeting
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Is Capitalism Finished?
2007-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives The Dynamic of Capitalism and Its Crisis - A Reply to the ICC - Part One
2007-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives The Accumulation of Contradictions or The Economic Consequences of Rosa Luxemburg
2005-11-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Economic Role of War in Capitalism's Decadent Phase
2005-06-01 Internationalist Communist Refining the Concept of Decadence
2003-12-01 Documents For a Definition of the Concept of Decadence
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