
Holy See, Italy, Malta, San Marino

Date Publications Title
2024-08-29 Revolutionary Perspectives The Murder of Giacomo Matteotti: 100 Years On
2024-02-29 Documents Yes, Fight and Strike Against War: But Against All Capitalist Factions!
2023-06-18 Documents "Nunc est bibendum?" On the Death and State Funeral of Silvio Berlusconi
2023-05-06 Documents Base Unionism: Political Struggle or Struggle Against Politicians?
2022-12-29 Documents Migrants and Italy: The Show Must Go On
2022-12-17 Documents Notes on the Union Demonstration of 3 December in Rome
2022-11-26 Documents On the 2 December Strike in Italy: Especially In Times of War "Normal" Strikes Are Not Enough
2022-10-06 Documents Italian Elections Bring Far Right to Power
2022-08-12 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Rome
2022-07-20 Documents Class Solidarity with the Arrested Workers in Piacenza
2022-02-19 Revolutionary Perspectives Vaccines, Lockdowns and Covid Passes: The Pandemic Goes On But So Does the Class Struggle
2022-02-15 Documents Italy: The Lions of Piacenza Have Been Caged
2022-01-30 Documents Italy: Capitalist Dilemma over Citizens' Income
2021-12-06 Documents Against Capitalism, As Always!
2021-10-18 Documents On the Events in Rome on 9 October
2021-10-17 Documents The Italian General Strike
2021-10-04 Documents The GKN Struggle and the October "General Strike" In Italy
2021-06-24 Documents A Victim of the Bosses, A Victim of Capitalism
2021-06-17 Documents Italy: Class Solidarity with the FedEx and Texprint Workers
2021-03-16 Documents Italy: The Capitalist Attacks Are Already Beginning
2021-02-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Mythology About the Middle Class and the Class Struggle
2021-01-13 Documents Wealth Tax: Expropriation of the Rich or Capitalist Smokescreen?
2020-10-24 Documents 1944: War or Revolution
2020-10-05 Documents Gramscism or Marxism?
2020-07-28 Documents The Murders of Fausto Atti and Mario Acquaviva
2020-07-25 Documents Remembering the Early Comrades of the Internationalist Communist Party
2020-07-12 Documents For Migrant Labourers An Amnesty with Capitalism Is a Mockery
2020-06-12 Documents The Virus is Capitalism, the Revolutionary Proletariat is the Cure
2020-05-07 Documents April 1945: Perspectives and Directives of the Internationalist Communist Party
2020-04-12 Documents The Left, Still Clinging onto Gramsci
2020-04-01 Documents Coronavirus is Not the Same for All
2020-03-16 Revolutionary Perspectives Political Platform of the Internationalist Communist Party (1952)
2020-03-14 Documents Italy: "We're not Lambs to the Slaughter!" Class Struggle in the Time of Coronavirus
2020-03-11 Documents Demonstration and Strike of Peroni Workers at Tor Sapienza (Rome)
2020-01-12 Battaglia Comunista Italy: On the Sardines Movement
2019-10-14 Documents Forty Years Since the Death of Onorato Damen
2019-08-09 Revolutionary Perspectives Gramsci: Between Marxism and Idealism
2019-06-14 Documents Italy: The Failure of the “Populist” Coalition
2019-05-27 Documents Brexit or Remain: A Choice of Tripe at the End of May
2019-05-07 Documents May Day Repression in Turin
2018-12-03 Documents Against Racism, Against Capitalism
2018-10-14 Documents Italy’s “Government of Change”: History as Farce
2018-08-13 Documents Italy: Is Salvini’s League a Nazi Party?
2018-07-16 Documents Italy: The “Government of Change” is still anti-Working Class
2018-03-15 Documents Italian Elections: there’s nothing more depressing in a desert of ideas and perspectives
2018-02-10 Documents Solidarity with the GDN Logistics workers
2017-04-15 Documents With Europe, Against Europe? For Class Struggle and Organisation!
2017-03-21 Documents Two Comments on Recent Events around SiCobas in Italy
2017-01-31 Prometeo In the Tradition of the Communist Left on the Path of International Revolution
2016-12-09 Documents A Memoir of Onorato Damen
2016-11-11 Documents Italy: We fight against the growth in poverty and insecurity!
2016-01-30 Documents Italy Update: Solidarity with the Warehouse Workers For the Overthrow of Capitalism
2016-01-11 Documents Italy: Solidarity with the Workers of Bormioli di Fidenza
2015-11-22 Documents In Memory of Sandro Saggioro
2015-06-04 Documents Vercesi, the Italian Fraction Abroad and the Internationalist Communist Party
2015-05-23 Documents May 1915: Italian Entry into World War One and Internationalist Opposition
2015-05-01 Documents Don't Vote!
2015-03-09 Documents Beyond Anti-Fascism
2015-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Bologna 1919: A Page from History
2014-11-12 Battaglia Comunista The Titan Works and the Struggles of “Labour”
2014-04-08 Battaglia Comunista A Century Since the Massacres of the First World Imperialist War
2014-01-14 Battaglia Comunista European Proposals on Youth Unemployment
2013-11-15 Battaglia Comunista Italy: Hunger, sweat and tears whilst waiting for the (supposed) recovery
2013-10-15 Documents The Need for an Alternative
2013-10-09 Battaglia Comunista Lampedusa Disaster
2013-08-30 Documents Antonio Gramsci "Pre-Prison Writings": Review Article
2013-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives The Internationalist Communist Party of Italy
2013-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives Damen and Bordiga: On the Union Question
2013-03-29 Documents Migrants And Italians United In Struggle - Why Not a Strike?
2013-03-03 Battaglia Comunista New Government, Same Bosses
2013-02-20 Documents If one Pope dies they just create another ...
2013-02-06 Battaglia Comunista The Vote is only a Trick
2012-12-14 Documents The Pathetic Path of Italian Politics
2012-11-06 Battaglia Comunista What is the Alternative?
2012-09-17 Documents It’s Time to Open a New Season of Proletarian Struggle
2012-06-05 Documents Serious Event at the Parma ICT Office
2012-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives "The Revolt of the Pitchforks" and the Southern Proletariat
2011-12-18 Documents Class Solidarity with Senegalese Immigrants!
2011-11-01 Revolutionary Perspectives On the October 15 Riots in Rome: violence, non-violence, class struggle
2011-09-06 Documents Their Crisis and Ours
2011-07-28 Documents Sovereign Debt and the Fight Against the System
2011-06-30 Aurora (en) In UK and elsewhere, global resistance has to be based on working class struggle
2011-06-03 Documents Indignados - Document of the "Labour Commission" in Rome
2011-05-24 Documents When Will We Really Begin to Struggle?
2011-03-01 Documents Italian and Immigrant Workers: Same Class, Same Struggle
2011-02-15 Communist left Bourgeois Violence and Proletarian Defence
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Open Letter from the Workers of FIAT Mirafiori
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives From London to Rome young people’s protests are exploding against the cuts, against the crisis
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Lets Get Out of the Student Ghetto. Carry on the Struggle. Build Autonomy!
2010-12-17 Documents Whose future is it? Tomorrow is ours if we know how to build it
2010-11-21 Documents Defend our conditions, our class and our cause
2010-03-01 Documents March 1st: for the unity in struggle of all the exploited
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Racism in Italy - The Working Class is a Class of Migrants
2010-01-11 Documents Solidarity with the Rosarno Labourers, Against the Bosses’ Iron bars and Lockouts
2009-10-13 Documents In Support of the Struggle of the Workers of SPX, For Proletarian Internationalism
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives FIAT - The Anti-Union Protest in Turin
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Fiat Pomigliano - Corporate Terrorism
2009-02-23 Documents False Friends and Real Enemies
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Italy Fighting the Education Cuts
2008-12-11 Documents Alitalia Strike - Long Live the "Wildcat" Struggle of Alitalia Workers
2008-11-12 Documents Against “Law 133”, to extend the struggle!
2008-11-12 Documents For a different school, for a different world
2008-10-13 Documents A Social Tsunami is Breaking on the Schools
2008-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Political Significance of the Strikes at FIAT Pomigliano
2008-04-15 Documents Since Thursday April 10, 2008, the FIAT factory of Pomigliano (NA) is blocked
2007-12-04 Documents Deaths at work
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives A Worker Informs Us of a Spontaneous Strike at FIAT
2005-07-03 Documents Mauro Stefanini
2005-06-01 Internationalist Communist Tributes from other comrades
2005-06-01 Internationalist Communist In Memory of Mauro who has left us so soon
2005-06-01 Internationalist Communist Letter from Comrade Franca
2005-06-01 Internationalist Communist The Commemoration at Calusca in Milan and the messages of solidarity
2005-06-01 Internationalist Communist Tribute to Mauro from the CWO (UK)
2001-07-13 Documents Genoa: Anti-Globalisation? Anti-capitalism for Communism!
1999-11-01 Pamphlets Onorato Damen
1999-11-01 Pamphlets The Work of Comrade Damen in the Communist Movement
1999-11-01 Pamphlets A Life in the Service of Class Struggle
1999-11-01 Pamphlets The Line of Conduct of the Revolutionary Party
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