Workers' conditions and struggles

Date Publications Title
2025-01-06 Documents Class Struggle in Sweden: Anger and Dissatisfaction with Trade Unions - And Then What?
2025-01-02 Documents It's Not Over
2024-11-23 Aurora (en) The Real Scandal is Capitalism
2024-11-19 Documents Recent ILA Port Strike Exemplifies Union as a Tool of the Ruling Class
2024-10-17 Documents The Class War in Italy: Striking Workers Attacked in Prato
2024-09-26 Documents Don’t Wait on Aramark, Strike While the Iron is Hot!
2024-09-04 Mutiny / Mutinerie Decant the Strike from Union Control!
2024-09-02 Internationalist Notes The Working Class Needs A Militant Labor Day
2024-07-07 Documents The Healthcare Strike in Sweden: Unions NEVER Fight for Real!
2024-05-03 Internationalist Notes Unions Don’t Give You the Time of Day!
2024-04-25 Aurora (en) Looking Back at Class War in the 1970s: Fifty Years Since the Strike at Imperial Typewriters
2024-03-12 Documents The Big Three and the False Union Perspective
2024-02-20 Documents Turkey: Massacre of Mine Workers in Erzincan
2023-12-25 Documents Misplaced Enthusiasm: On the Auto Strike in the USA
2023-11-19 Aurora (en) Lessons from the Strike Wave
2023-11-18 Aurora (en) Cost of Living Crisis = Capitalist Crisis
2023-11-09 Internationalist Notes USA: Renewal of Workers' Initiative is Real
2023-09-21 Documents To Throw a Wrench in the Bosses' Plans, We Need to Take Control of the Struggle!
2023-08-28 Aurora (en) The Real Fight is Yet to Come
2023-08-19 Documents Balloting on Tentative Agreement at UPS: Workers' Mobilizations in the USA are Subordinated to the Exigencies of Crisis and Rearmament
2023-07-31 Documents UPS Struggle: Strike While the Iron is Hot!
2023-05-19 Documents The Present Wave of Strikes and the Way Forward for the Working Class
2023-05-16 Documents Montreal: Why are the BAnQ Workers on Strike?
2023-04-28 Documents Sweden: The Wildcat Strike on the Commuter Trains Shows the Way Forward
2023-04-25 Documents Pension Reform in France
2023-04-23 Documents The Invisible Slaughter: Study on Work-Related Deaths in France
2023-04-06 Documents Two Comments on Recent Bus Strikes in the UK
2023-03-20 Documents Inflation, Pensions, War Spiral: Only Open Mass Struggle Can Stop the Descent into Hell Promised by Capitalism
2023-03-06 Documents Iranian Workers Need an Internationalist Class Programme
2023-03-03 Aurora (en) Unite the Strikes
2023-02-05 Revolutionary Perspectives Cost-of-Living: The Other War on Workers
2023-01-11 Documents Notes on the UK Strike Wave
2022-12-27 Documents Turkey: Nation or Class?
2022-12-23 Documents Statement on the US Rail Workers' Struggle
2022-12-22 Documents Iran: Workers Respond to the Executions
2022-12-17 Documents Notes on the Union Demonstration of 3 December in Rome
2022-12-14 Documents Ontario Education Strike: No Union Wants to Walk the Picket Line!
2022-12-06 Documents Iran: Towards a General Strike?
2022-11-28 Documents Protests in China: Not Just About Covid
2022-11-26 Documents On the 2 December Strike in Italy: Especially In Times of War "Normal" Strikes Are Not Enough
2022-11-22 Aurora (en) Workers in Iran Show the Way
2022-11-10 Documents Oil Workers in Iran Continue to Resist Despite Repressions
2022-11-06 Internationalist Notes Inflation Cuts Workers' Real Wages With No End in Sight
2022-11-05 Documents Weyerhaeuser Workers: Not Finished Yet!
2022-10-29 Mutiny / Mutinerie Business as per Emergency Bill: Strike at Achema Plant in Lithuania
2022-10-28 Mutiny / Mutinerie Tighten Your Belts and Forward March!
2022-10-11 Documents Iran: On the Hijab as Labour Discipline, and the Slogan of "Woman, Life, Freedom"
2022-09-29 Documents Workers' Voices on the Protests in Iran
2022-09-08 Documents Don't Let Them Deal You a Bad Hand!
2022-08-31 Documents North Sea Oil and Gas Fields: The Struggle Continues!
2022-08-29 Aurora (en) Workers Respond to the Bosses' Class War
2022-08-21 Aurora (en) Cost of Living Goes Through the Roof
2022-08-15 Documents Wildcat Strikes in the UK: Getting Ready for a Hot Autumn
2022-08-14 Revolutionary Perspectives The Cost-of-Living Crisis is a Capitalist Crisis
2022-08-11 Documents Striking Starbucks Workers: When Our Conditions Are Under Attack, Stand Up & Fight Back!
2022-07-20 Documents Class Solidarity with the Arrested Workers in Piacenza
2022-07-17 Documents The Social Tensions in Ecuador
2022-07-12 Documents Class Solidarity for the Victory in the Struggle of Subcontracted Workers in Daewoo Shipbuilding
2022-06-29 1919 "If we can show them, we're capable of anything": The 1972 Québec General Strike in Retrospect
2022-06-07 Aurora (en) The Cost-of-Living Crisis - They Party, We Pay!
2022-05-15 Documents Ukraine/Russia: War and Sanctions are Hitting Hard, But Not the Oligarchs (On Either Side)
2022-03-24 Mutiny / Mutinerie The Bosses Want a "Return to Normalcy"!
2022-03-10 Revolutionary Perspectives Behind the Amazon Curtain
2022-02-18 Documents Turkey: The Trade Unions Are An Obstacle To All Workers' Struggles
2022-02-15 Documents Italy: The Lions of Piacenza Have Been Caged
2022-02-04 Aurora (en) "Year of the Squeeze": The Working Class Pays for the Crisis
2022-02-02 Documents Turkey: Workers are Trying to Find Their Own Voice All Over the World
2022-02-01 Documents USA: Two Years of Strikes
2022-01-08 Documents Kazakhstan: The Working Class Attempts to Find its Voice?
2021-12-05 Documents Striking Kellogg's Workers: Don't Settle for Crumbs!
2021-11-25 Documents USA: "Striketober", An Unprecedented Wave of Strikes
2021-11-16 Documents Letter From a Striking Oil Worker in Iran
2021-11-12 Aurora (en) Working Class Revolution is the Only Solution
2021-11-10 Documents Report from the Kellogg's Workers Strike
2021-10-31 Documents The Struggle of the Iranian Oil Workers Goes On
2021-10-25 1919 Covid Capitalism is Still Killing Workers Across the World
2021-10-22 1919 Agricultural Migrant Workers During Pandemic Capitalism
2021-10-21 Documents The Generalized Crisis Requires a Generalized Struggle
2021-10-17 Documents The Italian General Strike
2021-10-13 Documents Striking Kellogg's Workers: Take Control of the Struggle!
2021-10-08 Documents Anti-Lockdown Protests and Working-Class Activity in Australia
2021-10-04 Documents The GKN Struggle and the October "General Strike" In Italy
2021-09-10 Documents Iran: Oil Workers Reject Trade Unions
2021-08-18 Documents Iran: On Oil and Troubled Water
2021-08-17 Aurora (en) End of Lockdown, No End to Workers Paying for It
2021-08-10 Documents Iranian Oil Workers Strike Update
2021-07-28 Documents Iranian Oil and Petrochemical Workers' Strikes Go On
2021-07-12 Documents Let's Get Political!
2021-06-25 Documents Sparks' Power in Tyne & Wear: Wildcat Action Wins Back Jobs
2021-06-24 Documents A Victim of the Bosses, A Victim of Capitalism
2021-06-17 Documents Italy: Class Solidarity with the FedEx and Texprint Workers
2021-06-10 Documents Homes to Those Who Live in Them!
2021-05-14 Aurora (en) The Working Class Response
2021-05-04 Documents The Bosses' Assault is the Bosses' Recovery!
2021-04-26 Documents Solidarity with Firefighters, Paramedics, and Hospital Workers!
2021-04-23 Documents Solidarity and Self-Organisation are the Weapons of the Working Class
2021-03-16 Documents Italy: The Capitalist Attacks Are Already Beginning
2021-03-08 Documents 8 Historical Working Women Moments for 8 March
2021-03-03 Documents "We the Workers": China Behind the Scenes
2021-02-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Mythology About the Middle Class and the Class Struggle
2021-02-05 Documents A Sign of Things to Come
2021-02-03 Documents NYC Produce Workers' Strike: Capitalism's Treatment of its "Essential Workers"
2020-12-31 1919 New Year, Same Crisis
2020-11-30 Aurora (en) Coronavirus - Axe Falls on the Working Class
2020-11-24 Documents A Quick Glimpse at the Current State of the Pandemic in Oceania
2020-10-28 Documents Capitalism and its States against the Working Class, once again on the Front Line just as in the World Wars
2020-08-24 Documents Belarus: Between Imperialist Feuds and Class Movements
2020-08-17 Documents Workers' Strikes in Iran: A New Wave of Struggle
2020-08-15 Documents Strikes in Belarus Escalate as Lukashenko's Power Wavers
2020-08-12 Revolutionary Perspectives "Class Power on Zero-Hours": Learning the Hard Way?
2020-08-06 Aurora (en) Why the Working Class is Key
2020-08-04 Aurora (en) Pandemic Politics in the UK
2020-07-12 Documents For Migrant Labourers An Amnesty with Capitalism Is a Mockery
2020-06-12 Documents The Virus is Capitalism, the Revolutionary Proletariat is the Cure
2020-05-25 Documents 50 Years of Equal Exploitation?
2020-05-20 Documents War, Famine and Disease
2020-05-08 Documents Austerity for the Essential: The Struggle of Personal Support Workers
2020-05-05 Aurora (en) "All in this Together"? A Sick Joke
2020-05-03 Documents Capitalism and Covid: Paycheques and Rents
2020-04-30 Documents Covid-19 Exposes the Irrationality of Capitalism
2020-04-29 Aurora (en) May Day 2020: Against the Virus that is Capitalism
2020-04-28 Documents Scrubs: The Story from the Bottom Up
2020-04-25 Documents International Workers' Memorial Day: We Don't Want To Die For Your Profits!
2020-04-22 Documents What Does the Communist Left Do?
2020-04-21 Documents The Pandemic and the Crisis
2020-04-07 Documents The Virus is Capitalism
2020-04-01 Documents Coronavirus is Not the Same for All
2020-03-31 Documents Poll Tax Riots: 30 Years On
2020-03-23 Documents Class Struggle in the Time of Coronavirus: An Incomplete Chronicle of Events (16-21 March)
2020-03-14 Documents Italy: "We're not Lambs to the Slaughter!" Class Struggle in the Time of Coronavirus
2020-03-11 Documents Demonstration and Strike of Peroni Workers at Tor Sapienza (Rome)
2020-03-02 Aurora (en) Strikes Against Pension Reform in France
2020-01-29 Documents American Dream meets the Chinese Dream: A Nightmare on Fuyao Avenue
2020-01-11 Revolutionary Perspectives USA: Overview of Auto Workers' Strike
2019-12-13 Aurora (en) Workers are Paying for the Bosses' Crisis
2019-12-02 Documents The Self-Organised Struggle of Liverpool Couriers Highlights the Difficulties of Organising in the 'Gig Economy'
2019-11-25 Documents France: Following the SNCF Mechanics' Struggle, The Fight in the Hospitals Shows the Way
2019-11-18 Documents Sorry We Missed You: Wage Slavery in the Spotlight
2019-11-01 Documents Precarity and the 'Gig Economy'
2019-08-31 Documents Capitalism's New Economy: The Working Class
2019-08-28 Revolutionary Perspectives Class Struggle in China
2019-06-06 Documents Teesside Construction Workers Challenge the State
2019-05-30 Documents Iran and the USA on the Warpath?
2019-05-17 Documents Solidarność: Trade Unionism or Self-Organisation?
2019-05-15 Aurora (en) Twenty Years of the National Minimum Wage
2019-05-08 Documents Workers' Conditions in UK Warehouses
2019-04-10 Documents Bloody Capitalism: Mean Wages Constantly Cut in Iowa's Meatpacking Industry
2019-03-22 Aurora (en) Brexit or Not: Workers Have Their Own Battles to Fight
2019-03-07 Documents The Origins and Capture of International Working Women's Day
2019-02-24 Documents International Solidarity with the Wildcat Strikes of the Mexican Maquiladoras
2019-01-31 Documents Mexico's Turmoil Continues: The Maquiladora Strikes
2019-01-24 Documents Mexico: Between Barbarism and Class Struggle
2019-01-21 Revolutionary Perspectives Fight Capitalism – Not its Symptoms
2018-12-29 Documents Workers' Strikes in Iran: This Time it is Different
2018-11-30 Documents Russia: The number of strikes is growing
2018-11-30 Documents Iran: Workers' Strikes and Protests Continue
2018-11-19 Documents The Crisis and the Rise of Workers’ Militancy in Iran
2018-10-07 Documents Against Pension “Reform" in Russia
2018-10-01 Documents The Struggle of the Metro Workers of Granada
2018-09-13 Aurora (en) The Working Class Holds the Key to a New World
2018-09-06 Revolutionary Perspectives Are We Going Back to the 1930s?
2018-09-03 Documents New US Prison Strike Takes us to the Dark Heart of Capitalism
2018-08-27 Aurora (en) Out of this capitalist impasse: A New World Has to Take Shape
2018-08-23 Documents Syriza 2018: a Blast from the Past
2018-08-13 Documents Italy: Is Salvini’s League a Nazi Party?
2018-07-16 Documents Italy: The “Government of Change” is still anti-Working Class
2018-06-01 Internationalist Notes USA: The Role of the Union in the Teachers Strikes
2018-05-17 Documents What’s going on in Argentina?
2018-05-15 Documents The Horror, the Horror of World Imperialism
2018-05-13 Aurora (en) New Class Composition, New Struggles
2018-05-10 Documents Iran: Class War against Imperialist Pretensions
2018-04-14 Documents Universal Basic Income
2018-04-01 Documents Education Strikes from West Virginia and Kenya to the UK
2018-03-11 Internationalist Notes West Virginia School Employees Strike Sold Out?
2018-02-21 Revolutionary Perspectives Autonomism – “Many Flowers Little Fruit”
2018-02-10 Documents Solidarity with the GDN Logistics workers
2018-01-30 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism’s Crisis of Stagnation and Austerity
2018-01-16 Documents Iranian Protests against Austerity
2018-01-12 Documents Does Venezuela have a Future?
2017-11-23 Documents For a Class Analysis of the Housing Question
2017-10-31 Documents Durham Teaching Assistants – Not Finished Yet?
2017-10-20 Documents Durham Teaching Assistants – Conned by the Labour Movement
2017-10-19 Documents Neither Chavismo Nor Anti-Chavismo: For the Autonomous Struggle of the Working Class
2017-07-28 Documents Durham Teaching Assistants Fight On – Against Labour and their Unions
2017-06-21 Documents Grenfell Tower: A Tragedy Foretold
2017-06-02 Aurora (en) Don’t Vote - Prepare the Resistance
2017-05-22 Aurora (en) Fight for an End to Capitalism - The Only Way to a Better Life
2017-05-13 Documents The General Election – More Ruling Class Mystification
2017-04-28 Documents Against Exploitation, Crisis and War - No War But the Class War!
2017-04-22 Documents The ANC’s South Africa: Kleptocracy and Exploitation
2017-04-06 Documents USA: Unions Welcome the New Boss
2017-03-21 Documents Two Comments on Recent Events around SiCobas in Italy
2017-03-10 Aurora (en) Trump: The Problem is Still Capitalism
2017-03-02 Documents February 1917 – Anatomy of a Revolution
2017-02-13 Revolutionary Perspectives The Situation of the Working Class Today
2017-02-13 Revolutionary Perspectives Class Composition in the Crisis
2017-01-21 Documents Mexico’s Turmoil
2016-12-02 Documents From 1923 to Today: The Fight against Racist and Nationalist Attempts to Divide the Working Class
2016-11-13 Documents Lest We Forget, 1916 And All That: What has it got to do with us?
2016-11-11 Documents Italy: We fight against the growth in poverty and insecurity!
2016-10-21 Aurora (en) The Gig Economy: Capitalism’s New Normal
2016-07-24 Documents Letter from Mexico on Teachers Fight against Privatisation of Schools
2016-07-08 Internationalist Notes USA: Prison Struggles Spread Nationwide
2016-06-28 Documents France: A New Attack on the Working Class
2016-06-06 Documents Iran: The Day They Flogged “God”
2016-06-06 Documents Strikes in France - A Brief Introduction
2016-06-06 Bilan et Perspectives France: What does the “Up All Night” Movement Signify?
2016-06-01 Documents The Strikes in France May 2016
2016-05-13 Documents Ecuador: Against the Attacks of Capital and the State
2016-04-30 Aurora (en) Against Exploitation, Crisis and War
2016-04-29 Aurora (en) The Minimum Wage Con-Trick
2016-04-19 Documents UK Capital – New Steps, New Drama, New Pain for the Working Class
2016-03-18 Aurora (en) Migrants: Welcome to the Class Struggle
2016-03-10 Aurora (en) Junior Hospital Doctors Take Up the Class Struggle
2016-02-26 Revolutionary Perspectives Theses on the Role of Communists in the Economic Struggle of the Working Class
2016-02-17 Documents Let’s Put an End to the Madness, Irrationality and Violence of Capitalism Before it Destroys Us
2016-02-14 Documents Detroit Teachers Sickout
2016-01-30 Documents Italy Update: Solidarity with the Warehouse Workers For the Overthrow of Capitalism
2016-01-29 Documents The Housing Bill: Slamming the Door on Tenants
2016-01-11 Documents Italy: Solidarity with the Workers of Bormioli di Fidenza
2015-12-09 Documents Poland: The 18th Brumaire of Jarosław Kaczyński
2015-10-17 Aurora (en) Anti-strike Bill: The War Against the Working Class Intensifies
2015-10-11 Documents UK Housing: A System That's Rabidly Insane
2015-10-08 Documents Greece: For the 20 September Election
2015-10-07 Documents Notes on the Question of the Transition to Communism
2015-08-15 Documents Internationalist Comrades’ Statement on the 5th July Referendum
2015-08-10 Internationalist Notes United Auto Workers in Concessions Talks with the Big Three
2015-08-02 Documents Of Migrants and Mariners: What’s Really Going On in Calais?
2015-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Telefónica Strikes in Spain
2015-07-27 Revolutionary Perspectives Greece and the World: Austerity and Capitalist Crisis Go On
2015-07-10 Revolutionary Perspectives Osborne’s Smoke and Mirrors Budget
2015-07-10 Documents Greece - Solidarity with the Workers not the Capitalist Government!
2015-06-28 Aurora (en) Class War on the Homes Front
2015-06-24 Documents A German-style Strike, Don’t Hold Your Breath ...
2015-06-21 Aurora (en) Fighting Back in the Global Class War
2015-06-07 Documents Spanish Telecom Workers on All-Out Strike
2015-05-19 Documents Auto struggles in Turkey: "We don't want any unions. We have set up workers councils"
2015-03-27 L'Internationale Springtime in Québec
2015-03-07 Documents Benefit Sanctions – A Cudgel to Beat the Sick and Powerless
2015-02-23 Internationalist Notes University of Wisconsin-Madison Cuts: We're not all in this together!
2015-02-04 Documents International Statement on the Greek Elections
2015-01-06 Documents City Link: A Story of Our Time
2014-12-04 Documents The Guayaquil General Strike 1922
2014-11-12 Battaglia Comunista The Titan Works and the Struggles of “Labour”
2014-10-15 Aurora (en) We’ve done one day strikes and token demonstrations What Now?
2014-07-10 Aurora (en) Public Sector Workers Strike: Time to Go Beyond Rituals
2014-06-18 Documents South African Platinum Miners’ Strike
2014-05-17 Documents Turkish Miners: Soma Workers Murdered for Profits
2014-05-08 L'Internationale What Common Front?


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