No War But The Class War

Date Publications Title
2024-10-16 Documents The March Towards Generalized War: Presentation from the IWG’s Annual General Meeting
2024-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives Internationalist Initiatives Against War and Capitalism
2023-10-26 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Tyne & Wear
2023-10-23 Documents The Tasks of Revolutionaries in the Face of Capitalism's Drive to War
2023-10-03 Documents Against the Capitalist Crisis, For the Class War!
2023-10-02 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Sydney
2023-07-05 Revolutionary Perspectives The No War but the Class War Initiative
2023-05-24 Documents Appeal for the Creation of a NWBCW Committee in San Francisco, USA
2023-05-22 Aurora (en) Imperialist War or Class War
2023-05-16 Documents Montreal: Why are the BAnQ Workers on Strike?
2023-04-30 Documents May Day 2023: There is no "Right Side" in an Imperialist War, No War but the Class War!
2023-04-08 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Miami
2023-04-04 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Chicago
2023-02-13 Revolutionary Perspectives The War in Ukraine, the Working Class and the Future International
2023-02-02 Documents Report on NWBCW Paris
2023-01-27 Revolutionary Perspectives The Outlook for 2023
2022-12-27 Documents Turkey: Nation or Class?
2022-12-07 Documents Report on NWBCW Montreal
2022-11-05 Documents Weyerhaeuser Workers: Not Finished Yet!
2022-10-31 Documents 1944 Appeal of the Internationalist Communist Party for the Creation of a United Proletarian Front Against the War
2022-10-19 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Montreal
2022-10-08 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Toronto
2022-09-27 Internationalist Notes War in Ukraine: No War but the Class War!
2022-09-10 Documents A Report on Socio-Economic Unrest in Ukraine
2022-08-19 Revolutionary Perspectives The War in Ukraine Opens the Way to Global Imperialist Conflict
2022-08-12 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Rome
2022-07-22 Documents NWBCW and the "Real International Bureau" of 1915
2022-06-13 Documents About "Anarchists" who Forget the Principles
2022-06-12 Documents Workers Have No Homeland: Internationalist Solidarity with Migrant Workers
2022-06-08 Aurora (en) Ukraine War - A Pivot to World War
2022-05-24 Documents No War but the Class War Meeting in Glasgow
2022-05-03 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Turkey
2022-05-02 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Liverpool
2022-04-23 Documents Internationalism and the War in Ukraine
2022-04-14 Documents No War but the Class War: Statement from Internationalist Communist Perspective (South Korea)
2022-04-06 Documents No War but the Class War - A Call for Action
2022-03-17 Documents War in Ukraine: The Internationalist Position
2022-03-05 Documents No War but the Class War: Statements from the Haft Tappeh Workers (Iran)
2022-02-27 Documents War in Ukraine: Imperialist Rivalry in a Global Economic Crisis
2022-02-25 Documents Ukraine: Neither NATO nor Putin! No War but the Class War!
2021-11-11 Aurora (en) Global War: The Other Existential Threat
2021-05-20 Documents Neither Israel, Nor Palestine: No War but the Class War
2020-09-24 Documents On the Forty-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the CWO
2020-02-27 Aurora (en) US/Iran Rivalry: What No War But the Class War Really Means
2019-11-06 Documents The Real Cause of the Beginning and End of WWI
2019-03-26 Aurora (en) No War But The Class War (NWBCW)
2018-08-17 Aurora (en) No War But the Class War
2018-05-30 Documents Against Imperialist Massacres: No War but the Class War!
2017-04-28 Documents Against Exploitation, Crisis and War - No War But the Class War!
2002-12-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Communism Against the War Drive
2002-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives No War but the Class War
2002-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives More Than Just a Slogan?
2002-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives A Proletarian Response to Trade Union Manoeuvres
2002-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Class Struggle or “Anti-Imperialism”
2002-05-01 Aurora (en) To End War we Have to End the System that Causes War
2001-11-01 Internationalist Notes No War but Class War!
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