Elections in Afghanistan


Amidst bombings, intimidation and voterigging the first round of the election has ended. And all under the iron military grip of US Imperialism · It has all gone according to the script. The way the media put it, in these elections which the USA wanted and supported so much, and against which the Taliban have tried to impose an electoral boycott (partially successful in the south), the...

From Episodic Resistance to Global Class War?

We are dedicating the bulk of this issue of RP to “green shoots”. No, not of the mythical, much spotted capitalist recovery, but of the revival of working class resistance around the planet, much of which is going unreported. · Chinese Steel Strikes · Whilst the capitalist press is full of stories and pictures about ethnic or environmental conflict in China (see they tell us less about workers’...

South Africa: Class Struggle Explodes Once More


Since last April’s election South Africa has been engulfed in a tide of class struggle which has been the most widespread and bitter since the ANC (African National Congress) came to power 15 years ago. There have been strikes by construction workers bringing work on power stations, railways and football stadiums to a standstill; by miners bringing coal and gold production to a halt; by...

South Korea: Ssangyong Occupation Ends In Defeat


On 5 August the 77 day strike and occupation at the Ssangyong car plant came to an end. This militant struggle of 1700 workers which has received virtually no coverage in the official western media started back in May as a struggle against mass redundancies in the wake of the company filing for bankruptcy.

The Cost of the Crisis So Far


(From Prometeo 1, series VII, July 2009) · Whether or not the danger has been averted, whether there really is a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel: in short, whether there are solid grounds for the stubbornly optimistic view of many capitalists that the crisis is almost over or whether this is simply a way of taking “people’s” minds off things, only time can tell.

British Capitalism and the Miners Strike of 1984-5


In February 1984 the miners in Cortonwood, South Yorkshire learned that their pit had been earmarked for closure. After a pithead meeting they voted for a wildcat strike on March 5th. They were soon to be followed by 6000 other miners. No-one at the time realised that this would lead to the biggest confrontation in the class war in Britain since the Second World War.

Harry Patch - The "Last Fighting Tommy" Has Died But Warmongering Lives On

Harry Patch died on Saturday 25 July 2009, only three days short of the ninety fifth anniversary of the start of the First World War (1). Just surviving the trenches and living to the age of 111 is remarkable enough, but as many people know his uniqueness does not stop there. The war for this particular Tommy was over on 22 September 1917.

On the Iranian Election - The Working Class Must Fight for its Own Agenda


In our previous article (1) we tried to explain how the two main factions of the Iranian ruling class had arrived at the election, how the Iran/ Iraq war had rejuvenated the “soul of capital”, and how reformism had dispersed the growing struggle of the working class. We also showed how US and EU policies, such as the war on terror and on the nuclear issue benefited the Islamic Republic...

Power – The Fundamental Question of the State in Capitalist Society

At the heart of the many vexed questions which divide the working class groping towards a comprehension of the conditions it faces, and the many political expressions which vie for influence and leadership of the class struggle, is the analysis of political power both under capitalism and beyond. The clarity achieved by the leading theoretical founders of the communist movement, Marx and Engels,...

Inter-ethnic Conflict in Xinjiang: A Proletarian Tragedy


The violent clashes which began on 5th July in Xinjiang have taken a heavy toll. The central government is talking of 184 dead (of which 137 are Han Chinese and 46 Uighur), making this the most bloody popular uprising in China of the last ten years and clearly more serious than the revolt of March 2008 in Tibet.

The G8 Soap Opera in L’Aquila


Behind the scenes lies only exploitation and environmental degradation · A devastating social and economic crisis, a land tormented by natural disaster but made worse by speculative construction, where politicians who have put people and places hit by the earthquake under military control in order to carry out their so-called reconstruction without too many prying eyes.



The Facts · On Sunday 28 June 2009 the President of Honduras Manuel Zelaya was deposed by a military coup. He was deported to Costa Rica after being picked up in his office in Tegucigalpa. Having arrived at his destination under military control, he immediately declared on the Telesur TV channel that, despite the official condemnations by Clinton and Obama himself, the American government was...


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