1956: Class Revolts in Poland and Hungary


(From Prometeo Series IV # 10, December 1986 - Translated by the CWO in 2006) · 1986 is a year of anniversaries and memories which, though sad, are rich in lessons for the proletariat: it is the fiftieth anniversary of the start of the Spanish Civil War, and the thirtieth of the movements in Poland and Hungary.

The Russian Economy: An Acid Test for the Revolutionary Vanguard


(From Battaglia Comunista #12, December 1956-January 1957 - Translated by the CWO in 2006) · We quote from a programmatic note edited by comrades of Socialism or Barbarism (Socialisme ou Barbarie). · "These ideas (of revolutionary Marxism) have been systematically deformed and finally abandoned by the traditional “socialist” and “communist” workers’ parties which are completely dominated by an...

The Workers' Revolt against State Capitalism's Oppressive Policies Continues


(From Battaglia Comunista #10, October/November 1956 - Translated by the CWO in 2006) · From first impressions of the dramatic events which have unfurled over the last few days in Poland and Hungary it would appear that a genuine process of disintegration is spontaneously occurring in the Soviet bloc that was created, nurtured and defended by Stalin at all cost, including the use of terror.

The Russian State


(From Battaglia Comunista #12, December 1956/January 1957 - Translated by the CWO in 2006) · The economy of the USSR is today the acid test for revolutionary organisations who would base themselves on the revolutionary tradition of the proletarian movement. Their strategy and tactics towards the working class and in relation to imperialism in general depend on the answer they give to this colossal...

Shifting Spheres - The Redivision of Imperialist Power in East Timor


East Timor appeared in the news media once again April and May of 2006. The conflict between factions within the regime erupted into full scale rioting and the suppression of a military rebellion. Since the founding of the newest and poorest country in the world, they have been embroiled in an ongoing dispute with Australia over the exploitation of gas fields in the Timor strait.

The Bourgeois Left on Hurricane Katrina One Year On


Lamenting the Death of the Program of Liberal Capitalism · Over a year has passed now since the flooding and destruction that came in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Popular discussion in the bourgeois press has largely died down as well. The disaster itself cracked the veneer of the most powerful nation earth and showed the ugly systemic brutality of capitalism, racist to its very core.

The Two Levels of the Lebanese Crisis


IBRP Statement · Each day the news brings to light the devastations spread by capitalism in crisis. The evermore frantic quest for sufficiently lucrative profit rates imposes on the one hand greater levels of exploitation of the working class, unemployment, lack of job security, generalized misery, and on the other hand an always more frequent resort to war.

Immigration Movement in the US


The Electoral Road to Nowhere · On May 1st, hundreds of thousands of immigrant workers demonstrated in the streets against the draconian anti-immigration legislation. Called “a day without immigrants”, the day of protest shut down shops, restaurants, construction sites and stopped work in parts of the agricultural and industrial sectors of the economy.

Canadian imperialism’s new offensives


Capitalism’s crisis requires more aggressive policies · Though frequently but erroneously portrayed as a moderate and peace loving country, recent developments in the Canadian state’s foreign and internal policies reveal its fundamentally imperialist and increasingly aggressive nature. While Iraq remains the focus of world public opinion, Canada, in close alliance with other so-called moderate...

Afghanistan - Still the Crucible of Imperialist Struggle


Recent months have seen an escalation of the fighting in Afghanistan with NATO taking military control, first of the southern province of Helmand and then - at the end of September - of the whole country. The difficulties NATO is encountering militarily and the high casualties have brought with them the realisation that the Afghan war is far from over and may yet be lost.

Our Last Salute to Comrade Goupil

As we were going to press we learned of the death from cancer of our comrade Andre Claisse (alias Goupil). Our website will contain further tributes to him but here we record his contribution to the struggle for the emancipation of the working class which he maintained to his dying day through a brief biographical sketch written by Jean-Louis Roche which Goupil himself approved of.

Terrorism in the UK - The Plot Thickens


(Image - Raising the state of alert has... shifted focus away from the domestic crisis) · There can be no doubt that the actions of the Labour government in taking Britain into war in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as it’s policy in the Middle East have heightened the chances of a terrorist attack in the UK.


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