On the Events in France

(We are publishing below the statement of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party on the recent riots in France. As we write, over three hundred towns have seen rioting by marginalised and isolated youths. When Sarkozy called them "scum", he merely blurted out the feelings of the ruling class towards the working class in general and to the poorest in particular.

Hurricane Katrina Breaches Capitalism's Levées

(Statement of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party) · With the clinical sharpness of a laser beam Hurricane Katrina has opened up a whole series of issues about the nature of today's class society, the level of the economic crisis, the culpability of capitalism for ecological disaster, and also the fact that capitalist rule is neither as powerful nor as permanent as many believe.

Germany's New "Left Party"

We reproduce below a text by the Gruppe Internationaler SozialistInnen on the regroupment between the PDS (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus, offspring of the East German Stalinists) and the new Social Democrats of the WASG (Wahlalternative Arbeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit - Election Alternative Work and Social Justice) for the German elections.

The UK and Capitalism's New Economy - Part Three: The Booming Financial Sector

"The strongest performing sector in the UK economy is business and financial services." · "Business and financial services continue to form the largest single sector of the UK economy, and in 2003 accounted for 31.7 per cent of the total, which was more than double the size of the manufacturing sector.

Iraq - US Imperialism on the Back Foot

In mid-October Iraqi voters narrowly accepted the new constitution in a referendum and thereby opened the way to a general election in December. This was hailed by the invaders as a turning point - a clear signal that democracy was on the march in Iraq and the Middle East as a whole. The celebrations have, however, been somewhat muted.

Iran - The Next Target for US Imperialism?

The election of Ahmadinejad · The election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President of Iran in June 2005 was greeted with dismay by leftists and liberals alike. But his election came as no surprise to us nor is it as significant as most observers are making out. As we wrote in Revolutionary Perspectives 32 (p15): · "As the effectiveness of religion as a tool for fooling and controlling the working class...

Gaza - Two texts on the Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza

The Israeli withdrawal from Gaza has two dimensions. On the one hand, it represents the next chapter in the category of suffering and exploitation which the Palestinian workers are suffering, while, on the other, it represents another move in the greater strategy of US imperialism for the Middle East. We publish below two texts which consider the events from each of these angles.

The Economic Role of War in Capitalism's Decadent Phase

Introduction · The role which war plays in the present phase of capitalist society is something which was extensively discussed by left communists in the 1970's. This was the period in which the post-war reconstruction boom collapsed and the post-war economic order agreed at Bretton Woods fell apart.

The Communist Manifesto of 1875 - The Critique of the Gotha Programme


We are publishing below a text written by one of our sympathisers examining Marx's critique of the Gotha programme of 1875. The text looks at Marx's critique of wage labour, which forms the basis of capitalism, and gives his insights into what labour will be like under communism. The text illustrates Marx's method which is to proceed from a ruthless criticism of what exists, namely...

Reformists new and old spread their illusions - The Recuperated Factories in Argentina

We publish an article from the September issue of Battaglia Comunista, the paper of the Italian section of the International Bureau for the International Party, on the co-operative movement in Argentina. The text points to the hopelessness of workers trying to take on the problems of capitalism and solve them themselves.

Jared Diamond's Collapse - Review

Subtitled "How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive", this book (1) puts the author's views on what leads to the disintegration or persistence of human societies, and how this relates to present-day society. He supplies a wealth of description of previous societies in support of these views. However, as the author himself acknowledges, the focus of the book is slightly narrower than the title...

Hurricane Katrina Breaches Capitalism's Levées


(Statement of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party) · With the clinical sharpness of a laser beam Hurricane Katrina has opened up a whole series of issues about the nature of today's class society, the level of the economic crisis, the culpability of capitalism for ecological disaster, and also the fact that capitalist rule is neither as powerful nor as permanent as many believe.


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