Patch and Pray - Minnesota I-35 Bridge Disaster


Flawed from the Start and Neglected for Forty Years · The collapse of the Interstate Highway 35 Bridge in Minneapolis, that spans the Mississippi river, left some 13 people dead and seventy injured. The disaster made the news for a time, long enough for the capitalist media to capture a human-interest story and compete for advertising dollars.

Canadian Economy - The Capitalists’ Share Grows While the Workers Share Falls


An economic study, published on June 28th by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), has statistically confirmed what most workers intuitively sense in their daily lives: that despite economic growth, they are not getting a fair shake from their bosses. Last year, 65% of Canadians told Environics Research they felt that a greater share of economic growth is going into the already...

1917 - Introduction


The Russian Revolution of October 1917 was unique. It was the only time in history when workers themselves took over the running of the state in a conscious attempt to build socialism. The fact that it eventually failed does not diminish its power to inspire. Whatever your views, any understanding of revolutionary experience has to take the October Revolution as its starting point.

1917 - February: The Working Class Against Imperialist War


In July 1914 the First World War broke out and at the same time a new epoch in history began. Until 1914 the workers of Europe had given their allegiance to the Social Democratic parties which made up the Second International. Although a few of its revolutionary members recognised that it was riddled with opportunism, none of them anticipated the great betrayal of August 1914.

1917 - Dual Power: First Step on the Road to International Revolution


"Nobody Previously Thought, or Could Have Thought, of a Dual Power." · On April 3rd, 1917, Lenin returned to Russia from political exile in Switzerland. The “popular uprising” (the words are those of the Tsar’s State Council) had led to the abdication and arrest of Nicholas and others of the Romanov dynasty.

1917 - The July Days - “The Party Must Remain with the Masses”


In winning the battle against the “Old Bolsheviks”, Lenin and his supporters had successfully “rearmed” the Bolshevik Party. It now had a new programme which corresponded to the changed reality created by the February Revolution. How great a step forward this was for the Bolsheviks can be seen in the fact that Party membership leaped up, and support for the Party in all proletarian organisations...

1917 - The Kornilov Affair Mobilises the Masses


As we saw when looking at the July Days the Bolsheviks were able to survive the post-July repression because of their firm roots within the working class. However, for those looking for easy lessons for today, a warning. It has to be remembered that this would not have been worth anything if it was not for the relative strength of the Petersburg workers in their own concentrations in the Vyborg...

1917 - The Proletariat Takes Power


"On the evening of October 24th the Provisional Government had at its disposal little more than 25,000 men. On the evening of October 25th, when preparations were underway for the storming of the Winter Palace, the Bolsheviks assembled about 20,000 Red Guards, sailors and soldiers before that last refuge of the Provisional Government.

Ninety Years Since the October Revolution


When the USSR collapsed, the international bourgeoisie sang communism’s requiem. The funeral oration was used to demonstrate how the failure of the supposedly communist Soviet Union proves that, outside of capitalism, there is no possibility of any other form of social organisation coming into existence.

The Effects of Financial Speculation: Profits, Desperation and Misery


(From Battaglia Comunista 9/2007) · In the USA it seems the perception of phenomena which give rise to the greatest fear is changing; terrorism, in all its guises, is being replaced to an ever greater extent by the fear of the so-called “sub primes”. · Truth be told, we were more familiar with other financial products that came to the fore some time back - junk bonds, swaps, options - to which now...

The Postal Workers are Struggling for More Than a Living Wage


As we go to press, the Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) have called off the latest one day strike by postal workers planned for August 9th. They have entered into a deal with management to halt all further action until September 4th. In the meantime, the CWU leaders have committed themselves to reaching a “negotiated settlement”. · In some ways this is a surprising turn of events.

Brown Premiership: New Leader, Same Agenda


On 27th June, Gordon Brown finally reaped the reward for 10 years of loyal service to the Blair regime. The much-anticipated handover of power has generated considerable excitement in the popular press that the Brown premiership will herald a change of direction and that Brown represents some sort of return to traditional Labour social democratic values.


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