Imperialism’s coming war

We are publishing below the text of a leaflet handed out by the Partito Comunista Internazionalista (Battaglia Comunista), our sister organisation in the IBRP, at the European Social Forum held in Florence, 6th-10th November. · US imperialism is on the verge of once again launching death and destruction on the Iraqi population.

The Palestinian tragedy


We are publishing below an article from our sister organisation Battaglia Comunista which they published in the April edition of their paper. Although it is now 6 months since the text was written, it expresses very well the tragedy of the Palestinian proletariat. These months, which have brought further horrible butchery of workers in the area, show the proletariat is being crushed between the...

Imperialism’s new world order

In 1990, Bush Senior announced the dawn of a “New World Order”. What he was really announcing was that, following the defeat of Russian imperialism, the US would now create its own new world order. The old division of the world into two opposing imperialist blocs, that had been the result of World War II, had now ended and a new division of the world was to be carried out, a division in which the...

Class Consciousness and Working Class Political Organisation (Part VII): Party and Class in the Revolutionary Wave of 1917-21

(Image - Petrograd, October 1917) · Class consciousness and working class political organisation - Part seven · Introduction · The experience of the Russian Revolution is the single most important event in any discussion of the nature of working class consciousness, the emergence of a proletarian party and the nature of class decision-making.

SWP and Stalinism - A Tangled Web

The collapse of the Soviet Empire heralded political crisis for those Stalinists and Trotskyists groups who applauded the Moscow regime and saw it in varying degrees as “non-capitalist” or even “post-capitalist”. These groups are faced with the problem of explaining how a “workers’ state”, is able to transform itself into a “bour geois state” by a series of reforms imposed by the political...

Johannesburg Earth Summit

(Image - Whose hand holds the globe? While it remains the capitalists’, the World is not safe) · Capitalism fails to save the world · Self-congratulation summit · After the Johannesburg jamboree on sustainable development (officially, the World Summit on Sustainable Development, or, informally, the Earth Summit, organised by the UN), world leaders have been praising themselves on their great...

Appeal! Greater ambitions require more support


The formation of the Internationalist Workers Group as an Organizing Committee of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party (IBRP) in the USA and Canada is a response to the crying need for a true internationalist communist presence in these two major countries. However, if the founding of this new group is to be of any effect the question of giving it sufficient financial resources is...

Iraq, Oil, Blood and Class


Humanity is once again about to live one of its defining moments. The spectre of war is looming upon us. U.S. imperialism is about to unleash its fury upon the people of Iraq and the attack could be imminent. Every day, the U.S. State apparatus is waging a preparatory propaganda war on a world scale to prepare public opinion for the next bloody onslaught.

Announcing the Formation of the Internationalist Workers Group (U.S. & Canada)


Communiqué on IBRP Work in North America · The editors of Internationalist Notes (Canada) and Internationalist Notes (U.S.) met last spring in Montreal to discuss how best to advance the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party's work in this part of the world. This meeting followed the IBRP's break with the ultra-localist Los Angeles Worker's Voice as well as other more encouraging...

The IBRP, Internationalist Notes and the U.S. Workers Voice - Recent Polemics


The regroupment of Canadian and American supporters of the IBRP in a single unit now known as the Internationalist Workers Group (IWG) has been accomplished without the participation of the U.S. Workers Voice, formerly known as the Los Angeles Workers Voice (LAWV). Up until a recent time, the IBRP had considered the L.A.

Platform of the IWG


Who we are · In April of 2002, the publishers of Internationalist Notes (US) and Notes Internationalistes/Internationalist Notes (Canada) decided to unify their efforts and constitute themselves as the Internationalist Worker's Group. The IWG is now the organizing committee of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party in the US and Canada.

US plots "regime change" in Iraq


It is clear that the US bourgeoisie is bent on carrying war and death to every corner of the globe. As the forces of US imperialism plant their eagle on territories newly carved out for the penetration of US capital, other imperialist powers are hard pressed to resist as they watch US capitalism take everything from them.


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