The Problem is Global Capitalism!

The Solution Lies in the Hands of the International Working Class · (Statement of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party February 2009: .)

The Imperialist Massacre in Gaza

(Image - Pho­­s­pho­­rus­ hitting­ a Unite­d Natio­­ns­ s­c­ho­­o­­l in G­aza) · The recent so-called “war” in Gaza was not really a war in the general sense of the term. Since it was unleashed by an occupying power on a largely defenceless civilian population in occupied territory it was historically comparable to the campaigns of collective punishment carried out by other occupying powers,...

Thirty Years of Islamic Iran - A Warning from History


The Strikes Against the Shah · It is now thirty years since the triumph of Khomeini’s so-called “Islamic Revolution” in Iran. We say so-called because for us the replacement of one brutal regime (that of the Shah) by another (that of the mullahs) doesn’t constitute a real revolution. If revolution means anything for Marxists it means a genuine political transformation which transfers power from...

The End of the Paper Economy and Some Possible Consequences

Introduction · The economic pundits are no longer talking about whether the financial crisis will affect the “real economy”. With world trade falling and unemployment rising reality has already answered that. So The Independent ran an article by an HSBC boss entitled, “Marx was Right” whilst The Financial Times has now started a series on “The Future of Capitalism”.

The Clash for Gas - Europeans Shivered while Ukraine and Russia Haggled

If any more proof were needed that capitalism is a less than useful way to provide for social needs the latest clash between Russia and Ukraine over payment for gas was it. · In a repeat of the gas war between the two states in the winter of 2006 Russia’s Gazprom, the world’s largest gas company, cut supplies to Ukraine on 1st January whilst disingenuously maintaining that exports to the rest of...

Darwin and the Scientific Understanding of Humanity - A Revolution in Science

With the publication of the Origin of the Species 150 years ago, Darwin described what happened in the hundreds of millions of years given to the Earth’s age by geologists such as Charles Lyell. Without this enormous timespan (which, in fact, grossly underestimates the current view that the Earth is about 4.

France - Workers’ Anger is Mounting


The anger of the workers in France is mounting as the consequences of the economic crisis begins to make itself felt. But this anger is also against the former “liberal” and radical measures of the government to lower labour costs. · One of the directors of the Continental firm in the department of L’Oise (a tyre factory which employs 1200 workers) was bombarded with eggs, the managers of Sony in...

G20 Meltdown Protest - A Demonstration or a Diversion?


We are not just witnessing a financial meltdown. We are in the grip of a crisis of the capitalist system. It has actually been going on since 1971. Today we are experiencing the bursting of the speculative bubble based on fictitious capital. And those ruined will be the creators of real wealth - the world’s wageworkers. · The irrationality of capitalism is being laid bare.

The Collapse of Sterling


(Translated from BC febbraio-marzo 2009, "Il crollo della sterlina: il fronte inglese della crisi economica") · In the early days of February 2009 the Bank of England lowered the lending rate to one percent, a figure that the subjects of her Majesty have not seen since 1694; so more than three centuries had to pass before seeing interest rates so low again.

False Friends and Real Enemies


And what will they ask for next - blood? · (Leaflet for the national demonstration in Rome 13 Feb 2009) · National Wage Agreements - set at zero. Retire? Well perhaps to the seaside this summer but only on half board - best not overdo it! Security, permanent jobs and a wage rise to bring back our purchasing power? You’ll only see them in TV soaps! The list is endless.


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