Anti-workers’ attacks in Greece


The capitalists and their government reinforce the anti-workers’ attacks in Greece - Total war against the working class! · (Letter from a young comrade from Greece) · In the last few months the Greek capitalist government has carried out a great massive on the social security rights of the working class.

Strike of shop workers in France


On the first of February, thousands of shop workers from the large stores came out on strike for a wage increase and better working conditions. Their situation is certainly not great, in fact besides not having an adjustment to take into account inflation, these workers are threatened with more Sunday working and the introduction of automatic tills which will lead to heavy lay offs.

Five Years since the Occupation of Iraq


Capitalist Terror: War Without End · Five years ago 10 million people around the world marched against the impending war in Iraq. An unprecedented 2 million marched in London alone. It was a massive rejection of all the lies spread by the Bush and Blair regimes. People then did not have to wait for “dodgy dossiers” to know that there were no weapons of mass destruction, there was no support for Al...

Only the World Working Class Can Halt Imperialist War


February 15th 2003 · Reflecting on the failure of the huge demonstration in 2003 to stop Britain going into Iraq, Andrew Murray, Chair of the Stop the War Coalition, argued that even though the demonstration had not stopped this war it might stop the next. It would be comforting if it were true, but unfortunately it is not.

US Imperialism’s Hundred Years War?


(Image - McCain: ready for 100 years’ war) · Imperialism: Five Years since the Invasion of Iraq · The Costs of the War · Since the US invasion Iraq five years ago this month almost 4000 US military personnel have been killed and another 29 000 wounded. Against that, almost 1 200 000 Iraqis have been killed and 4.5 million Iraqis are refugees.

Capitalist Equality Means Low Pay for All

"Instead of the conservative motto, “A fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work!” they ought to inscribe on their banner the revolutionary watchword, “Abolition of the wages system!”" (Marx, Value, Price and Profit) · Reformism, as the old saying goes, is a great idea in theory, it just doesn’t work in practice.

Death at Work: Capitalism is Bad for Your Health

The following article was inspired by the paper of the Italian affiliate of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party, Battaglia Comunista (January 2008). It reported on the dangers faced by miners around the world, every day. Much of what follows is directly translated from the article. However, the very direct threat of working underground and relying on the capitalist bosses to...

Germany: Solidarity with our Transport Worker Comrades


(Image - Demonstration of BVG workers and sympathisers) · Striking is the Only Language the Bosses Understand! · (We translate below a leaflet produced by the GIS (Gruppe Internationalister SozialistInnen), a group in Germany with which we have fraternal relations. It concerns a strike on the BVG (Berliner Verkehrsgesellschaft, which runs local transport in Berlin).

Food and Fuel Price Rises: Inflation Returns to Centre Stage

(Image - Mexican demonstration against rising maize and tortilla prices) · Whatever else has changed with the advent of today’s global, supposedly free-market capitalism, in-built inflation remains a fact of life. It was the “runaway” inflation of the 1970s and 1980s which encouraged the advanced capitalist states - those with the lowest rate of accumulation - to go global and abandon attempts to...

Re-Reading Marx in the Light of the Sub-Prime Crisis


(From Prometeo 16 Series VI - 2007) · Despite the central banks literally bleeding themselves white to satisfy the financial markets’ demands for liquidity, the financial crisis which exploded last August has now engulfed the world economic system. · Previously optimistic forecasts for the future of the global economy have been replaced by pessimism.

Environmental Debate: “Do you have to be Red to be Green?”


A World to Win · In February the CWO were invited to participate in a discussion at Sussex University on the question, “Do you have to be red to be green”. The discussion was called by the student ”Environmental Society” and “Socialist Students Society”. · Speaking on the issue were representatives of the “Green Party”, the “Brighton and Hove Transition Towns Movement” (1), the “Socialist Party”...

Italian Communists Inside Stalin’s Gulags

(Translated from Prometeo 15, June 2007) · 1936, 1937, 1938 ... it was during the course of these three years that the Stalinist regime wiped out the entire Bolshevik old guard as well as every form of class opposition by means of its notorious show trials. In fact, the obscure work of the “troika”, or rather the three member commissions charged with prosecuting, judging and condemning the...


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