Anti-Terrorism - Smokescreen For State Repression


There can be no doubt that the advent of 9/11 provided the bourgeoisie of the metropolitan countries with the perfect alibi for bolstering the State’s arsenal of repressive powers. First off was the US Patriot Act that hit the statute books with virtually no opposition from Congress just 6 weeks after the twin towers came down.

Gas wars - Russia Struggles to Halt US Encirclement

(Image - Map 1 - Gas pipelines) · In recent months the price of gas has risen dramatically throughout most European countries. In the UK the wholesale price of gas has, according to the main supplier British Gas, risen by 75% in the last year. In February British Gas announced that prices of domestic gas and electricity would rise by 22% from March 2006.

Editorial - On the Events in France


For the thirteenth consecutive night, working class suburbs mainly occupied by immigrant workers have been the victim of riots. At first these were in the suburbs on the outskirts of Paris and then were extended to the provinces where they were repeated in cities like Lyon, Bordeaux and Nantes... but also in smaller towns like Blois or Rennes.

Correspondance - Reply to a reader's questions


Dear comrade, · Sorry for the delay in this response to your letter. I will try my best to answer the questions that you’ve posed therein: · 1. Lenin: I suppose the best way to describe our relation towards Lenin is that we consider him to be a major contributor to the communist movement. However we don’t buy into the mythology of Lenin or any other personality in the tradition of scientific...

New Left Party in Quebec: About Françoise David, the Reformist Renewal and all that Jazz...


A new reformist political party has appeared in Quebec this winter. The North American leftist press is already hard at work promoting it. The following article is what the Internationalist Workers Group had to say about this prospect last August. · The exercise of power by various “left wing” administrations around the world inevitably creates a great deal of dissatisfaction and disaffection...

Germany - Leave the Left in the Right's territory!


Remarks on the So-called "Left Party" and other Catastrophes - We reproduce below a text by the Gruppe Internationaler SozialistInnen on the regroupment between the PDS (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus, offspring of the East German Stalinists) and the new social-democrats of the WASG (Wahlalternative Arbeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit - Labor and Social Justice Alternative) for the German...

1921 - Kronstadt: Beginning of the Counter-Revolution?


"Today we are the witnesses of a tragedy of a social revolution being contained within national frontiers, as a result of the passivity of the peoples of Europe faced with intelligent and well-armed reactionary forces. It is thus stifled and reduced to playing for time with the enemy within and without.

Polemics: Three Days of Action for Two Years of War?


After two years of fighting in occupied Iraq, the US regime is no closer to establishing a stable political order than it was when it invaded it. With the reelection of Bush, the leftwing of the Democratic Party succeeded in its dismal task of routing discontent with the war into support for a pro-war Democratic leader.

Hurricane Katrina Breaches Capitalism's Levées


(Statement of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party) · With the clinical sharpness of a laser beam, Hurricane Katrina has opened up a whole series of issues about the nature of today’s class society, the level of the economic crisis, the culpability of capitalism for ecological disaster, and also the fact that capitalist rule is neither as powerful nor as permanent as many believe.

No to capitalist war! No to capitalist peace!


If we are to believe the last two important public appearances of George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein, the two of them are working and praying for peace. Both of them claim they are calling on their gods to help them win peace, but at the same time they are preparing yet another war. Neither George W. nor Saddam have ever been embarrassed by themselves and they certainly aren't now.

Not with Saddam, not with Bush, not with Europe!


Workers! · Only the politicians' and media's hypocritical propaganda could pretend that the reasons for the present attack on Iraq are Saddam's arms or his dictatorial and bloody regime. · In reality, the American bourgeoisie wants to secure for itself control over the oil of Iraq, which has the richest deposits in the world, as well as those of Saudi Arabia.

Statement on the April 14 Quebec general elections


(Statement of the Internationalist Workers' Group) · In the midst of yet another mobilization for capitalist war, Quebec Premier Bernard Landry has called on the population to participate in one the most cynical events of life under capitalist peace: a general election. For the next few weeks, the whole ideological apparatus of the state will be mobilized to convince workers that they have a stake...


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