US plots "regime change" in Iraq


It is clear that the US bourgeoisie is bent on carrying war and death to every corner of the globe. As the forces of US imperialism plant their eagle on territories newly carved out for the penetration of US capital, other imperialist powers are hard pressed to resist as they watch US capitalism take everything from them.

Against Israel, Against Palestine - For Class Struggle


No stronger an image of the essence of nationalism can be seen than in the endless parade of coffins of Palestinians draped in flags. Nationalism is poison in the veins of the working class. Nowhere is this clearer than in Israel today. A working class stands divided and helpless, torn between two hostile bourgeois camps.

What's the Deal with the Unions?


On March 28, 2002 the United Auto Workers (UAW) sent a letter to the chief company negotiator for Accuride's Henderson, Kentucky plant 'disclaiming interest in representing hourly employees' at that facility. This letter ended twenty years of union representation at the factory. The 400 workers concerned were given no warning of this action by the union that was supposed to serve and...

Louis Laberge (1924-2002) - Not a single tear!


The passing this summer of former Quebec Labour Federation (QFL) President Louis Laberge was front-page news across Quebec for a whole week. Some media headlines dubbed him a 'pragmatic visionary', while others claimed that he was a true defender of the working class. Some stressed his past as a firebrand in the great 1972 Common Front strike, others spoke of the congenial, colourful worker who...

Book Review - Lamps Forever Lit


Lamps Forever Lit - A Memorial to Kirkland Lake Area Miners · By: Bernie Jaworsky, Cambria Publishing, Calgary, 2001 · What a beautiful and moving book! This might seem strange, as it is a book about death. Over 250 pages the author, Bernie Jaworsky, chronicles what was, and still is, the life of the working class in this small town of North Eastern Ontario; a town whose name is based on a lake...

Iraq Oil, Blood and Class


Humanity is once again about to live one of its defining moments. The spectre of war is looming upon us. U.S. imperialism is about to unleash its fury upon the people of Iraq and the attack could be imminent. Every day, the U.S. State apparatus is waging a preparatory propaganda war on the world scale to prepare public opinion for the next bloody onslaught.


In present conditions we could have entitled this issue simply "socialism or barbarism" because that is precisely where we are in world history. It is not a rhetorical flourish, nor an exaggeration, to say that humanity is approaching a massive social and political crisis. The events of this year have speeded that process up.

War Over Kashmir - A Threat To Us All


(The following text is based on a presentation given at a public meeting of No War But The Class War in Sheffield in June at the height of the Pakistan-India confrontation over Kashmir. The immediate threat of war in that arena has receded but the causes which brought on the crisis have not gone away.

Comments on the Latest Crisis of the ICC

We find ourselves facing yet another political/organisational crisis of the ICC, the conclusion of which is still undecided. It occurs at a delicate moment for the capitalist dynamic as well as the proletarian movement. On the bourgeois side, the drive towards war has accelerated with the military initiative of the USA following the attack on the World Trade Centre.

Workers' Struggles in Argentina - Polemic with the ICC

Introduction · The Argentinian economic collapse is a preview of future turmoil which capitalism's crisis will inevitably bring. It is from such a collapse that revolutionaries look for the seeds of a future revolutionary assault on the entire capitalist system. The political forces of the communist left have understood both the seriousness and the potential of this crisis, however, they have...

The Piqueteros Movement of Argentina

(From our Latin American correspondent) · A Little History · Argentina's current crisis of power has not only arisen because of the capitalist financial collapse, but from the aptitude of the hardest hit sectors of the proletariat to translate the experience of the last 20 years - during which the capitalist regime, whether under the military boot or under democracy, has plunged the working...

Argentina - After the December 2001 Insurrection

Argentina, and indeed most of Latin America, remains on the edge of a social cataclysm. There is not a day goes by without some major protest against the state of the economy. In June two more protestors were shot in cold blood by the police which has only led to more protests. These have now spread to neighbouring Uruguay.


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