The Piqueteros Movement of Argentina

(From our Latin American correspondent) · A Little History · Argentina's current crisis of power has not only arisen because of the capitalist financial collapse, but from the aptitude of the hardest hit sectors of the proletariat to translate the experience of the last 20 years - during which the capitalist regime, whether under the military boot or under democracy, has plunged the working...

Argentina - After the December 2001 Insurrection

Argentina, and indeed most of Latin America, remains on the edge of a social cataclysm. There is not a day goes by without some major protest against the state of the economy. In June two more protestors were shot in cold blood by the police which has only led to more protests. These have now spread to neighbouring Uruguay.

A Lesson from Argentina - Either the Revolutionary Party and Socialism or Generalised Poverty and War

(Statement of the IBRP) · Argentina, pummelled by an economic, financial and political crisis which has no precedent in this post second world war period, has been torn apart and the vast majority of its population reduced to hunger. When the media and the institutions that govern the world economy, like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, break the wall of silence that they have...

Statement on the Relationship of Los Angeles Workers Voice (LAWV) with the IBRP

Given the fact that until recently the IBRP has considered the group in Los Angeles, formerly know as Los Angeles Workers' Voice, as an organisation politically sympathetic and working towards closer relations and eventual integration with the Bureau as a whole, it is important to clarify that this is no longer the situation.


New Wars in the Middle East · In June Bush made his long awaited speech on the Palestine conflict. This gave an indication of the path US imperialism has chosen to follow. By demanding a more moderate Palestinian leadership, the US is really demanding Palestinian surrender to Israeli annexations. The US is thereby ensuring that the present carnage in Palestine continues.

No War but the Class War

In Sheffield, July 13th 2002 · The text which follows was delivered as the introduction to the above meeting which was attended by about 30 people from a number of towns in the Midlands and North of England, as well as Scotland. They represented a wide divergence of political opinion from anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists, left communists, (organised and individual) as well as individuals...

More Than Just a Slogan?

The purpose · There a number of purposes to this afternoon. · The ultimate goal we in Sheffield have set ourselves is the greater coordination of the efforts of all those, whatever their political starting points, who share the recognition that the only way to oppose capitalist war, the famines capitalism produces and the deterioration of the ecological framework of life itself is through class...

A Proletarian Response to Trade Union Manoeuvres

CWO introduction · The bosses ’ press have been full of propaganda about a “summer of discontent”. Without a doubt workers have plenty to be discontented about with the list growing longer every day. As yet the majority of workers who have taken action have done so under the control and manipulation of the same Trade Unions who have helped manage years of attacks on their members’ living standards.

Low pay - Just part of the problem!

The hundreds of thousands who have struck today are showing their anger at a pathetically low increase on already low wage levels. · The Trade Unions, alongside the bosses, have agreed low pay year after year. Now they wheel us out for one day’s strike like the chorus in a musical. · But the low pay of many Council Workers is only one part of the problems which affect all the working class.

Class Struggle or “Anti-Imperialism”

A debate with leftism · Introduction · During recent months CWO militants have been working with others in Sheffield to build an opposition to the bosses’ war-drive based on developing a class struggle. The emergence of a successful co-ordination (Sheffield No War But Class War) has clarified the differences in theory and practice between class struggle militants, on the one hand, and the liberal...

Eleven months since September 11

US imperialism rampant · Eleven months have now elapsed since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The dramatic nature of these attacks has been followed by equally dramatic advances in the interests of US imperialism worldwide. Not only has the US taken over Afghanistan and advanced into the oil rich region of the · Caspian basin, it has effectively abandoned the cold war...

Stock market falls presage capitalist war

"The fundamental business of the country, that is production and distribution of commodities, is on a sound and prosperous basis." (Herbert Hoover, October 25th 1929) · - · "I want you to know the economy, our economy, is fundamentally strong." (George W. Bush, July 15th 2002) · As we said a couple of issues ago, the gigantic financial deception which lay at the heart of Enron and what was then the...


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