No War but Class War!


Originally published by the Communist Workers Organisation, British section of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party (IBRP). · The attack on the World Trade Centre was also an attack on the workers who made up the majority of those who died. Scores of them will not even be recorded in death since they were the very illegal immigrants who are stigmatised daily by the capitalist state...

Internationalist Notes and the war


Opening shots · This special edition of Internationalist Notes is entirely devoted to the state of war and the imperialist tensions going on across the world. Napoleon Bonaparte once commented that: · "Blood-letting is part of the combinations of political medicine." · Later, the Prussian general Karl Von Clausewitz wrote that: · "War is the simple continuation of politics, but by other means.

The new "Great Game"


It is absolutely central to the re-establishment of working class political independence that the present conflict is understood as imperialist on both sides. The fact that the Taleban are overwhelmingly outgunned by their Western enemies cannot blind us to the fact that they are not "anti-imperialist".

Palestine 2001


(From the Pages of the IBRP Press - This article first appeared in Italian, in the pages of Battaglia Comunista, last May. Our comrades of the Partito comunista internazionalista, Italian section of the IBRP, publish this newspaper monthly. I.N. - Canada). · The tragedy of the Palestinian proletariat is destined never to end, so long as it remains the prisoner of ruling class strategies.

USA coalition declares war on the world


After the attack to the Usa sept. 2001 · The devastating suicide attacks on key symbols of US capitalism's financial and military might may have shaken the complacency of the most powerful state in the world but in no sense is it a victory for the exploited working class. Not only are ordinary wage workers amongst the thousands killed, but the assaults are being used to legitimise heightened state...

United they stand


(From an American correspondant) · The US bourgeoisie seem to have reinvented the United Front. Ironically the slogan now is "united we stand". Clearly the attack gives US imperialism an enormous advantage in the world. Any country not supporting the US will be an enemy of the US forcing every power to take sides.

National Liberation and Nationalism


Extract from Socialism or Barbarism, CWO, UK, 1994. (I.N. - Canada) · In peace and in war, the bourgeoisie tries to get workers to identify with their ‘own’ country. For generations we have been told that we will all lose our jobs if we don’t work as hard as workers in other countries, precisely the same message that is given to workers everywhere.

The War in Preparation is an Imperialist War


Comrades! · The terrible attack in the USA which has resulted in the death of many thousands of unarmed victims, the majority of them workers who have all our class solidarity, is, by virtue of the place where it happened and by the powerful symbolic value of the targets hit, a further step towards a war of vast extent.

USA coalition declares war on the world


After the attack to the Usa sept. 2001 · The devastating suicide attacks on key symbols of US capitalism's financial and military might may have shaken the complacency of the most powerful state in the world but in no sense is it a victory for the exploited working class. Not only are ordinary wage workers amongst the thousands killed, but the assaults are being used to legitimise heightened state...


Davos, Quebec, Gothenburg, Genoa... this year has been one of 'anti-capitalist' protests. To judge by the response from state security forces it seems that governments see these protests as a massive threat. In fact the anti-capitalist or anti-globalisation movement is no more than a thorn in the side for the powers-that-be.

IBRP Statement

(Leaflet distributed at the G8 protests by comrades of Battaglia Comunista) · Comrades · Globalisation is a term dear to the bourgeoisie and its mass media but we'd prefer to call it what it really is - imperialism. By this we mean the present mode of existence of capitalism made up of the undisputed rule of finance capital on the one hand and the capacity to distribute throughout the entire...

Quebec Summit - A Gathering of Vampires

(Internationalist Notes' statement distributed at the protests during the Summit of the Americas. Translation from the original French version.) · Can there be a single person living in Canada who hasn't heard of the important summit to be held in Quebec City, from April 20th to the 22nd 2001? For months now, we have been witness to an unprecedented media barrage.


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