Learning from the German Revolution 1918-19

9 November is an auspicious date in the German historical calendar. The bourgeois press remind us that 70 years ago this was the anniversary of Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass) when synagogues were burned and 10,000 Jewish males were marched to Dachau. The first step on the road to genocide. Eighteen years ago it was the day that the GDR authorities announced the dismantling of the...

No Sacrifices for State and Nation: Do Away with Capitalism!

“For us now there is no minimum programme, no maximum programme; socialism is one and the same, that is the minimum we have to achieve today.” (Rosa Luxemburg, Foundation Congress of the Spartakusbund) · It was not so long ago that the free play of the market was commonly considered to be the non plus ultra of economic regulation.

Review: Publications from Left Communists in Turkey

Enternasyonalist Komunist Sol (1) is a group of Turkish Left Communists who have been in existence since 2005. The IBRP has had discussions with them in the past and published some of their material including an exchange of correspondence on imperialism. (2) The EKS have recently published two pamphlets in English, the first giving an historical account of the formation and subsequent defeat of...

Greece: From Anger to Resistance!


After the deadly police shots aimed at 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos, there have been a wave of uprisings across Greece. In almost all cities and every part of the country, the anger at the shots and the cynical attempts by the ruling class to hide the circumstances of Alexandros Grigoropoulos’ death has found an outlet in street battles with the police.

Alitalia Strike - Long Live the "Wildcat" Struggle of Alitalia Workers


"We want only the best human capital at the lowest possible cost." · So Sabelli, the Alitalia manager, succinctly but clearly expressed the firm’s point of view to a large union delegation a few days ago. The bosses have the unique merit of saying little but saying it clearly. The so-called representatives of the workers instead indulge in endless chatter on the company’s terms.

For a different school, for a different world


In every society divided into classes, as is the present society, the ruling class has always restricted the dominated and exploited the right to education and study. What they give is only provided because it corresponds to ruling class interests. · Only in the second half of the sixties, when the growth of big business and mass consumption became necessary, access to education was facilitated...

Against “Law 133”, to extend the struggle!


The academic world is in uproar. At last! - we say - after so many years of torpor despite the many reforms that have gradually increased the class character of that world. The protests in various forms are multiplying throughout the peninsula. While the government is trying to calm the situation, behind the facade it clearly sees the agitation for a situation that could get out of hand.

Lessons from Wall Street


State intervention won’t kick-start production but it will add to the production of fictitious capital - From Battaglia Comunista 10 - October 2008 · On 3 October 2008 the US legislature approved the $850 billion salvage plan thought up by Treasury Secretary Paulson. This plan is his way of dealing with the dramatic crisis which is bringing the entire world financial system to its knees.

A Social Tsunami is Breaking on the Schools


Education Minister Gelmini’s Lies · Perhaps it is really true that the only reality we are allowed to see is the false one put out by the television channels, as no-one is surprised any more if tacky television shows, where everything is scripted, are called “reality”. If this is so, why not go so far as to believe Minister Gelmini when he declares while announcing, just before the school year,...

Financial Meltdown


After more than a year of increasing “turmoil” throughout the world’s financial markets and banking systems the United States - that champion of the free market - has been obliged to resort to state intervention to avoid “financial meltdown”, i.e. a total collapse of the banks, financial institutions, the stock market and eventually a run on the dollar.

Workers' conditions and struggles


Brazil · The inflation gripping the country and constantly reducing wage levels is provoking a response from metal workers in different areas of the country. Inflation has risen in recent months and now runs over 6%. The workers of auto companies, well aware that the sector has been enlarged and how high profits have been in recent years, have taken to the streets to get real wage stability.

Workers' conditions and struggles


Turkey · The strikes over previous months involving workers of the Port of Istanbul have extended to the neighbouring naval dockyards of Tuzla. At those enterprises the struggle has also had the objective of putting an end to what is a real nightmare caused by unsustainable rhythms of work in conditions of total insecurity.


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