Hurricane Katrina Breaches Capitalism's Levées


(Statement of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party) · With the clinical sharpness of a laser beam Hurricane Katrina has opened up a whole series of issues about the nature of today's class society, the level of the economic crisis, the culpability of capitalism for ecological disaster, and also the fact that capitalist rule is neither as powerful nor as permanent as many believe.

In Tribute to Mauro Stefanini Jr.

We are publishing below a letter which the CWO sent to the Partito Comunista Internazionalista (Battaglia Comunista) in commemoration of their - and our - recently deceased comrade Mauro. We will be publishing the full details of the commemoration and correspondence celebrating his life and work for communism in the forthcoming edition of Communist Review.

Bombings War Oil - Editorial

The July bombings in London have brought the war in Iraq to the streets of Britain. They represent a moment in the savage struggle to control the oil resources of the Middle East. On the one hand the US demands that it controls these resources, on the other the local factions of the Arab capitalist class are demanding they control them and mounting their campaign of resistance.

Airline Workers Fight Against Bosses' Terror - Solidarity Strikes at Heathrow

During August, while the media's attention was focussed on the government's latest anti-terrorist measures, yet another outrageous attack occurred at the hub of Britain's air transport system. The culprit is a little-known outfit which calls itself Gate Gourmet. Gate Gourmet, a fanatical follower of capitalism's latest Profit at any Price movement, is a shadowy concern in the pay of much larger...

Terrorism and Class Politics - London bombings


We publish below the IBRP statement on the London bombings which was posted on our website soon after the atrocities took place. Since the statement was written, another attempt to bomb tubes and busses was made in which the bombs failed to explode. As in the case of the Madrid train bombings in March 2004, the amateur nature of the perpetrators has allowed the police to rapidly identify and...

Terrorist Bombings and Imperialist Wars - More workers pay for the crimes of capitalism

17th July 2005 - Statement of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party · The International Bureau condemns unreservedly the appalling bombings in London on July 7th in which 55 have died and hundreds more have been injured. Indiscriminate murder is the thin end of the genocidal wedge. These bombings are not even the misguided actions of the powerless in the hope of making a better...

The IRA "Stand-down" - Final Proof that "National Liberation Struggles" are Imperialist Proxy Wars


The murder of Robert McCartney by thugs belonging to the IRA, the military wing of Sinn Fein opened up a serious crisis for Sinn Fein and the IRA. Their first reaction was like any other bourgeois outfit to organise a cover-up and intimidate witnesses. However, it was one murder too many for the supposedly "nationalist" population in Northern Ireland.

Holocaust and Hiroshima - Imperialism and Mass Murder in the Twentieth Century


"Everything seemed to have melted and pressed the bodies away in front of us. Women and children were so charred as to be unrecognisable; those that had died through lack of oxygen were half-charred and recognisable. Their brains had tumbled from their burst temple and their insides from the soft part under the ribs. How terribly these people must have died.

History and Empire


(Image - The Nanking Massacre: it falls to the Chinese "Communist" Party to attribute the crimes of the Japanese bourgeoisie to the Japanese without distinction of class.) · "Who controls the past controls... the future: who controls the present controls the past." (George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four", 1949) · This year's sixtieth anniversary celebrations of the end of the Second World War...

Marx is Back


"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it." (Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, 1845, Thesis XI) · When Radio 4 recently held a poll to find the 'nation's favourite philosopher', the winner by a landslide was Karl Marx. This, despite a campaign by The Economist to get their readers to vote for David Hume, under the argument that although Marx...

The UK and Capitalism's New Economy - Part Two: The Value of Capitalist Services

(Image - Global economic activity - World Bank) · Introduction · In the first part of this article we noted that four out of five jobs in the UK are now officially classified as “services”. The UK is in the forefront of a tendency amongst the richest capitalist countries whereby “services” form an increasingly large part of GDP.

Uzbekistan - Another Episode of the New Great Game

(From Battaglia Comunista 6, June 2005) · The following text is translated from the paper of our sister organisation in Italy. The "Great Game" it refers to is the one played out by rival imperialist powers for more than two centuries in Central Asia. Today, in some ways, the stakes are higher as these states have added oil production to their strategic significance.


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