Michigan Protests: A Defeat Led by the Unions


In Michigan workers have seen another defeat. The bourgeoisie with its mechanisms of social control, the government and the labor unions were determined not to allow another situation of mass protests breaking out as occurred in Wisconsin. Even the prospect of a workers struggle going beyond the traditional established mechanisms of power is a threat to a bourgeoisie so long confident in their...

The Belfast Flag Riots: Nation or Class?


Anyone tuning in to Radio 4’s Today programme this week would have been surprised to hear someone speaking about “the working class” and about the uselessness of all “middle class parties” to represent them. But the first frisson of interest quickly died. The realisation that this was just some Ulster Protestant bigot defending the riots against the decision taken by Belfast City Council on...

Egypt: Caught Between Internal Tensions and International Manoeuvring


As predicted, the post-Mubarak period is presenting a series of both internal and international problems to the Egyptian bourgeoisie. The crisis which had already hit the Egyptian economy hard, has lately — following the events of Tahrir Square — become even worse. The Egyptian stock market has tumbled into the abyss.

Los Angeles and Long Beach Port Clerical Workers Strike


Workers show real solidarity while the unions' solidarity is with capitalism · The recent settlement of the port clerical workers strike in Los Angeles and Long Beach, California showed an impressive display of solidarity among port workers. While only 450 port clerical workers went on strike, some 10,000 port workers refused to cross their picket line shutting down 10 out of 12 port terminals in...

The Pathetic Path of Italian Politics


The government of technicians, presided over by the financier Monti, is about to fall because of the Party of the People of Liberty[1], and naturally, not for the widely canvassed one of “the good of the country”, behind which the interests of our bourgeoisie always hide, but on the basis of a narrow electoral calculation. · Once again Berlusca demonstrates that he is the craftiest of the crafty.

Another Crisis in the Middle East


The trial of strength between Hamas and Israel has ended, at least for now, with a “victory” for all. With elections coming up, Netanyahu has achieved an important result. He has shown that he is a hawk, a worthy successor to Sharon, the man of destiny for the Israeli people. In electoral terms he wanted to forcefully demonstrate that the security of the nation rests in his hands, through his...

Correspondence from Russia


The following is a translation from Italian of a letter our comrades received which we are happy to publish both for the information it contains and the lively analysis it makes. · Caught between a Europe in crisis and an East, which has now become the world's factory, Russia is taking steps to carve out its slice of the world imperialist cake.

Class Struggle Recognises no Borders: We Win Internationally or We Lose Patriotically


Redundancies, cuts in benefits, growing youth unemployment, insecure jobs, tax rises for the low paid as well as pension and welfare cuts for each and everyone. In the supposedly so "advanced" capitalist countries the solution to the crisis is the same everywhere. Many suspect that the worst is yet to come and even parts of the ruling class say it straight out.

What is the Alternative?


Leaflet given out by our Italian comrades at the "No Monti Day" demonstration · on 27 October in Rome. · The crisis is not over and is not just due to "bad debt" or "bad banks." This is a structural crisis that has been with us for decades. · Job insecurity, layoffs, benefit cuts, increasing youth unemployment, tax increases for employees and pensioners, cuts in pensions and the welfare state.

A New Political Voice in Greece


The following theses were written by a group of comrades in Greece. They are witness to the way in which the crisis is forcing internationalists everywhere to come together to politically confront the attacks of the capitalist state on the working class. Needless to say we find ourselves in profound agreement with these Theses which the comrades translated into English themselves and offer them...

The Class War Behind the Blacklist


The Class War Behind the Blacklist · These are difficult times for anyone who believes modern democratic capitalism isn't riddled with corruption. From the phone hacking scandals involving the press and the police in the Leveson Inquiry to the more recent revolting revelations about serial sex-abuser Sir Jimmy Savile and his paedophile activities over several decades, it seems there isn’t a state...

Unions and the Labour Movement: The Enemy Within


It’s now well over two years since George Osborne took up the axe that Labour left him and announced his “unavoidable budget” of £11bn of spending cuts and a public sector wage freeze. The TUC then waited until local councils (many dominated by Labour stalwarts) had voted in ‘unavoidable’ cuts before its ‘March for the Alternative’ in March last year which attracted 2-3 million people.


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