Turkey: The Trade Unions Are An Obstacle To All Workers' Struggles


In our last article we mentioned the strikes that sprang up in many sectors.(1) Workers in the Alpin Socks factory, BBC Turkey and Trendyol have already gained from their strikes; other strikes are still ongoing. We also hear interesting examples of solidarity in the written and audiovisual interviews of workers.

Trudeau and the "Freedom Convoy" Wrestle over the Means of Incompetence


The growing significance of the “Freedom Convoy” demands an analysis with respect to the position and outlook of the working class. On January 15th, the exemption from the vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the US-Canada border was suddenly lifted, thereby providing the catalyst for the so-called “Freedom Convoy”.

Italy: The Lions of Piacenza Have Been Caged


The FedEx workers’ struggle in Piacenza ended on 10 January. The "lions” – as the warehouse workers of Piacenza have been appropriately dubbed by SI Cobas(1) – have suffered yet another blow from the bosses thanks to the union rabbits (to stick to zoological metaphors) of SI Cobas, who might claim to be running a rank and file union but look damn like their big brothers in the traditional union...

Internationalists Fight Against the Movements Towards War of "Their" Governments with Class Struggle


Since the end of November, the bourgeois media has inundated us with an increasing load of articles and videos which denounce the supposed Russian threat to Ukraine and world peace. Every day the calls of the bourgeoisie to fight against “Russian aggression” become stronger, especially in the United States, where to suggest that the “international rules-based order”(1) is nothing more than an...

Against Conspiracy Theories, For a Working Class Response to the Pandemic!


The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly revealed the sleaze and corruption of the ruling classes. In the UK, the Tories have handed out PPE contracts worth billions of pounds to their mates, and repeatedly violated their own lockdown rules in a clear illustration of “one rule for them and another rule for us”. The pandemic has also served as an opportunity to beef up the powers of the state.

The Challenges of 2022

(Editorial for Revolutionary Perspectives 19 ( (Series 4).) · In the last issue of RP we were aware that some readers might be sceptical about the existence of a global capitalist economic crisis which has now endured for more than five decades. More generally, however, the FACT that humanity is facing multi-faceted ‘existential’ threats, not just from a capitalist-created pandemic which is far...

The Ruling Class Has No Solution to the Climate Crisis


The COP26 conference in Glasgow last November proved to be another predictable failure to address the climate crisis. The pledges to limit greenhouse gas emissions, in order to keep the temperature rise to no more than 1.5 degrees as explained within the proposed Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), are a complete fantasy.

Ukraine and Taiwan: Flashpoints in an Uncertain Imperialist World


Imperialism and the Pandemic · "Climate change is only one of many threats to our future. Life is already hell for millions trying to survive on low wages or no wages at all, who face both environmental degradation and wars over dwindling basic resources. Imperialist powers stoke these into devastating conflicts which force millions to become refugees, kicked from pillar to post, often dying in...

"Year of the Squeeze": The Working Class Pays for the Crisis


While the Tory government gets embroiled in another political crisis of its own making, life gets harder for the rest of us. The picture was already bleak in 2021, when in November inflation rose to 5.1%, its highest rate in a decade. The price of certain goods was already skyrocketing, most notably fuel. The average price of petrol soared by 29.5%, while the average gas bill rose by 12%.

Turkey: Workers are Trying to Find Their Own Voice All Over the World


As in the rest of the world, the deepening crisis of capitalism plus the pandemic continue to affect the working class in Turkey. In recent months out-of-control inflation has brought endless exorbitant price rises which have deepened the financial difficulties of the working class. With the pandemic came extremely high rent rises.

USA: Two Years of Strikes


The past two years in the US have seen an increase in the numbers of strikes. Like a drowned man bobbing on the bottom of a lake, the increase in strikes comes at a time of historically low strike numbers. Years of suppressed wages, combined with the fragmentation of the workforce and the relative decline of industry have created poor conditions for strike activity.

Italy: Capitalist Dilemma over Citizens' Income


... Or How to "Persuade" the Proletariat to Passively Submit · "In the same way that the workers must be protected against starving to death, so they should receive nothing that is worth saving ... Those who earn their living through daily labour have nothing to motivate them to work apart from their needs which it is wise to alleviate, but which would be folly to cure.


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