USA: Renewal of Workers' Initiative is Real


The working class stirs back into action the world over. In China, factory workers’ resist their confinement in dormitories by employers, while workers push back in France against pension reforms. More recently in the US, labor actions in the logistical, automotive, and media sectors of the economy all attest to a new phase of the class struggle.

Imperialist Hypocrisy in the East and West


As the death toll in Gaza grows, many of the victims children, the double standards of imperialist realpolitik are laid bare. For our ruling classes, some lives are worth more than others. It is economic, political and military alliances which decide what atrocities get talked about and where. You only need to compare the different voting blocs in the UN resolutions on some recent conflicts, or...

Radek's Theses on Imperialism (1915)


The wars that capitalism is now unleashing, and the ones yet to come, are a product of the imperialist epoch. Our understanding of what imperialism means is based on more than a century of experience and reflection. Much of that we owe to revolutionaries who came before us, and in that spirit we have translated the piece below, drafted in the midst of the First World War.

No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Tyne & Wear


(We publish here the founding statement of NWBCW Tyne & Wear ( You can follow their activities: @NWBCWTyne&Wear ( · RESIST THE GLOBAL MARCH TO SLAUGHTER · Across the world working class people are being slaughtered, from endless battles in Ukraine, to mass murder in Israel, to ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

The Tasks of Revolutionaries in the Face of Capitalism's Drive to War


The horrific massacres on both sides in the war between Israel and Hamas over recent days are just one more sign of what capitalism has in store for the rest of us. The poison of nationalism, a consequence of a class-divided society, is engulfing the workers of Israel and Palestine, whether or not they are signed up to support their own ruling classes; the overwhelmingly vast numbers of dead,...

Falsification of History and the Warsaw Ghetto


Imperialist conflict has a tendency to revive historical traumas. As the Israeli government and Hamas trade insults over who's the biggest "Nazi", internationalists need to be able to parse the propaganda. Reductio ad Hitlerum rarely, if ever, makes for a convincing argument. Quite often, it's a tool of political deception hiding behind a calculated appeal to emotions.

There Is No State Solution: Only Class War


On 7 October, southern Israel was invaded by Hamas forces in an astounding, and largely unexpected, coordinated attack with militants breaking through the Gaza border, whilst air strikes reached as far as Tel Aviv in central Israel. For many Gazans, this was their first time outside their open-air prison, tearing down border fences, and the Israeli military’s first time on the back foot in 50...

The Descent from Fantasy to Reality in the "Arab-Israeli Conflict"


That the situation is still in flux determines the following series of remarks, notes, assessments… · The aerial barrage is unleashed against the inhabitants of a Bantustan that is, on the one side, hemmed in by the sea, and on the other, by the sentries of the Jewish state. The press thrusts a microphone in front of a certain genus of mollusc, i.e.

The Latest Butchery in the Middle East is Part of the March to Generalised War


(Statement of the Internationalist Communist Tendency) · The unprecedented attack on Israel by Hamas is due to closely intertwined domestic and international motives: · 1. The removal of Abu Mazen's Palestinian National Authority (PNA), a corrupt and incompetent body which colludes with the Israeli state, and which is now highly discredited amongst the Palestinian population, giving Hamas...

Presentation and Reports from the Public Meetings in Paris and Saint-Nazaire


Paris Meeting (22 September 2023) · On Friday 22 September, the ICT held a public meeting in Paris with around 37 people in attendance. Among the attendees, the following political groups were noted: Robin Goodfellow, the International Group of the Communist Left (IGCL), the International Communist Current (ICC), and a member of the CNT-AIT.

Welcome to the Revolutionary Internationalist Group as French Affiliate of the Internationalist Communist Tendency


Birth of the Revolutionary Internationalist Group · Everyday we receive the confirmation of what we wrote in issue 22 of Bilan et Perspectives: the renewal of workers’ struggles.(1) In the past few years, the long retreat of over five decades, seems to be approaching its end. This is evident from: · mass movements all over the world which in certain countries appear almost insurrectional.

Against the Capitalist Crisis, For the Class War!


(As another example of the kind of activity that No War but the Class War committees are involved in, we reproduce here a translation of a flyer distributed by NWBCW Korea ( in response to the two-week nationwide general strike back in July that demanded the resignation of President Yoon Suk-Yeol.) · The Deepening Capitalist Crisis and the Declaration of "Class War" by the Yoon Suk-Yeol...


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