Piketty, Marx and Capitalism’s Dynamics


Introduction · The book “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” by Thomas Piketty (TP) caused quite a stir in the world of bourgeois economics when it was translated into English last year. It won the Financial Times business book of 2014, has become a best seller and made the author a millionaire. The book contains a wealth of empirical material which TP has painstakingly culled and analysed from...

1915 to 2015 - A Century of Genocide


We go to press around the twentieth anniversary of the massacres of 8,000 Bosniak males by the Bosnian Serb army of the Serb Republic under Ratko Mladic in 1995. Mladic has since been condemned at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. The EU and US have now classed the massacre as “genocide” (but an attempt to have the UN pass a resolution on this was vetoed by Russia at the request of...

On the Supposed International Economic Recovery


There is a lot of talk about the global recovery. In fact the figures suggest only a small rise in just a few sectors of production, while the rest of the economy is still trapped in the dead end of speculation. Meanwhile, world capitalism is taking a series of steps to solve the crisis ranging from quantitative easing to negative interest rates.

Of Migrants and Mariners: What’s Really Going On in Calais?


The Ferryworkers’ Strike · We wonder if the strike of 600 ferry workers in Calais would have been reported at all if it were not for the impact it has had on the UK economy and those of its citizens taking their cars to the continent for a holiday? From the perspectives of those quaint and loveable humanitarians – Daily Mail, Express etc.

Telefónica Strikes in Spain

Reflections on the Class War in the Twenty-first Century · On March 28 this year the technicians and installers of multinational mobile phone company Movistar went on indefinite strike. Whatever its outcome the strike has turned out to be one of the most significant of recent times. This article outlines the nature of the struggle and reflects on what it shows for the future of the global working...

Greece and the World: Austerity and Capitalist Crisis Go On


The article which follows is the editorial to Revolutionary Perspectives 06 which all subscribers should now have received. Besides a brief comment on the topical issue of Greece it also introduces the other themes of the journal. We will be publishing these over the next few weeks but if anyone cannot wait or would prefer a proper printed copy they can email the contact address uk@leftcom.

Greece - Notes Following the July 5 Referendum


For all those who felt it was tactically correct to call for a NO vote in the Greek referendum. · The referendum trap was sprung twice. · The first, when the national-reformist Tsipras inevitably found he could not carry out his election promises. Faced with the ferocious demands of the Troika (before the debt can be paid, you have to make the necessary reforms such as increase VAT, reform tax...

Osborne’s Smoke and Mirrors Budget


"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean ­– neither more nor less. "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master – that's all.

Greece - Solidarity with the Workers not the Capitalist Government!


The Referendum - A Moment of Capitalist Trickery · On 5th July the leftist Syriza Government ran a referendum which was trumpeted throughout the world media as a chance to decide the future path of austerity in Greece. Despite the most strident campaign by the media and the political apparatus it is true that 37.

The Great Myth of Magna Carta


All societies have their creation myths, Adam and Eve, Romulus and Remus and many others. But these myths are not limited to the ancient world, and capitalist society has its share of myth and mystification that are intended to legitimise the class rule of the bourgeoisie. For the Anglo-Saxon world and even beyond, Magna Carta serves this role; 800 years old last month we are told that it is the...

On the Greek Referendum


On the Greek Referendum · Today is the referendum called by the Syriza Government in Greece. There will be demonstrations in support of a NO vote in many places including the UK. Many of the demonstrators are under the illusion that a NO vote “will be the start of the fightback against austerity” everywhere. In this brief position document the ICT reject this.


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