Egypt’s Workers’ Ongoing Struggle


Strikes 2013-14 · In September 2012 we wrote · “The “new” Egyptian state, no less than the previous one is part of a crisis-ridden global capitalism. No amount of new institutions or set-ups can alter the increasingly desperate situation of the working class.” · The Egyptian working class are finding out the bitter truth of those words.

The Historical and Transitory Character of Wage Labour


(Translated from the BC original from the Italian section of the site) · Why are we dedicating an article solely to "wage-labour"? We do so because the capitalist system in its entirety relies upon it, because its existence is a presupposed and necessary condition for capitalism’s operational functioning and its continuous reproduction.

Capitalism kills; kill capitalism!


If there is any hope for humanity it must come through a realisation on a mass scale that the economic foundation of society based on exploitation of wage labour has no part to play in the future. As we plunge deeper and deeper into social breakdown, its essential features involving imperialist confrontation, economic polarisation, environmental devastation and the inability of all existing...

Class Consciousness and Revolutionary Organisation - A Reply to the Commune

Some months ago The Commune published on its website a short review of our pamphlet “Class Consciousness and Revolutionary Organisation”.[1] We welcome such reviews, however critical. There are too few real debates and discussions amongst revolutionaries today and we would like to see and participate in more.

The Problem of Nationalism and the GKM (Group of Communist Maximalists), Russia/Ukraine


(Internationalist Communist Tendency (ICT) Statement) · At the end of November 2012 we received a document in English with the title "Platform of the Group of Communist Maximalists“. The text was largely orientated within the political framework of the internationalist communist left. But only "largely“.

Remembering the First World War: Ruling Class Battle for Hearts and Minds


“… no other war is possible any longer except a world war, and indeed a world war of an extensiveness and fierceness undreamt of up to now. Eight to ten million soldiers will be at each others’ throats and thereby strip all Europe bare as no swarm of locusts has ever done. [Engels 1887] · We live in reactionary times.

30 Years On: The Miners' Last Great Strike Today


This is a painful anniversary for the working class. In February 1984 miners at Manvers Colliery walked out over pit closures which had been looming since Ian Macgregor had been appointed Chairman of the National Coal Board a year earlier. They were joined a few days later by men at Cortonwood and Bulcliffe Wood collieries after pithead ballots. It sparked off a strike.

Venezuela: Recent Events Since the Death of Chavez and the Election of Maduro


Venezuela, one of the emerging capitalist countries, is economically and politically on the brink. The Government is in trouble, all the ministers have resigned and the opposition is becoming more entrenched across the country. For bourgeois analysts everything is the result of the "madness" of the socialist Maduro for continuing with the policies of the previous president Chavez, who died in...

Climate Change: The Alternative is Social Collapse or Socialism


Towards the end of 2013 the spectre of ecological catastrophe, which now threatens humanity, again raised its head. Since the start of the 2007/2008 crisis our rulers have managed to largely ignore the questions of global warming and ecological degradation of the planet. This is because other issues dominated the headlines and, in any case, they consider it too costly to deal with (1).

Bosnian Revolt: Nationalism, "Democracy" and Class


It may not last long but there is something positive about the struggles that began in Bosnia last week. The original issue was over the privatisation of 5 factories in the Tuzla Canton. These were Dita, Polihem, Poliolhem, GUMARA and Konjuh. Privatisation in the past have been followed by shutdowns. Not unusual in ex-Yugoslavia the factor that sparked things off was the vicious response of the...

Bashing the Poor


On 3rd March 1985, the miners were formally defeated. On May 11th 1985 a smallish demonstration of 500 or so mostly young (but at least one South Yorkshire miner) marched behind the banner of ‘’Behold Your Future Executioners’’ through swanky Kensington. Fast forward through years of Tory and Labour administration, the result of the defeat of the miners and other workers struggles fought in...

Their "Plan for our Recovery": Over Our Dead Bodies


The Government say things are getting better. They say jobs are being created. They say wages and prices are stabilising, whatever that means. They say the housing market is breathing again so that’s alright. So why does the Chancellor tell us that we need to have £25 billion more in cuts to the welfare budget? And why does the Labour opposition agree that more welfare cuts are needed? For us...


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