The Munich Forum and the March to World War


The march to world war continues, but people are in denial or under the illusion that they can go on living normally. On the other hand, the bourgeoisie are stimulated, discussing among themselves, and not informing us about the horror they are preparing! · Representatives of more than 100 countries gathered in Bavaria on February 16, 2024, for the 60th Munich Security Conference (MSC, or in...

CWO Public Meetings on Internationalism: A Balance Sheet


Between the months of January and March 2024, CWO comrades held three public meetings (in Manchester, London and Birmingham) and gave presentations at two other events (an NWBCW Liverpool public meeting and the Sheffield Radical Bookfair). In recognition of the seriousness of the world situation, the topic of discussion at each of these meetings was centred around the drive to war, the meaning of...

Argentina: From Populist Offensive to Renewal of Workers’ Struggles?


(Translation of a contribution from a French sympathizer of the ICT) · Health, education, transport, civil service: since the election of the "anarcho-capitalist"(1) Javier Milei in November 2023, Argentina has seen strikes on an unprecedented scale in all principal economic sectors. On January 24, 2024, there was even a general strike and extremely well-attended demonstrations in Buenos Aires to...

The Big Three and the False Union Perspective


(We share here our translation into English of a stellar article by the comrades of Barbaria ( a group based in Spain. This article goes over last fall’s strike in the “Big Three” auto-manufacturing giants in the US: General Motors, Stellantis, and Ford. While examining this strike involving nearly 50,000 workers, the comrades from Barbaria cover how it comes in the context of capitalism’s...

Forty Years Since the Outbreak of the UK Miners' Strike: A Defining Moment in the Capitalist Assault on the Working Class


(A comment from a CWO sympathiser based in South Yorkshire, near where the 1984–85 miners' strike started.) · In his first volume of Capital, Karl Marx wrote that capitalism “comes into the world dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and gore”. Child labour, slavery and slums, this all enabled the owners of capital to bring in unheard of profits.

Against Pacifism, For Revolutionary Defeatism!


"Only a bourgeois who believes that a war started by the governments must necessarily end as a war between governments and wants it to end as such, can regard as “ridiculous” and “absurd” the idea that the Socialists of all the belligerent countries should wish for the defeat of all “their” governments and express this wish.

International Working Women's Day: A Day of Struggle Against Exploitation, Chauvinism and War


"The 1917 Working Women's Day has become memorable in history. On this day the Russian women raised the torch of proletarian revolution and set the world on fire. The February revolution marks its beginning from this day." (Kollontai) · Working Women’s Day, March 8th, is rooted in the struggle of the working class.

No Fees, No Squeeze!


Capitalism is on a downward spiral of economic and political turmoil. Since corona, capitalists have ensured that their profits will be regained through whatever means necessary and have unfurled their assault on the working class. Here in Montreal, we have already been met with two bitter stings: the cost of living crisis and the housing crisis.

Yes, Fight and Strike Against War: But Against All Capitalist Factions!


(Leaflet distributed by the PCInt, in Italian and English, during the recent protests and strikes about the situation in Palestine.) · The slaughter underway in the Middle East is another episode in the new phase of armed confrontation between opposing imperialisms which began with the war in Ukraine. On the one hand stands NATO-USA-Europe, on the other Russia-China-Iran.

Anti-Black Racism: An Insidious Poison Against the Class Struggle


As the central obstacle to the unity of workers in the USA, racism is no new invention of capitalism. It is as old as slavery, and therefore predates even the current configuration of the exploitation of labor by capital in North America. · The kind of racism Americans are accustomed to has its roots in the beginnings of the cultivation of Virginia tobacco and the early period of the...

The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution


The last decade was marked by an international wave of mass protests – according to some studies, the largest the world has ever seen.(1) In some countries governments came tumbling down, in others repression put an end to any dissent, while elsewhere the movement simply petered out. But nowhere did the protesters get exactly what they wanted (difficult as that is to ascertain considering the...

Turkey: Massacre of Mine Workers in Erzincan


As the crisis of capitalism deepens and the world drifts towards another war, more dangerous and brutal working conditions are making massacres of workers in the workplace commonplace. · In Erzincan, nine workers were buried under cyanide-laced soil in a landslide that occurred as a result of the stacking and clustering of mined soil in a mine.


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