The Two-Dimensional State: Globalisation of the Economy and the State


Every transition from one stage to another of capitalist society is marked by a throng of intellectuals who are so taken by the “new advance” that they lose even a minimal ability to distinguish the real process from their own personal expectations. Thus it was with the passage from competitive to monopoly capitalism at the turn of the century.

The Monster is Capitalism

(From Battaglia comunista n.10 October 1996) · Introduction · In the autumn of last year the French press (from the right wing Le Figaro through to the social democratic Rouge ran a series of articles which tried to maintain the lie that the Communist Left had joined in the denial of the Nazi Holocaust.

Italian Imperialism and the Crisis in Albania


Introduction · The following article is from the April issue of Battaglia Comunista, journal of the Italian affiliate of the International Bureau. It is an analysis of the role of Italian imperialism in Albania. (A country the Italian ruling class have historically seen as within their legitimate sphere of interest, having twice "intervened" there this century already.

The Political Roots of the ICC's Organisational Malaise

Regular readers of the English language press of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party will be aware that we have recently had to deal with the consequences of an organisational crisis in the International Communist Current. This crisis stems from the expulsion of a former leading member of the French section of the ICC (Revolution Internationale) followed by the resignations of...

Bosnia: The Imperialist Peace Sows the Seeds of Future Wars

Despite the intense rivalry between the USSR and the USA lasted so long because neither side had emerged fundamentally aggrieved from the Second World War. The USA had emerged as far and away the strongest military and economic power in the world. Untouched by the ravages of war the post-war boom was simply “business as usual” for the citizens of the “the arsenal of democracy”.

Reflections on the French Strikes

There was a spell last December when news bulletins contained almost daily reports of strikes in France. Nowadays when the media allow us to hear about such a thing as a strike before it is over and done with you know there must be something fairly substantial going on. In this case there was such a widespread outburst of class struggle that capitalism's propaganda merchants couldn't afford to...

Capitals Against Capitalism

The belief that the collapse of the USSR also means the collapse of marxism has set off a wave of neo-liberal euphoria. Nowadays all economic change is presented as a sign that the law of the market prevails over monopoly, whether in state or private form. This belief is now so widespread that there isn't a question answered without the magic word “liberalisation”.

1926, Last Fight in the Communist International

The Communist Left in the Third International – Bordiga at the 6th Enlarged Executive Meeting of the Communist International · "Since the Russian Revolution is the first great stage of the world revolution it is also our revolution, Its problems are our problems, and every militant in the revolutionary International has not only the right, but also the duty, to collaborate in their solution.

Hobsbawm's Age of Extremes


The Extremes of Age or how Stalinists effortlessly become Democrats - A review article on The Age of Extremes The Short Twentieth Century 1914-91 by Eric Hobsbawm (Michael Joseph 1994) · A comrade asked why we were reviewing this book in ICR. It is a fair question. After all, Hobsbawm was one of the stalwarts of the British Communist Party who metamorphosed along with “the movement” first into a...

The Real Issue about Arms for Iraq


(Editorial) · The Scott Report has turned out to be a disappointment to all those who thought that it would reveal anything important about Government lies. But what did they really expect? Did they seriously think that the state would appoint an inquiry that actually told the truth? Sir Richard Scott may like cycling but his main task was to peddle the idea that, despite the odd bad character,...

IRA Bombings and British Government Manoeuvres: Gangsters Against the Working Class


Commenting on the IRA ceasefire in the Workers Voice 74 we wrote that all the major capitalist and imperialist interests were united in wanting a “peaceful solution” to the Irish conflict. We argued that the reason an agreement was only signed at this point in history was because · "...both the IRA and the British state have had their heads knocked together by the US since it is now in the US’...

Job Seekers Allowance: Turning the Screws on the Unemployed... and Employed


The US stock market fell dramatically at the beginning of March. The reason? More workers had found jobs than the speculators expected. Cuts in interest rates would be postponed and they would not make such heavy profits. This trading in human misery isn’t just the prerogative of the stock markets. As long term unemployment continues the state, throughout the West, is desperate to stigmatise the...


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