"If we can show them, we're capable of anything": The 1972 Québec General Strike in Retrospect


(Article from 1919 #3 ( the journal of the North American affiliates of the ICT.) · The growing militancy of the North American working class, marked by the uptick in strikes last fall, in facing its deteriorating conditions post-2008 financial crisis and its sharpening with the Covid-19 pandemic demands a serious examination of past revolts against the domination of workers by the wage system and...



(Editorial from 1919 #3 ( the journal of the North American affiliates of the ICT.) · Since we started working on Issue 3 ( the friction inside the world imperialist system has begun to generate tremendous sparks. We found ourselves playing catch up in part because world events happen so quickly, and because of the difficulties faced by part-time contributors/full-time workers, who must continue...

The Social Tensions in Sri Lanka


Sri Lanka, like Iran(1) at the end of 2021 and Kazakhstan(2) at the beginning of 2022, is facing extremely significant social and class tensions. The exploited class face problems such as a high cost of living and expensive fuel, under a political system of widespread corruption and nepotism. · The cause of the protests is directly attributable to the increase in the cost of basic necessities and...

SCOTUS Attacks Working Class Women: Only a Struggle by our Class can Secure Reproductive Freedom for Women!


(Leaflet distributed by the IWG and sympathisers during protests in response to the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.) · The overturning of Roe v Wade is the latest assault in the capitalist class’ war on the reproductive freedom of working women. It comes now because of capitalism’s crisis and the global march to war, where the US capitalist class increasingly sees women...

About "Anarchists" who Forget the Principles


(We reproduce the following article in solidarity with KRAS, section of the anarcho-syndicalist IWA in Russia. From the beginning of the war in Ukraine members of KRAS have consistently defended the internationalist position, denouncing all sides in the conflict and calling on workers to resist it (see: For this, they are now being accused by those anarchists who have taken the side of the...

Workers Have No Homeland: Internationalist Solidarity with Migrant Workers


(Leaflet distributed by NWBCW Turkey.) · Migrants forced to migrate due to war, used as cheap labor and subjected to racist attacks. On the one hand, migrants are exploited by working for low wages and in unsafe conditions, and on the other, they are targeted by taking advantage of their vulnerabilities.

Portugal: The "Socialists" Got a Majority but the Capitalists Won the Elections!


Portugal held elections on January 30th. The result was a surprise, despite the rivalry between Antonio Costa (Socialist Party) and Rui Rio (Social Democratic Party) presented by the media, the Socialist Party won with an absolute majority, getting 120 parliamentary seats. · In addition, the left lost several seats, with the Bloco de Esquerda (Left Bloc) reduced to 5 and the Portuguese Communist...

The Ambivalence in Russian-Chinese "Friendship"


The war in Ukraine has clarified the international process of realignment or repositioning of all countries along the fault line that divides the two blocs: the US and NATO on the one hand, and Russia and its allies on the other. In this context, it is legitimate to ask whether the progressive rapprochement between China and Russia, which we have witnessed in recent years, is destined to become a...

Ukraine War - A Pivot to World War


The war in Ukraine is the most serious European conflict since the Second World War and marks a tipping point towards world war. The real basis of this barbaric war is that it is an imperialist war for strategic position between the US and Russia. What makes this war more serious is that one of the major military powers is directly involved and it is in the heart of Europe.

The Cost-of-Living Crisis - They Party, We Pay!


Our real wages and pensions are currently undergoing a precipitous fall. They are being devoured on one side by low wage growth, and on the other, by high price rises. Add to this household energy bills doubling, petrol prices skyrocketing, and increased mortgage costs. All these and more make up the ‘cost-of-living crisis’, which the government’s Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has warned...

A Century of Internationalism


(The following document is based on a presentation from an internal online education event aimed at sympathisers of the CWO which took place back in March 2021.) · At the last meeting it was suggested that we discuss the Italian Left and the differences between us and other tendencies. The Italian Left can be a misleading term nowadays.

No War but the Class War Meeting in Glasgow


The document below is based on the introduction to the meeting the CWO held in the Red and Black Clydeside Bookfair on 7 May 2022. It was an inaugural event in Glasgow and though in a very central location on Sauchiehall St, the numbers in attendance were not great. The CWO was the only organisation which was holding a meeting on the current war but it was timed to coincide with the ACG (one of...


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